The response module defines the Response
class as an abstraction of frequency and impulse responses.
import numpy as np
from response import Response
fs = 48000 # sampling rate
T = 0.5 # length of signal
# a sine at 100 Hz
t = np.arange(int(T * fs)) / fs
x = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 100 * t)
# Do chain of processing
r = (
Response.from_time(fs, x)
# time window at the end and beginning
.time_window((0, 0.1), (-0.1, None), window="hann") # equivalent to Tukey window
# zeropad to one second length
.zeropad_to_length(fs * 1)
# circular shift to center
.circdelay(T / 2)
# resample with polyphase filter, keep gain of filter
.resample_poly(500, window=("kaiser", 0.5), normalize="same_amplitude")
# cut 0.2s at beginning and end
.timecrop(0.2, -0.2)
# apply frequency domain window
.freq_window((0, 90), (110, 500))
# plot result
# real impulse response
# complex frequency response
# and much more ...
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