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collection of my favorite bar plots found in the web or developed by me

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My Tikz Bars
Alfonso R. Reyes
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  • Output files like .png and .pdf are now being stored in ./out
  • The README.Rmd document now allows to customize variables for the folders
  • The Hugo website through the _build_site.R script also allow some customization
  • The source folder with TikZ files are now only saved in src. Only tex files
  • The template file template.Rmd includes now special identifiers so it can be updated with user custom settings that child.Rmd uses to retrieve all graphics and code for each of the examples
  • The Makefile has been optimized to avoid code repetition
  • All data files for the TikZ examples now live under src/data


This is a repository of the best TikZ examples I have found around the web and from papers, slides, tutorials, and books. Most of the examples are simple enough to encourage anyone to start learning TikZ. By having the result (graphic) on a web page, and be able to click on it to see the code, it rapidly helps to make the connection between code and output. I find this idea fantastic.

TikZ is ideal for any kind of publications either websites, blogs, papers, articles, slides, or books because they are portable and reproducible. TikZ files are text not binaries. They don't require mouse and clicks but writing code to connect objects and elements. These object can be very simple or as sophisticated as you want. TikZ graphics can be built under any LaTex environment for any operating system: Windows, Linux or Mac OS.

There are hundreds of libraries for TikZ in all scientific fields. That makes it easier to build advanced graphics for practically any domain or discipline because you are able to start from code already written.


While working with Latex and TikZ file I had this question:

How can I use the power of R to organize TikZ related files?

R is very friendly to Latex and TikZ through the packages knitr and rmarkdown.

TikZ involves a source file, which carries the tex extension; the PDF that is generated by your Latex compiler and editor (I use TexStudio); the graphics output file -that could be anything imaginable. I use png files.

How this README is built

This README is smartly generated with TikZ graphics and code located in the src folder. This means that as you are adding, building, designing new TikZ drawings, they become available to be automatically included in this README file. It uses some knitr tricks. But the whole thing is awesome.

The magic is provided by:

  • the file template.Rmd
  • the chunks of code that you can see in this README

Deployment of website in GitHub Pages (GHP)

This is a very interesting article about publshing your TikZ site: Simple deployment to GH Pages. I chose to publish it in /docs instead of the public folder because it is much easier to deploy. GHP does not allow to publish a website on a folder named public, unfortunately.

Thanks. Original repository and idea

I found this valuable resource while exploring TikZ and R:

It is pretty neat and relatively simple to use and personalize because it uses Hugo, a generator of static websites; the same engine that is used by blogdown, bookdown, and others.

Thanks to Walmes Zeviani for the great idea of combining Latex, TikZ, R and Hugo.

Source: Web:


This is my collection of favorite TikZ graphics. It is necessary to store and organize them as gallery because it makes it easier to peek at the code for new designs.

Some useful tutorials:

Useful statistics

  • There are 4 total Tikz figures saved as .tex files in this gallery. The figures are sorted by filename.
  • There are 4 files under src/ to be compiled with pdflatex
  • There are 0 files under src/ to be compiled with lualatex
  • There are 0 data files under the folder src/data that are being used by the TikZ scripts
  • There are 0 Latex classes, styles and library files under the src/texmf folder

TikZ graphics and code

% translate with >> pdflatex -shell-escape <file>

% This file is an extract of the PGFPLOTS manual, copyright by Christian Feuersaenger.
% Feel free to use it as long as you cite the pgfplots manual properly.
% See
% for the complete manual.
% Any required input files (for <plot table> or <plot file> or the table package) can be downloaded
% at
% and



\addplot+[xbar] coordinates
	{(4,0) (1,1) (2,2)
	 (5,3) (6,4) (1,5)};

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[paperwidth=5in, paperheight=3.2in]{geometry}
\geometry{left=0mm, right=3mm,top=6mm, bottom=3mm,}


        /pgf/number format/1000 sep={},
        scale only axis,
        separate axis lines,
        axis on top,
        x tick style={draw=none},
        ytick={0, 500, 1000, 2000},
        every axis plot/.append style={
          bar width=.2,
          bar shift=0pt,
      \addplot[green]coordinates {(1,600)};

% arara: pdflatex
% !arara: indent: {overwrite: yes}



\pgfplotstableread[row sep=\\,col sep=&]{
    interval & carT & carD & carR \\
    0--2     & 1.2  & 0.1  & 0.2  \\
    2--5     & 12.8 & 3.8  & 4.9  \\
    5--10    & 15.5 & 10.4 & 13.4 \\
    10--20   & 14.0 & 17.3 & 22.2 \\
    20--50   & 7.9  & 21.1 & 27.0 \\
    50+      & 3.0  & 22.3 & 28.6 \\

            bar width=.5cm,
            legend style={at={(0.5,1)},
                anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
            symbolic x coords={0--2,2--5,5--10,10--20,20--50,50+},
            nodes near coords,
            nodes near coords align={vertical},
        \addplot table[x=interval,y=carT]{\mydata};
        \addplot table[x=interval,y=carD]{\mydata};
        \addplot table[x=interval,y=carR]{\mydata};
        \legend{Trips, Distance, Energy}

% translate with >> pdflatex -shell-escape <file>

% This file is an extract of the PGFPLOTS manual, copyright by Christian Feuersaenger.
% Feel free to use it as long as you cite the pgfplots manual properly.
% See
% for the complete manual.
% Any required input files (for <plot table> or <plot file> or the table package) can be downloaded
% at
% and



    xbar, xmin=0,
    width=12cm, height=3.5cm, enlarge y limits=0.5,
    symbolic y coords={no,yes},
    nodes near coords, nodes near coords align={horizontal},
    \addplot coordinates {(3,no) (7,yes)};

Implementation of a simple tag system for files

I am implementing a very primitive tag system based of identifiers that are included in the filenames. I started to do this in TikZ because the graphics could belong to different categories at the same time. My plan is using what is available in the operating systems. Tools like grep, find, regex, etc., should make this possible. I have done a pilot of this and seems to be working.

To tag the file -as you will see in the repository- I use the plus sign. I tried different symbols and this symbol is not obfuscated as a search string.

  • Characters that pass the search test at OS level: @, !, =, +.
  • Character that do not pass: #.

Other possibilities include using the comments section of the TikZ file to add the tags and categories.


collection of my favorite bar plots found in the web or developed by me






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