A very simple app for minimizing any window to tray as an icon. Runs in the background.
In case it terminates unexpectedly, restart the app and all the icons for minimized windows will come back.
Windows 7 or later required (but see #3)
A binary is available here.
No installation required, just run Traymond.exe.
Win key + Shift + Z: Minimize the currently focused window to tray.
Double click on an icon: Bring back the corresponding hidden window.
Tray icon menu accessible by right-clicking the Traymond tray icon:
Restore all windows: Restore all previously hidden windows.
Exit: Exit Traymond and restore all previously hidden windows.
> nmake
Please read this if there are any troubles.
Defines at the top of the file control the key and the mod key for sending windows to tray (use virtual key codes from here and mod keys from here):
See Contributing.