This directory contains Docker and Docker Compose configurations for running the Bakllava application. It includes multiple services such as a controller, web UI, model worker, and grounded SAM.
- Docker: Ensure Docker is installed on your system. Visit Docker's website for installation instructions.
- Docker Compose: Docker Compose is required to run multi-container Docker applications. Install it following the official guide.
The application comprises several services, managed through Docker Compose:
- Controller: Central control service for the application.
- WebUI: Web interface for interacting with the application.
- Model Worker: Handles model processing tasks.
- Grounded SAM: Specialized service for SAM (Segment Anything Model) with Grounding/DINO support.
Build and Run: Navigate to the root directory of the project and run the following command to build and start all services:
This builds the gsa:v0 image
cd Grounded-Segment-Anything
This down loads the gsa model weights
chmod +x ./scripts/
This creates the bakllava docker network
docker network create bakllava
To build and run the application, use:
docker compose build --parallel
docker compose up
This command builds images for all services and starts them. The --build flag ensures that Docker Compose rebuilds the images.
docker-compose down
The Controller is accessible at http://localhost:10000.
The WebUI is available at http://localhost:11000.
The Model Worker api docs can be viewed at http://localhost:40000/docs
Grounded SAM services do not provide web interfaces but can be interacted with via their respective APIs or command line.
GPU Support: For services requiring GPU (like Grounded SAM), ensure your Docker environment is set up with GPU support.
- Docker Compose File: docker-compose.yml in the root directory defines the configuration of each service, including build contexts, Dockerfiles, ports, and dependencies.
- Environment Variables: Set necessary environment variables like HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN in your environment or a .env file at the root of the project.
- Customization
You can customize the Docker configurations by editing the Dockerfiles (Dockerfile and ModelWorker.Dockerfile) in the ./docker directory.
Ports and other settings can be adjusted in docker-compose.yml.
- If you encounter issues, check the Docker and Docker Compose logs for details.
- Ensure that all required environment variables are set correctly.
- Verify that your Docker environment supports the necessary capabilities, especially for GPU-accelerated services.