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On demand recomputing: the Memory class

.. currentmodule:: joblib.memory


The Memory class defines a context for lazy evaluation of function, by storing the results to the disk, and not rerunning the function twice for the same arguments.

It works by explicitely saving the output to a file and it is designed to work with non-hashable and potentially large input and output data types such as numpy arrays.

A simple example:

First we create a temporary directory, for the cache:

>>> from tempfile import mkdtemp
>>> cachedir = mkdtemp()

We can instantiate a memory context, using this cache directory:

>>> from joblib import Memory
>>> memory = Memory(cachedir=cachedir, verbose=0)

Then we can decorate a function to be cached in this context:

>>> @memory.cache
... def f(x):
...     print 'Running f(%s)' % x
...     return x

When we call this function twice with the same argument, it does not get executed the second time, an the output is loaded from the pickle file:

>>> print f(1)
Running f(1)
>>> print f(1)

However, when we call it a third time, with a different argument, the output gets recomputed:

>>> print f(2)
Running f(2)

Comparison with memoize

The memoize decorator ( caches in memory all the inputs and outputs of a function call. It can thus avoid running twice the same function, but with a very small overhead. However, it compares input objects with those in cache on each call. As a result, for big objects there is a huge overhead. More over this approach does not work with numpy arrays, or other objects subject to non-significant fluctuations. Finally, using memoize with large object will consume all the memory, where with Memory, objects are persisted to the disk, using a persister optimized for speed and memory usage (:func:`joblib.dump`).

In short, memoize is best suited for functions with "small" input and output objects, whereas Memory is best suited for functions with complex input and output objects, and agressive persistence to the disk.

Using with numpy

The original motivation behind the Memory context was to be able to a memoize-like pattern on numpy arrays. Memory uses fast cryptographic hashing of the input arguments to check if they have been computed;

An example

We define two functions, the first with a number as an argument, outputting an array, used by the second one. We decorate both functions with Memory.cache:

>>> import numpy as np

>>> @memory.cache
... def g(x):
...     print 'A long-running calculation, with parameter', x
...     return np.hamming(x)

>>> @memory.cache
... def h(x):
...     print 'A second long-running calculation, using g(x)'
...     return np.vander(x)

If we call the function h with the array created by the same call to g, h is not re-run:

>>> a = g(3)
A long-running calculation, with parameter 3
>>> a
array([ 0.08,  1.  ,  0.08])
>>> g(3)
array([ 0.08,  1.  ,  0.08])
>>> b = h(a)
A second long-running calculation, using g(x)
>>> b2 = h(a)
>>> b2
array([[ 0.0064,  0.08  ,  1.    ],
       [ 1.    ,  1.    ,  1.    ],
       [ 0.0064,  0.08  ,  1.    ]])
>>> np.allclose(b, b2)

Using memmapping

To speed up cache looking of large numpy arrays, you can load them using memmapping (memory mapping):

>>> cachedir2 = mkdtemp()
>>> memory2 = Memory(cachedir=cachedir2, mmap_mode='r')
>>> square = memory2.cache(np.square)
>>> a = np.vander(np.arange(3))
>>> square(a)
[Memory] Calling square...
square(array([[0, 0, 1],
       [1, 1, 1],
       [4, 2, 1]]))
___________________________________________________________square - 0.0s, 0.0min
array([[ 0,  0,  1],
       [ 1,  1,  1],
       [16,  4,  1]])


Notice the debug mode used in the above example. It is useful for tracing of what is being reexecuted, and where the time is spent.

If the square function is called with the same input argument, its return value is loaded from the disk using memmapping:

>>> res = square(a)
>>> print repr(res)
memmap([[ 0,  0,  1],
       [ 1,  1,  1],
       [16,  4,  1]])

We need to close the memmap file to avoid file locking on Windows; closing numpy.memmap objects is done with del, which flushes changes to the disk

>>> del res


If the memory mapping mode used was 'r', as in the above example, the array will be read only, and will be impossible to modified in place.

On the other hand, using 'r+' or 'w+' will enable modification of the array, but will propagate these modification to the disk, which will corrupt the cache. If you want modification of the array in memory, we suggest you use the 'c' mode: copy on write.


