[code, dictionary] = dictionary_learning.dictionary_learning(embedding_table,
Parameters / Outputs | Meaning |
embedding_table | the original matrix |
row_percentage | float (default: 0.5), a factor to determine the number of words in the dictionary |
col_percentage | float (default: 0.5), a factor to determine the sparsity of the coding table |
n_iterations | int (default: 32), the number of iterations |
seed | int (default: 15), a seed number for randomization in the method |
code | a sparse matrix with 'col_percentage' * #columns of 'embedding_table' nonzeros per row |
dictionary | the resulting dictionary with 'row_percentage' * #rows of 'embedding_table' words |
b = np.random.normal(0, 1, [30, 20])
sub_thresh_indices = (b <= 0.7)
b[sub_thresh_indices] = 0
b[:, 0] = np.ones(shape=b[:, 0].shape)
c = np.random.normal(0, 1, [20, 10])
a = np.matmul(b, c)
[b_out, c_out] = dictionary_learning.dictionary_learning(
a, row_percentage=0.5, col_percentage=0.3)
a_recovered = np.matmul(b_out, c_out)
error = np.linalg.norm(a - a_recovered) / np.linalg.norm(a)
print("error = ", error)
error = 0.112814336021
The basic dictionary learning is stated as follows. Given a matrix A of size m x n (in the context of machine learning n is the number of features and m is the number of observations), we want to approximate the original matrix A by a product of a “sparse” representation C and a dictionary D. In this work, we seek to minimize the Frobenius norm of E = A - CD. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_dictionary_learning for more details.
In the factorization, the representation C is a sparse matrix of size m x m_D and the dictionary D has size m_D x n, where m_D << m and each row of C has at most t non-zero entries. Intuitively, each row of A is approximated by a linear combination of t rows of the dictionary D. Note that this problem is known to be NP-hard.
We define the compression ratio r := (mt + m_Dn) / (mn). Normally, we will pick t and m_D such that r is in the range [0.1, 0.25].
In this work, we study a simple iterative method. First, we initialize either C by kNN (k nearest neighbors). (Note that, for initialization of C and D, we can just start with random matrices. However, the algorithm converges much more quickly if we guess a better initial value of C or D). Next, we alternatively optimize C and D in each iteration:
- compute the best-possible representation C based on the current dictionary D -- this problem is significantly easier as D is fixed,
- compute the best-possible dictionary D based on the current representation C -- this is simply a least-squares problem.
As mentioned above, we will alternatively solve for C (or D) given a fixed value of D (or C) in each iteration:
Optimizing the representation C: This problem is known as the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) problem: argmin_C || A - CD ||^2 subject to a constraint that each row of C has at most t non-zero entries. (This problem can be solved in polynomial time.)
Optimizing the dictionary D: Again, we want to find D such that ||A-CD||^2 is minimized. Observe that this is just a least-squares problem.
The main function is 'dictionary_learning' in dictionary_learning.py which takes input as a matrix and parameters to determine the compression ratio and returns 'code' and 'dictionary' such that the original matrix can be approximated by 'code' * 'dictionary'. See its documentation for more details.
Authors: Khoa Trinh (corresponding author -- email: [email protected]), Rina Panigrahy, and Badih Ghazi.