- Fixed Income Analytics Library => Valuation and Risk Functionality of the Principal Asset Classes, i.e., Equity, Rates, Credit, FX, Commodity, and their Hybrids.
- Analytics => Date, Cash Flow, and Cash Flow Period Measure Generation Utilities.
- Dynamics => HJM, Hull-White, LMM, and SABR Dynamic Evolution Models.
- Market => Static Market Fields - the Definitions, the OTC/Exchange Traded Products, and the Treasury Settings.
- Param => Core Suite of Parameters - Product Cash Flow, Valuation, Market, Pricing, and Quoting Parameters.
- Pricer => Custom Pricing Algorithms and the Derivative Fokker Planck Trajectory Generators.
- Product => Product Components/Baskets for Credit, FRA, FX, Govvie, Rates, and Option Asset Classes.
- State => Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities.
- Template => Pricing/Risk Templates for Fixed Income Products.
- Asset Backed Analytics Library => Valuation and Risk Functionality for Asset Backed and Mortgage Backed Securities.
- XVA Analytics Library => Utilities to generate various Valuation Adjustments (Collateral VA/CVA/DVA/FBA/FCA/FVA/MVA/XVA).
- Exposure and Margin Analytics Library => Computes the Scenario Exposures at the specified Trade Group Granularity.
- Asset Allocation Analytics Library => Optimal Portfolio Construction and Asset Allocation Functionality.
- Transaction Cost Analytics Library => Estimating Single Trade/Portfolio Execution Cost, and corresponding Optimal Trajectories.
- Model Validation Library => Functionality for Statistical Hypotheses Validation and Testing.
- Spline Builder Library => Functionality for constructing Spline Based Curves and Surfaces.
- Statistical Learning Library => Statistical Learning Analyzers and Machine Learning Schemes.
- Learning => Agnostic Learning Bounds under Empirical Loss Minimization Schemes.
- Sequence => Bounds Metrics for Random, Custom, and Functional Sequences.
- Spaces => R1 and Rd Vector/Tensor Spaces (Validated and/or Normed), and Function Classes off of them.
- Numerical Optimizer Library => Functionality for Numerical Methods - including Rx Solvers, Linear Algebra, and Constrained Optimizers.
- Function => Implementation and Solvers for a Suite of Rx To R1 Functions.
- Measure => Continuous and Discrete Measure Distributions and Variate Evolutions.
- Optimization => Necessary, Sufficient, and Regularity Checks for Gradient Descent in a Constrained Optimization Setup.
- Quant => Suite of DROP Linear Algebra Utilities.
- Algorithm Support Library
- Feed => Functionality to load, transform, and compute target metrics across feeds.
- Historical => Historical State Processing Utilities.
- JSON => Implementation of the RFC-4627 Compliant JSON Encoder/Decoder (Parser).
- Regression => Regression Test Runs for Fixed Income, Numerical Analysis, and Spline Libraries.
- Service => Environment, Product/Definition Containers, and hosts the Scenario/State Manipulation APIs.