This is the folder of all tests for FreeNAS REST API testing.
Python 3.6
pkg install python36 py36-pytest py36-requests
pkg install py36-ipython
All the test suite is run from the usage of is as follow:
freenas/tests/api% ./
Usage for ./
Mandatory option
--ip <###.###.###.###> - IP of the FreeNAS
--password <root password> - Password of the FreeNAS root user
--interface <interface> - The interface that FreeNAS is run one
Optional option
--test <test name> - Test name (Network, ALL)
--api <version number> - API version number (1.0, 2.0)
The default command API test default to API v1.0:
./ --ip --interface em0 --password testing
Command to run REST API v2.0 test:
./ --ip --interface em0 --password testing --api 2.0
Command to run a specific REST API v1.0 or v2.0 test:
./ --ip --interface em0 --password testing --api 1.0 --test network
Once is run, it did generate all configuration, and running IPython can be run to debug REST API or just to run manual REST API.
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In [1]: from functions import GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
In [2]: GET("/bootenv/").json()
[{'realname': 'default',
'name': 'default',
'active': 'NR',
'mountpoint': '/',
'space': '883.8M',
'created': {'$date': 1536319800000},
'keep': None,
'rawspace': '926877696',
'id': 'default'},
{'realname': 'Initial-Install',
'name': 'Initial-Install',
'active': '-',
'mountpoint': '-',
'space': '1.8M',
'created': {'$date': 1536319980000},
'keep': None,
'rawspace': '1024',
'id': 'Initial-Install'}]
In [3]: payload = {"name": "bootenv1", "source": "default"}
In [4]: results = POST("/bootenv/", payload)
In [5]: results
Out[5]: <Response [200]>
In [6]: results.json()
Out[6]: 'bootenv1'
In [7]: results.text
Out[7]: '"bootenv1"'
In [8]: results.status_code
Out[8]: 200
In [9]:
REST API test code should be written with flake8 standard. All code lines should be under 80 character per line.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import sys
import os
from time import sleep
apifolder = os.getcwd()
from functions import POST, DELETE, GET, PUT
def test_01_creating_a_new_boot_environment():
payload = {"name": "bootenv01", "source": "default"}
results = POST("/bootenv/", payload)
assert results.status_code == 200, results.text
def test_02_look_new_bootenv_is_created():
assert len(GET('/bootenv?name=bootenv01').json()) == 1
def test_03_activate_bootenv01():
payload = None
results = POST("/bootenv/id/bootenv01/activate/", payload)
assert results.status_code == 200, results.text
# Update tests
def test_04_cloning_a_new_boot_environment():
payload = {"name": "bootenv02", "source": "bootenv01"}
results = POST("/bootenv/", payload)
assert results.status_code == 200, results.text