Install Go 1.9+
Create the Go workspace (~/go
given as an example)
$ mkdir ~/go && cd ~/go
Set environment variables
$ export GOPATH=$(pwd)
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
$ cd $GOPATH
$ mkdir -p src/
$ cd src/
$ git clone
$ cd chainlink
$ go get -u
$ dep ensure
$ brew install dep
$ dep ensure
$ go build -o chainlink
Run the binary
$ ./chainlink
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go test ./...
We use direnv to set up PATH and aliases
for a friendlier developer experience. Here is an example .envrc
that we use:
$ cat .envrc
PATH_add tmp
PATH_add solidity/node_modules/.bin
Direnv can be installed by running
$ go get -u
Environment variables that can be set in .envrc, along with default values that get used if no corresponding enviornment variable is found:
LOG_LEVEL Default: info
ROOT Default: ~/.chainlink
PORT Default: 6688
USERNAME Default: chainlink
PASSWORD Default: twochains
ETH_URL Default: ws://localhost:8546
ETH_CHAIN_ID Default: 0
POLLING_SCHEDULE Default: */15 * * * * *
CLIENT_NODE_URL Default: http://localhost:6688
ETH_GAS_BUMP_WEI Default: 5,000,000,000
ETH_GAS_PRICE_DEFAULT Default: 20,000,000,000
Before proceeding, make sure you have installed yarn
$ cd solidity
$ yarn install
$ truffle test
External adapters are added to the Chainlink node first by adding a bridge type. Bridge types define the name and URL of your external adapter. When a task type is received that is not one of the core adapters, the node will search for a bridge type with that name, creating a bridge to your external adapter.
{ "name": "randomNumber", "url": "http://localhost:3000/randomNumber" }
"initiators": [{
"type": "runLog",
"address": "0x3cCad4715152693fE3BC4460591e3D3Fbd071b42"
"tasks": [ {"type": "randomNumber"} ]
POST to /v2/bridge_types
curl -u chainlink:twochains -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"randomNumber","url":"http://localhost:3000/randomNumber"}' http://localhost:6688/v2/bridge_types
should be unique to the local node, and "url"
should be the URL of your external adapter, whether local or on a separate machine.
Output should return the JSON given:
And the node will log the following:
{"level":"info","ts":1518531822.179224,"caller":"web/router.go:50","msg":"Web request","method":"POST","status":200,"path":"/v2/bridge_types","query":"","body":"{\"name\":\"randomNumber\",\"url\":\"\"}","clientIP":"","comment":"","servedAt":"2018/02/13 - 14:23:42","latency":"1.623398ms"}