- NPM 6.4.11
- Node 12.20.2
- Truffle v5.1.65 (core: 5.1.65)
- Solidity - ^0.8.0 (solc-js)
- @OpenZeppelin/[email protected]
A .env file with following entries is needed for Truffle deployment:
MNEMONIC= # Mnemonic phrase for local Ganache testing MNEMONIC_DEVNET= # Mnemonic phrase for Devnet MNEMONIC_TESTNET= # Mnemonic phrase for Goerli Testnet MNEMONIC_MAINNET= # Mnemonic phrase for MAINNET APP_ID= # Infura API key ETHERSCAN_API_KEY= # Etherscan API key CUSTODIANS_DEVNET= # Comma separated list of initial 10 custodians CUSTODIANS_TESTNET= # Comma separated list of initial 10 custodians CUSTODIANS_MAINNET= # Comma separated list of initial 10 custodians
CUSTODIANS_LOCAL= # Comma separated list of initial 10 custodians ORACLE= # Oracle public key used by reg-oracle.js