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Chainlink cluster

Example CL nodes cluster for system level tests

Install kubefwd (no nixpkg for it yet, planned)

brew install txn2/tap/kubefwd

If you want to build images you need docker service running

Enter the shell (from the root project dir)

nix develop


New cluster

We are using devspace

Configure the cluster, see and values.yaml comments for more details

Configure your cluster setup (one time setup, internal usage only)

export DEVSPACE_IMAGE="..."
cd charts/chainlink-cluster
./ ${my-personal-namespace-name-crib}

Build and deploy current commit

devspace deploy

If you don't need a build use

devspace deploy --skip-build

To deploy particular commit (must be in registry) use

devspace deploy --skip-build ${short_sha_of_image}

Forward ports to check UI or run tests

devspace run connect ${my-personal-namespace-name-crib}

Connect to your environment, by replacing container with label node-1 with your local repository files

devspace dev -p node
make chainlink
make chainlink-local-start

Fix something in the code locally, it'd automatically sync, rebuild it inside container and run again

make chainlink
make chainlink-local-start

Reset the pod to original image

devspace reset pods

Destroy the cluster

devspace purge

Running load tests

Check this doc

If you used devspace dev ... always use devspace reset pods to switch the pods back

Debug existing cluster

If you need to debug CL node that is already deployed change and in devspace.yaml if they are not default and run:

devspace dev -p node

Automatic file sync

When you run devspace dev your files described in of devspace.yaml will be uploaded to the switched container

After that all the changes will be synced automatically

Check .profiles to understand what is uploaded in profiles runner and node


If you would like to use helm directly, please uncomment data in values.yaml

Install from local files

helm install -f values.yaml cl-cluster .

Forward all apps (in another terminal)

sudo kubefwd svc -n cl-cluster

Then you can connect and run your tests

Install from release

Add the repository

helm repo add chainlink-cluster
helm repo update

Set default namespace

kubectl create ns cl-cluster
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace cl-cluster


helm install -f values.yaml cl-cluster .

Create a new release

Bump version in Chart.yml add your changes and add helm_release label to any PR to trigger a release

Helm Test

helm test cl-cluster


helm uninstall cl-cluster

Grafana dashboard

We are using Grabana lib to create dashboards programmatically

export GRAFANA_URL=...
export GRAFANA_TOKEN=...
export DASHBOARD_NAME=ChainlinkCluster

cd dashboard/cmd && go run dashboard_deploy.go

Open Grafana folder CRIB and find dashboard ChainlinkCluster