Because in the first run the array is a plain ndarray, and in the second run the array is a memmap, you can have side effects of using the Memory, especially when using mmap_mode='r' as the array is writable in the first run, and not the second.


  • Function cache is identified by the function's name. Thus if you have the same name to different functions, their cache will override each-others (you have 'name collisions'), and you will get unwanted re-run:

    >>> @memory.cache
    ... def func(x):
    ...     print 'Running func(%s)' % x
    >>> func2 = func
    >>> @memory.cache
    ... def func(x):
    ...     print 'Running a different func(%s)' % x
    >>> func(1)
    Running a different func(1)
    >>> func2(1)
    memory.rst:0: JobLibCollisionWarning: Cannot detect name collisions for function 'func'
    Running func(1)
    >>> func(1)
    Running a different func(1)
    >>> func2(1)
    Running func(1)

    Beware that all lambda functions have the same name:

    >>> def my_print(x):
    ...     print x
    >>> f = memory.cache(lambda : my_print(1))
    >>> g = memory.cache(lambda : my_print(2))
    >>> f()
    >>> f()
    >>> g()
    memory.rst:0: JobLibCollisionWarning: Cannot detect name collisions for function '<lambda>'
    >>> g()
    >>> f()
  • memory cannot be used on some complex objects, eg a callable object with a __call__ method.

    Howevers, it works on numpy ufuncs:

    >>> sin = memory.cache(np.sin)
    >>> print sin(0)
  • caching methods: you cannot decorate a method at class definition, because when the class is instantiated, the first argument (self) is bound, and no longer accessible to the Memory object. The following code won't work:

    >>> class Foo(object):
    ...     @memory.cache  # WRONG
    ...     def method(self, args):
    ...         print 'Running Foo.method(%s)' % x

    The right way to do this is to decorate at instantiation time:

    >>> class Foo(object):
    ...     def __init__(self):
    ...         self.method = memory.cache(self.method)
    ...     def method(self, x):
    ...         print 'Running Foo.method(%s)' % x

Calling the method twice shows that the cache is active:

>>> foo = Foo()
>>> foo.method(1)
Running Foo.method(1)
>>> foo.method(1)

Ignoring some arguments

It may be useful not to recalculate a function when certain arguments change, for instance a debug flag. Memory provides the ignore list:

>>> @memory.cache(ignore=['debug'])
... def my_func(x, debug=True):
...     print 'Called with x =', x
>>> my_func(0)
Called with x = 0
>>> my_func(0, debug=False)
>>> my_func(0, debug=True)
>>> # my_func was not reevaluated

The Memory context manager

It is possible to use Memory as a context manager. At the exit of the with block, the context manager takes care of closing the database that keeps track of the access to the cache. This is useful in particular to avoid locking the caching directory (the file semantics between Windows and Unix differ, so you may be getting lock erros under Windows even if your code works well under Unix). A typical usage example is when the caching directory needs to be erased (e.g., after the tests):

>>> def func(x):
...     print 'Running func(%s)' % x
>>> tmp_cachedir = mkdtemp()
>>> with Memory(cachedir=tmp_cachedir, verbose=0) as memory: #doctest: +SKIP
...     cached_func = memory.cache(func)
...     cached_func(1)
Running func(1)

The database is closed after the block, and calling the cached function again raises an exception:

>>> cached_func(1) #doctest: +SKIP
Traceback (most recent call last):
JoblibException: JoblibException
Cache database is closed; call the open() method to re-establish a connection

It is now possible to delete the caching directory without locking errors:

>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree(tmp_cachedir)

Reference documentation of the Memory class

.. autoclass:: Memory
    :members: __init__, cache, eval, clear

Useful methods of decorated functions

Function decorated by :meth:`Memory.cache` are :class:`MemorizedFunc` objects that, in addition of behaving like normal functions, expose methods useful for cache exploration and management.

.. autoclass:: MemorizedFunc
    :members: __init__, call, clear, format_signature, format_call,
              get_output_dir, load_output