These samples are a work in progress!
- Beacons - Foreground & Background detection of BluetoothLE iBeacons
- Push - Native - Uses purely native push notification API's provided by the OS
- Push Firebase - Uses firebase messaging for push notifications on both iOS & Android
- Push - Azure Notification Hubs - Push notifications via Azure Notification Hubs and only 1 line of code to be changed
- Push - OneSignal - Push notifications via OneSignal and only 1 line of code to be changed
- NFC - Near Field Communication
- Jobs - How to register jobs at startup or dynamically
- Key/Value Storage - How Shiny uses a "viewmodel" style object to bind to OS preferences, secure storage, and others
- Bluetooth LE - Client - The biggest module in all of Shiny - BluetoothLE powered by Reactive Extensions
- Bluetooth LE - Hosting
- HTTP Transfers - Perform upload & download operations while in the background. Even track statistics while in the foreground
- GPS - Background GPS
- Geofencing - Geofence in your app with ease! We even handle the automatic transition to different APIs when Google Play Services aren't around
- Motion Activity - Query your users activity - see walks, runs, drives, and more!
- Local Notifications - See how the best-of-breed local notifications for Xamarin module runs
- Sensors - Reactive sensors - RX was made for this!
- Speech Recognition - Local speech recognition - while not officially supported by Shiny - we give this away just because
- Platform Intrisics
- Prism + DryIoc + Shiny - Prism Integration Example
- Better - Shiny.Framework - Prism + ReactiveUI + Shiny with ease
- SQLite - Stores, Settings, & Logging
- AppCenter -
- Firebase Analytics -
- No Code Gen - AppDelegate, Android App, & Android Activity are all manually hooked for Shiny to fully operate
- All Code Gen - Everything from your iOS AppDelegate, Android Application & Activity, and the Shiny startup are generated - along with a lot of third party libraries
- Call Directory - Allows you to enter your own call identifiers and even call block them if necessary
- OBD Interface - BLE+Others - Making working with BLE & Other OBD dongles easy
- Media Sync - Using the power of background transfers in HTTP transfers, this will sync media (and deltas) to a URL of your choice
- GeoDispatch - Push+GPS - a new idea on how to manage location based dispatching
- GPS Tags - GPS+Beacons - AirTags for Xamarin (but with normal beacons)
- Data Sync - Jobs done right!
- Trip Tracker - Track runs, walks, drives, etc - includes data such as average speed, points of trip