Fun, full-featured, fully-local simulator for developing and testing Cloudflare Workers
- π¦ KV (with optional persistence)
- β¨ Cache (with optional persistence)
- π Durable Objects (with optional persistence)
- π Workers Sites
- π¨ Fetch Events (with HTTP server and manual triggering)
- β° Scheduled Events (with manual and cron triggering)
- βοΈ WebSockets
- π HTMLRewriter
- π
File Support (for secrets) - πΈ Web Standards: Base64, Timers, Fetch, Encoding, URL, Streams, Crypto
- π ES Modules Support
- π Custom Builds Support
- βοΈ WebAssembly Support
- πΊ Source Map Support
- π Automatic Reload on File Changes
- πͺ Written in TypeScript
Usage: miniflare [script] [options]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-H, --host HTTP server host to listen on (all by default)[string]
-p, --port HTTP server port (8787 by default) [number]
-d, --debug Log debug messages [boolean]
-c, --wrangler-config Path to wrangler.toml [string]
--wrangler-env Environment in wrangler.toml to use [string]
-m, --modules Enable ES modules [boolean]
--modules-rule ES modules import rule (TYPE=GLOB) [array]
--build-command Command to build project [string]
--build-base-path Working directory for build command [string]
--build-watch-path Directory to watch for rebuilding on changes [string]
-w, --watch Watch files for changes [boolean]
-u, --upstream URL of upstream origin [string]
-t, --cron Cron pattern to trigger scheduled events with [array]
-k, --kv KV namespace to bind [array]
--kv-persist Path to persist KV data to (omit path for default)
--cache-persist Path to persist cached data to (omit path for default)
-s, --site Path to serve Workers Site files from [string]
--site-include Glob pattern of site files to serve [array]
--site-exclude Glob pattern of site files not to serve [array]
-o, --do Durable Object to bind (NAME=CLASS) [array]
--do-persist Path to persist Durable Object data to (omit path for
-e, --env Path to .env file [string]
-b, --binding Bind variable/secret (KEY=VALUE) [array]
--wasm WASM module to bind (NAME=PATH) [array]
should be a path to a pre-bundled Worker.
If you're using Webpack for instance, set this to your output file.
(Recommended) Use --debug
to see additional log messages including processed options and watched files.
(Recommended) Use --wrangler-config <toml_path>
/-c <toml_path>
to load options for KV, cache, etc from a wrangler.toml
If [script]
is omitted, Miniflare tries to automatically infer it from the wrangler.toml
You can also include an additional [miniflare]
section for Miniflare specific configuration:
host = "" # --host
port = 8787 # --port
upstream = "" # --upstream
kv_persist = true # --kv-persist
cache_persist = true # --cache-persist
durable_objects_persist = true # --do-persist
env_path = ".env" # --env
wasm_bindings = [ # --wasm
{ name = "MODULE", path="module.wasm" }
KV and cache persistence can be enabled with the --kv-persist
and --cache-persist
flags respectively.
Including these on their own will store KV and Cache data in the .mf
Optionally, you can specify a path (e.g. --kv-persist ./data
) to use a different location.
import { ConsoleLog, Miniflare, Request } from "miniflare";
// Loading script from file
const mf = new Miniflare({
// Some options omitted, see src/options/index.ts for the full list
scriptPath: "./path/to/script.js",
sourceMap: true,
log: new ConsoleLog(), // Defaults to no-op logger
wranglerConfigPath: "wrangler.toml",
watch: true,
port: 8787,
upstream: "",
crons: ["0 * * * *"],
kvNamespaces: ["TEST_NAMESPACE"],
kvPersist: true,
cachePersist: "./data/",
durableObjects: {
OBJECT: "ObjectClass",
sitePath: "./public/",
envPath: ".env",
// Loading script from string
const mf = new Miniflare({
script: `
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
const value = await TEST_NAMESPACE.get("key");
return new Response(\`Hello from Miniflare! key="\${value}"\`, {
headers: { "content-type": "text/plain" },
addEventListener("scheduled", (event) => {
event.waitUntil(Promise.resolve("Something else"));
kvNamespaces: ["TEST_NAMESPACE"],
log: new ConsoleLog(),
// Manipulate KV outside of worker (useful for testing)
const TEST_NAMESPACE = await mf.getKVNamespace("TEST_NAMESPACE");
await TEST_NAMESPACE.put("key", "testing");
// Manipulate cache outside of worker
const cache = await mf.getCache();
const cachedRes = await cache.match(new Request("http://localhost"));
// Manipulate Durable Objects outside of worker
const OBJECT = await mf.getDurableObjectNamespace("OBJECT");
const stub = OBJECT.get(OBJECT.idFromName("name"));
const doRes = await stub.fetch("http://localhost");
const storage = await; // Extra Miniflare-only API
await storage.put("key", new Set(["testing"]));
// Dispatch fetch events and get body
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost", { method: "POST" });
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch(new Request("http://localhost"));
const body = await res.text();
console.log(body); // Hello from Miniflare! key="testing"
const waitUntil = await res.waitUntil();
console.log(waitUntil[0]); // Something
// Start HTTP server
// Dispatch scheduled event at specific time
const waitUntil2 = await mf.dispatchScheduled(;
console.log(waitUntil2[0]); // Something else
Many thanks to dollarshaveclub/cloudworker and gja/cloudflare-worker-local for inspiration.