LegacySecurityGroup.com - Exploit.Agency
- Exploit.Agency
- www.legacysecuritygroup.com
- @exploit_agency
rfcat-rolljam Public
rfcat-rolljam is a python script to easily "jam", capture, and replay rolling code signals using two yard stick one devices and rfcat.
ESPloitV2 Public
WiFi Keystroke Injection Tool designed for an Atmega 32u4/ESP8266 Paired via Serial (Cactus WHID Firmware). Also features Serial, HTTP, and PASV FTP exfiltration methods and an integrated Credentia…
ESP-USB-Tool Public
Open Source Hardware using an ESP-12 with CNLohr's USB implementation.
RFID-Field-Detector Public
Open source PCB the size of a credit card that is capable of detecting the field generated by a RFID reader and identify if it is a LF(125kHz) or HF/NFC(13.56MHz) reader.
ESP-RFID-Thief Public
!!! Deprecated, see www.rfid-tool.com instead !!! The ESP-RFID-Thief is a port of the Tastic RFID Thief to the ESP12S chip with the addition of a web interface and various new features. Repository …
esptool Public
Forked from AprilBrother/esptoolESP8266 ROM Bootloader utility
Duckuino Public
Forked from Dukweeno/DuckuinoModified version of Duckuino to convert Ducky Script for use with Devices running ESPloit(Cactus WHID)
esp8266FTPServer Public
Forked from apullin/esp8266FTPServerSimple PASV FTP Server for using esp8266 SPIFFs
PCB-Business-Card Public
My open source 'business card" is an ATtiny85 development board utilizing a credit card form factor to easily fit into a wallet. It types out my contact info when a capacitive touch sensor is activ…
metasploit-framework Public
Forked from rapid7/metasploit-frameworkMetasploit Framework
github-ESPloit Public
!!! Deprecated See ESPloitV2 !!! Original PoC(Released: Sep 11, 2016) - WiFi controlled keystroke injection Using ESP8266 and 32u4 based Arduino HID Keyboard Emulator
hid1000-bruteforce Public
Forked from federicodotta/proxmark3Proxmark 3 - HID Corporate 1000 bruteforce 35 bit cards
scallion Public
Forked from lachesis/scallionGPU-based Onion Hash generator
github-ESP_RFID_Thief Public
!!! Deprecated See ESP-RFID-Thief !!! Original PoC(Released: Sep 11, 2016) - This is a port/remix of the Tastic RFID Thief to the Adafruit Feather Huzzah. It adds WiFi capability and on board loggi…
github-rfpwnon Public
Brute force/de Bruijn script for triggering an ook rf device with a rfcat dongle.
proxbrute Public
Forked from brad-anton/proxbruteModified proxmark3 firmware to perform brute forcing of 26-Bit ProxCards