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# example hack

To use this you need :
 - OpenOBEX >= 1.1(
 - BlueZ (

Once you have the utility built you need to use rfcomm to bind a serial port
device to an RFCOMM channel which accept OBEX Push data, then you should be
able to push a file using:

./ussp-push /dev/ttyU1 ./localimage.gif Picture.gif

Where '/dev/ttyU1' is the is the serial port device the RFCOMM channel is bound
to, './localimage.gif' is a file on the local system, and 'Picture.gif' is the
name to push the file as.

There are notes about this hack, and some general intro to BlueZ, available on
my site:

                         Rev ([email protected])

* Tue, Sep 27 2005 - Davide Libenzi <[email protected]>

Version 0.5 supports a new --dev parameter to set the HCI device ID (numeric)
to be used by ussp-push, in case more BT devices are available on the system.

* Sun, Mar 06 2005 - Davide Libenzi <[email protected]>

The new version of ussp-push supports direct BT connections without RFCOMM
channel binding. So, if in the example above /dev/ttyU1 was linked to the
BT device name "Mooz" and the OBEX listening channel on "Mooz" is 10, we can
now use:

./ussp-push Mooz@10 ./localimage.gif Picture.gif

- Davide