WebRTC One-to-One video sharing using Socket.io / Demo
It supports any socket.io signaling gateway. Socket.io over Node.js is preferred. You can customize socket.io events too.
First of all; link following library:
var offerer = new PeerConnection('http://domain:port', 'message', 'offerer');
offerer.onStreamAdded = function(e) {
var answerer = new PeerConnection('http://domain:port', 'message', 'answerer');
answerer.onStreamAdded = function(e) {
Constructor takes three arguments. Last two are optional.
var peer = new PeerConnection('socket-url', 'socket-event', 'user-id');
// you can write like this:
var peer = new PeerConnection('socket-url');
- socket-url: it is mandatory
- socket-event: default event is "message"
- user-id: by default, it is auto generated
There are two ways to connect peers:
- The easiest method of "manual" peers connection is call "sendParticipationRequest" and pass user-id of the target user.
- otherwise, call "startBroadcasting" (behind the scene) this function will be invoked recursively until a participant found.
// or
By default peers are auto-connected; however, you can override this behavior and be alerted if a user transmitted himself using "startBroadcasting":
// "onUserFound" allows you connect multiple peers i.e. one-to-many
peer.onUserFound = function(userid) {
You can access local or remote media streams using "onStreamAdded":
offerer.onStreamAdded = function(e) {
// e.mediaElement --- HTMLVideoElement
// e.stream --- MediaStream
// e.type --- "local" or "remote"
You may want to remove HTML video elements if a peers leaves:
offerer.onStreamEnded = function(e) {
// e.mediaElement --- HTMLVideoElement
// e.stream --- MediaStream
// e.type --- "local" or "remote"
You can override user-id any time:
peer.userid = '123';
setTimeout(function() {
peer.userid = '890
}, 5000);
You can manually leave/close the room:
You can access target user's id too:
console.log('target user-id is', peer.participant);
You may want to be alerted for each participantion request; and manually allow/reject them:
peer.onParticipationRequest = function(userid) {
- override "onParticipationRequest" to prevent auto-accept of requests
- use "acceptRequest" method to manually allow requests
You may want to list number of users connected with you:
var numberOfUsers = 0;
for(var user in peer.peers) {
console.log(user, 'is connected with you.');
console.log('total users connected with you:', numberOfUsers);
You can access media stream like this:
console.log('local media stream:', peer.MediaStream);
// you can stop media strema too:
// however, instead of "stopping" media-stream manually
// you "close" method instead:
This PeerConnection.js supports following web-browsers:
Browser | Support |
Firefox | Stable / Aurora / Nightly |
Google Chrome | Stable / Canary / Beta / Dev |
Android | Chrome Beta |
PeerConnection.js is released under MIT licence . Copyright (c) 2013 Muaz Khan.