This is a Heroku-based Java webapp which demonstrates the latest development release of json-schema-validator.
The URL is here. It is quite basic: input your schema and your data, press "validate", see results.
Contributions are of course more than welcome!
My HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery skills are close to nil. I'd never have obtained such a result without help, so I'd like to mention here where I got help:
- IRC channels
on FreeNode; - helpful answers on Stack Overflow.
This application uses an embedded Jetty server and is self contained. You need to have a JDK (at least 1.6) and maven installed (3.0.x preferably, but 2.x will also work).
Into the main directory, type
mvn clean install
Then run the application with:
java -cp target/classes:target/dependency/* com.github.fge.jsonschema.WebApp
It listens on port 8080 by default.