ffrouin/opensi-server-16.04 is based on ffrouin/tomcat8-16.04
To run the OpenSI Tomcat8 Server :
docker run -d --name "opensi-server-16.04" \
--link opensi-db-16.04:opensi-db-16.04 \
ffrouin:opensi-server-16.04 /sbin/my_init
To access container with ssh from your workstation, you may first log from docker host in order to create your user account :
docker exec -ti <your_container_name> bash
useradd -d /home/<your_login> -s /bin/bash -m <your_login>
passwd <your_login>
echo "<your_login> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/<your_login>
then you might be able to run something like :
ssh -p 2222 <your_login>@<docker_host>
ssh server is configured to accept RSA key authentication. Put public keys in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys (1 line per key).
freddy: used for support and maintenance (rsa key authentication)
Sources : https://github.com/ffrouin/docker Support : Freddy Frouin http://freddy.linuxtribe.fr