This document describes the functionality provided by the Apache Weblogic plugin.
See the Deployit Reference Manual for background information on Deployit and deployment concepts.
The Apache Weblogic plugin is a Deployit plugin that is used to manage the configuration of the Weblogic plugin running in a Apache Web Server.
- Generate the apacheWebServer configuration file
- Deployit requirements
- Deployit: version 3.6+
- Other Deployit Plugins: wls-plugin-3.6.x
The plugin works with the standard deployment package of DAR format. Please see the Packaging Manual for more details about the DAR format and the ways to compose one.
The following is a sample MANIFEST.MF file that can be used to create a WebLogic specific deployment package. It contain declarations for an Ear, a specification for a Weblogic configuration.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Deployit-Package-Format-Version: 1.3
CI-Application: SampleApp
CI-Version: 1.0
Name: SampleApp-1.0.ear
CI-Name: SampleApp
CI-Type: jee.Ear
Name: LoadBalancer
CI-Type: www.ApacheWeblogicSettingSpec
CI-mountedContexts-EntryValue-1: *.jsp