This repository provides examples for running robots using Space ROS
The demos run in the Space ROS Demo docker. Please proceed to this repo, clone and perform the following steps to build the docker image.
Within folder /spaceros
, run:
$ ./
Within folder /demo_spaceros
, run:
$ ./
Come back to this repo, run the following to allow GUI passthrough:
$ xhost +local:docker
Then run:
$ ./
Depends on the host computer, you might need to remove --gpus all
flag in
, which uses your GPUs
Make sure packages are sourced
$ source /root/src/spaceros_ws/install/setup.bash
$ source /root/src/depends_ws/install/setup.bash
Enter the folder /spaceros_demo_ws
, run:
$ rm -rf build install log && colcon build && . install/setup.bash
Launch the demo:
$ ros2 launch mars_rover
On the top left corner, click on the refresh button to show camera feed
Open a new terminal and attach to the currently running container
$ docker -it exec <container-name> bash
Make sure packages are sourced
$ source /root/src/spaceros_ws/install/setup.bash
$ source /root/src/depends_ws/install/setup.bash
Explore randomly on the Mars surface:
$ ros2 service call /random_walk std_srvs/srv/Empty
Open the tool arm:
$ ros2 service call /open_arm std_srvs/srv/Empty
Close the tool arm:
$ ros2 service call /close_arm std_srvs/srv/Empty