- Łodzianin
(UTC +01:00) - https://www.blog.nodrama.io
- https://orcid.org/0009-0006-9607-7839
Constantine: modular, high-performance, zero-dependency cryptography stack for verifiable computation, proof systems and blockchain protocols.
The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
Slides for the FlowStorm presentation of Londom Clojurians meetup group
📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!
emacs.d files for making Emacs a Rust development environment
A safe and convenient store for one value of each type
Pathom is a Clojure(script) engine for processing EQL requests.
Light-weight system monitor for X, Wayland, and other things, too
A community coding style guide for the Clojure programming language
Moved to Codeberg; this is a convenience mirror