This plugin creates a Battle Royal in a Minecraft Bukkit Hardcore world. You are given a starting gift and spread out across a small world enclosed in a world border. Every 5 minutes an entire chunk of the world explodes. Be the last one standing to claim victory.
- /beginBattleRoyale [battleName] {player]... -- Starts a Battle Royale on the server with the given battleName which includes the players listed.
- /pauseBattleRoyale -- Pauses current battle. Chunk destruction pauses. Players are put into adventure mode and pvp is turned off
- /resumeBattleRoyale -- Resumes the current battle.
- Angel
- AquaMan
- Berserker
- BlinkingSpirit
- Demolitionist
- Devil
- Ender
- Glutton
- MacGyver
- Mole
- Necromancer
- SeaWalker
- Stalker
- Übermensch
- Minecraft 1.9.2 client profile
- Bukkit 1.9.2 server