This contacts application is Xamarin.Forms port of the existing pre-build app.
With Xamarin.Forms you can use C# or XAML to create layout and this sample app shows how to use both of them. To switch between user interface implementations open ~/EmployeeDirectory/EmployeeDirectoryUI/App.cs file and change uiImplementation
Switch to XAML:
public static class App
//Change the following line to switch between XAML and C# versions
private static UIImplementation uiImplementation = UIImplementation.Xaml;
Switch to C#:
public static class App
//Change the following line to switch between XAML and C# versions
private static UIImplementation uiImplementation = UIImplementation.CSharp;
Nugets used in this solution: PCLStorage, Xamarin.Forms, Microsoft.Bcl, Microsoft.Bcl.Build, Microsoft.Net.Http
Components used in this solution: Xamarin.Social
Original: Jonathan Peppers, Bryan Phillips, Frank Krueger, James Clancey, Zack Gramana
Xamarin.Forms: Oleg Demchenko, Craig Dunn