This repository includes my individual work to complete given six assignment of the CENG487 Introduction to Computer Graphics course. Course link added below for more information:
I have tagged each version of my assignment with git tags to access them with git checkout command.
I have five tags names as:
- asgn2
- asgn3
- asgn4
- asgn5
- asgn6
You can access them with:
git checkout tagname
Usages and screen views of each assignment given below:
- asgn 5:
------------------------ KEY CONFIGURATION ------------------------
-> Press ESC to quit
-> CRTL + ALT + MOUSE LEFT BUTTON and move mouse to rotate camera
-> CRLT + ALT + MOUSE MIDDLE BUTTON and move mouse to move target
-> CRLT + ALT + MOUSE RIGHT BUTTON and move mouse to zomm in and out
-> Press f key to reset camera position
-> Press 4 to draw WIRES
-> Press 5 to draw SMOOTH
-> Press 6 to draw WIRE ON SHADED
-> Press q to on/off GL_LIGHTING
-> Press w to on/off LIGHT0
-> Press e to on/off LIGHT1
-> Press a to start/stop procedural movement of light
- asgn 4:
------------------------ KEY CONFIGURATION ------------------------
-> Press ESC to quit
-> CRTL + ALT + MOUSE LEFT BUTTON and move mouse to rotate camera
-> Press f key to reset camera position
-> Press + key to increase subdivision level(catmull)
-> Press - key to decrease subidivision level(catmull)
-> Press 4 to draw WIRES
-> Press 5 to draw SMOOTH
-> Press 6 to draw WIRE ON SHADED
-> Rotate shape with arrow keys(UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) in local space
- asgn 3:
------------------------ KEY CONFIGURATION ------------------------
-> Press ESC to quit
-> CRTL + ALT + MOUSE LEFT BUTTON and move mouse to rotate camera
-> Press f key to reset camera position
-> Press + key to increase subdivision level
-> Press - key to decrease subidivision level
-> Press 4 to draw WIRES
-> Press 5 to draw SMOOTH
-> Press 6 to draw WIRE ON SHADED
- asgn2:
------------------------ KEY CONFIGURATION ------------------------
1 -> switch mainCamera
2 -> switch cam2
3 -> selected camera free move
-> w -> in
-> s -> out
-> a -> right
-> d -> left
-> e -> up
-> r -> down
-> up -> pitch up
-> down -> pitch down
-> left -> yaw left
-> right -> yaw right
4 -> select box
5 -> select sphere
6 -> select cylinder
+ -> increase subdivision for selected shape
- -> decrease subidivison for selected shape
Select a shape and move using
Scene Space
-> w -> up
-> s -> down
-> a -> left
-> d -> right
-> e -> in
-> r -> out
Local Space
-> up
-> down
-> left
-> right
Rotation of selected shape
-> k -> scene space use x, y, z button to rotate
-> l -> local space use x, y, z button to rotate
-------------------------- END ---------------------------------------