TODO update based on Polkadot-Blockchain-Academy#360 moving forward
This module introduces students to the problem space that blockchain is trying to solve (resilient, equitable, trustless infrastructure) as well as the technical aspects of how it solves those problems and to what extent it falls short.
The primary coding activity, which will run throughout the module is Blockchain From Scratch.
The module is taught over 2.5 days
Intro - Introduce instructor, TAs - This module is coding heavy, we will spend a lot of time coding in class.
Overview of Blockchain Lecture
Begin BFS coding activity - specifically state machine part
Blockchain Structure Lecture
Continue BFS coding activity. Students should start the blockchain portion and finish the first lesson in that part even if they are not done with the state machine stuff yet (which is very likely). Then they can continue whichever part moves them
Consensus Part 1 Lecture - Authoring - Agreeing on Possibilities
Manual Consensus Activity (aka BitStory)
P2P Networking Lecture
Continue coding on BFS
Consensus Part 2 Lecture - Finality - Agreeing on Ordering
Grandpa Board Game Activity
Accounts vs UTXOs Lecture
Continue Coding on BFS
Resource Allocation lecture
Light Clients Bridges
Unstoppable Applications Lecture
Launch a blockchain activity