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提供同花顺客户端/国金/华泰客户端/雪球的基金、股票自动程序化交易以及自动打新,支持跟踪 joinquant /ricequant 模拟交易 和 实盘雪球组合, 量化交易组件
[🔥updating ...] AI 自动量化交易机器人(完全本地部署) AI-powered Quantitative Investment Research Platform. 📃 online docs: ✨ :news: qbot-mini:
alpha101, alpha191, alphalens, backtrader, 量化研究
A curated list of awesome libraries, packages, strategies, books, blogs, tutorials for systematic trading.
Portfolio Optimization and Quantitative Strategic Asset Allocation in Python
Automatic extraction of relevant features from time series:
TradeMaster is an open-source platform for quantitative trading empowered by reinforcement learning 🔥 ⚡ 🌈
🔎 📈 🐍 💰 Backtest trading strategies in Python.
Windows Precision Touchpad Driver Implementation for Apple MacBook / Magic Trackpad
简单易用的量化金融数据包(easy utility for getting financial market data of China)