Flux is a high-level API for machine learning, implemented in Julia.
Flux aims to provide a concise and expressive syntax for architectures that are hard to express within other frameworks. The notation should be familiar and extremely close to what you'd find in a paper or description of the model.
The current focus is on ANNs with TensorFlow or MXNet as a backend. While it's in a very early working-prototype stage, you can see what works so far in the examples folder.
Simple multi-layer-perceptron for MNIST:
Affine(128), relu,
Affine( 64), relu,
Affine( 10), softmax)
LSTM example:
@net type LSTM
Wxf; Wyf; bf
Wxi; Wyi; bi
Wxo; Wyo; bo
Wxc; Wyc; bc
y; state
function (x)
# Gates
forget = σ( x * Wxf + y{-1} * Wyf + bf )
input = σ( x * Wxi + y{-1} * Wyi + bi )
output = σ( x * Wxo + y{-1} * Wyo + bo )
# State update and output
state′ = tanh( x * Wxc + y{-1} * Wyc + bc )
state = forget .* state{-1} + input .* state′
y = output .* tanh(state)
LSTM(N, 256),
LSTM(256, 256),
Affine(256, N),