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Scalable WebRTC peer-to-peer broadcasting demo.

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This module simply initializes and configures it in a way that single broadcast can be relayed over unlimited users without any bandwidth/CPU usage issues. Everything happens peer-to-peer!

npm install webrtc-scalable-broadcast

node .\node_modules\webrtc-scalable-broadcast\server.js

And now open: http://localhost:8888.

How it works?

This demo runs top over RTCMultiConnection.js. Though, you can use it in any other WebRTC Experiment.

It following technique mentioned here:

WebRTC Scalable Broadcast

Assuming peers 1-to-10:

First Peer:

Peer1 is the only peer that invokes getUserMedia. Rest of the peers will simply forward/relay remote stream.

peer1 captures user-media
peer1 starts the room

Second Peer:

peer2 joins the room
peer2 gets remote stream from peer1
peer2 opens a "parallel" broadcasting peer named as "peer2-broadcaster"

Third Peer:

peer3 joins the room
peer3 gets remote stream from peer2
peer3 opens a "parallel" broadcasting peer named as "peer3-broadcaster"

Fourth Peer:

peer4 joins the room
peer4 gets remote stream from peer3
peer4 opens a "parallel" broadcasting peer named as "peer4-broadcaster"

Fifth Peer:

peer5 joins the room
peer5 gets remote stream from peer4
peer5 opens a "parallel" broadcasting peer named as "peer5-broadcaster"

and 10th peer:

peer10 joins the room
peer10 gets remote stream from peer9
peer10 opens a "parallel" broadcasting peer named as "peer10-broadcaster"


  1. Peer9 gets remote stream from peer8
  2. Peer15 gets remote stream from peer14
  3. Peer50 gets remote stream from peer49

and so on.


This demo works only with screen and video-only streams. It doesn't works with audio.

Because currently remote audio processing or forwarding isn't supported in chrome.

This demo works only in Chrome; no Firefox support yet. Because Firefox isn't supporting non-APM sources for peer-streaming.


Scalable WebRTC Broadcasting Demo is released under MIT licence . Copyright (c) Muaz Khan.