Peatio is a free and open-source crypto currency exchange implementation with the Rails framework and other cutting-edge technology.
Our mission is to build the world best open-source crypto currency exchange with a high performance trading engine and safety which can be trusted and enjoyed by users. Additionally we want to move the crypto currency exchange technology forward by providing support and add new features. We are helping people to build easy their own exchange around the world.
Help is greatly appreciated, feel free to submit pull-requests or open issues.
Peatio makes it easier, but running a exchange is still harder than a blog, which you can download the source code and following the guide or even a cool installer and boom!!! a fancy site is there to profit. We always prioritize security and speed higher than 1-click setup. We split Peatio to many components (processes) so it's flexible to deploy and scalable.
You must know what you're doing, there's no shortcut. We highly recommend you get prepared before continue:
- Rails knowledge
- Security sense
- Basic knowledge on system administration
- Designed as high performance crypto currency exchange.
- Built-in high performance matching-engine.
- Built-in Proof of Solvency Audit.
- Built-in ticket system for customer support.
- Usability and scalibility.
- Websocket API and high frequency trading support.
- Support multiple digital currencies (eg. Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin etc.).
- Easy customization of payment processing for both fiat and digital currencies.
- SMS and Google Two-Factor authenticaton.
- KYC Verification.
- Powerful admin dashboard and management tools.
- Highly configurable and extendable.
- Industry standard security out of box.
- Active community behind.
- Free and open-source.
- Created and maintained by Peatio open-source group.
- Yunbi Exchange - A crypto-currency exchange funded by BitFundPE
- One World Coin
- Bitspark - Bitcoin Exchange in Hong Kong
- - Australian Cryptocurrency Exchange
- (Launch soon) - New Zealand Cryptocurrency Exchange
- Boilr - Cryptocurrency and bullion price alarms for Android
- Linux / Mac OSX
- Ruby 2.1.0
- Rails 4.0+
- Git 1.7.10+
- Redis 2.0+
- RabbitMQ
** More details are in the doc.
You can interact with Peatio through API:
- API v2
- Websocket API
- peatio-client-ruby is the official ruby client of both HTTP/Websocket API.
- peatio-client-python is a python client written by JohnnyZhao.
- peatioJavaClient is a java client written by classic1999.
- yunbi-client-php is a php client written by panlilu.
Peatio front-end based Bootstrap 3.0 version and Sass, and you can custom exchange style for your mind.
- change bootstrap default variables in
- change peatio custom default variables in
- add your custom variables in
- add your custom css style in
- add or change features style in `features/_xyz.css.scss'
can overwrite vars/_basic.css.scss
defined variables
can overwrite layout/_basic.css.scss
and layoputs/_header.css.scss
Want to report a bug, request a feature, contribute or translate Peatio?
- Browse our issues, comment on proposals, report bugs.
- Clone the peatio repo, make some changes according to our development guidelines and issue a pull-request with your changes.
- If you want to contact us, drop an email to [email protected]
Peatio is released under the terms of the MIT license. See for more information.
Every satoshi of your kind donation goes into the ongoing work of making Peatio more awesome.
peatio-opensource-donate address 1HjfnJpQmANtuW7yr1ggeDfyfe1kDK7rm3
Peatio (Chinese: 貔貅) is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature considered to be a very powerful protector to practitioners of Feng Shui.
[This illustration copyright for Peatio Team]