- 简化开发难度。开箱即用。lugiax是为了配合lugia生态单独设计开发的。让前端开发者在不需要了解redux和react-router技术的情况下,也能开发业务。上开发者更多的精力投入到业务开发中。
- 数据状态使用了不可变数据类型Immutable。避免了数据篡改。
- 修改数据状态的唯一方式是通过mutation。
|-- lugiax
| |-- packages
| | |-- lugiax // model和组件绑定
| | | |-- src
| | | | |-- bind.js
| | | | |-- bindTo.js
| | | | |-- connect.js
| | | | |-- index.js
| | | | |-- utils.js
| | |-- lugiax-common // 发布订阅
| | | |-- src
| | | | |-- index.js
| | | | |-- subscribe.js
| | |-- lugiax-core // 数据存以及更新
| | | |-- src
| | | | |-- combineReducers.js
| | | | |-- index.js
| | | | |-- render.js
| | | | |-- stack.js
| | |-- lugiax-router 路由封装
| | | |-- src
| | | | |-- go.js
| | | | |-- index.js
| | | | |-- Link.js
| | | | |-- Loading.js
| | | | |-- router.js
安装 node.js。
npm install @lugia/lugiax
推荐使用 yarn 管理 npm 依赖
yarn add @lugia/lugiax
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
lugaix.register({ model: string,state: Object,mutations?: Mutations});
- model
- 注册model名称
- 数据类型
- string
- state
- 注册model的初始值,在lugaix内部会将state对象会被被转换成Immutable类型
- 数据类型
- object
- mutations
- 存放用户自定义的修改state同步或者异步的方法。
- 数据类型
- object
- 语法结构
备注:async中的方法。在register后会被修改方法名称。eg:fn1 => asyncFn1 ,调用是需要注意。
- model
- model名称
- 数据类型
- string
- mutations
- 更新model中state状态的方法
- 数据类型
- object
- getState
- 获取当前model最新的state数据
- 数据类型
- function
- addMutation
- 向已注册的model,添加同步更新state数据的方法
- 数据类型
- function
- addAsyncMutation
- 向已注册的model,添加异步修改state数据的方法
- 数据类型
- function
- destroy
- 销毁注册的模块
- 数据类型
- function
// model.js
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
const userModelName = 'userModel';
const userState = {
peoples: [],
export const userModel = lugaix.register({
model: userModelName,
state: userState,
mutations: {
// 同步修改state的方法
sync: {
removePeoplesById(state, inpar, { getState }) {
const newList = state.get('peoples').filter(item => {
return item.get('id') !== inpar;
return state.set('peoples', newList);
async: {
// 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求
async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) {
let data = await new Promise(reslove => {
const peoples = [
{ id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' },
{ id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' },
{ id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' },
{ id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' },
setTimeout(() => {
reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples });
}, 1000);
if (data.result === 'ok') {
// 更新state是一定要获取最新的state
state = getState();
return state.set('peoples', fromJS(;
- 返回值
- 将注册的model和自定义组件进行双向绑定。在组件中this.props中就可以获取到model中的state数据和用于更新state的mutation方法
- model数据改变后组件也会重新render被绑定组件。也可以通过调用mutation方法去改model中的数据,从而引起被绑定组件render。
import { bind } from "@lugia/lugiax";
const newComponent = bind(
model, // object
mapModelState, // function
mapModelMutations, // object
?option // object
- model
- 使用lugaix.register() 方法返回的对象
- 数据类型
- object
- mapModelState
- 函数方法,使用者通过这个方法定义如何从model中获取的state值,并将获取到的state值存放在对象中返回,最终bind会将返回对象的属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。
- 数据类型
- function
- mapModelMutations
- 使用者通过这个对象定义如何使用model中的mutation方法,最终bind会将这个对象属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中
- 数据类型
- function
- option 其他扩展参数
- props
- 传入一些属性值,bind会将这些属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。
- 数据类型
- object
- eventHandle
- 传入处理函数,bind会将这个对象属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中,当调用组件在props中的函数、mapModelMutations映射的函数、eventHandle传入的函数名字相同,会将三个函数合并为一个新函数,并在传给被bind的组件,这个新函数会依次执行以上三个函数。
- 数据类型
- { [eventName: string] : Function }
- withRef
- withRef是true时,可在bind()后返回的组件的ref中拿到被bind组件的实例(返回值的target属性)。可以调用被bind组件上的方法或者属性。如果withRef是false时,拿到被bind组件的实例
- 数据类型
- boolean
- areStateEqual
- 用户自定义方法, 当方法返回true时bind后的组件会被 render,当方法返回值为false时bind后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldModelState, newModelState) => { return true or false}
- oldModelState是model改前的数据
- newModelState是model改后的数据
- (oldModelState, newModelState) => { return true or false}
- areStatePropsEqual
- 用户自定义方法,当这个方法返回true时bind后的组件会被 render,方法返回值为false时bind后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldState, newState) => { return true or false}
- oldState组件更新前的state数据,对应的是model上state映射到this.props的值
- newState更新后的state数据,对应的是model上state映射this.props的值
- (oldState, newState) => { return true or false}
- areOwnPropsEqual
- 用户自定义方法,当这个方法返回true时bind后的组件会被 render,方法返回值为false时bind后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldProps, newProps) => { return true or false}
- oldProps 是bind后的组件props改变前的数据,对应的是bind后返回组件在调用是传入的props属性值
- oldProps 是bind后的组件props改变后的数据, 对应的是bind后返回组件在调用是传入的props属性值
- (oldProps, newProps) => { return true or false}
- props
备注:areStateEqual 、areStatePropsEqual 、areOwnPropsEqual阻止刷新的优先级顺序 areStateEqual > areStatePropsEqual > areOwnPropsEqual
- 在lugaix中注册model
// model.js
import lugaix, { bind } from "@lugia/lugiax";
const titleState = {
title: "一个测试用例"
const modelName = "testTitle";
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName, // 注册的模块名称
state: titleState, // 初始化值
mutations: {
sync: { // 同步mutations
modifyTitle: (data, inParam) => {
// state是immutable类型的数据 inParam用户调用mutation传入的参数
return data.set("title", inParam); // 注意。必须return修改后的数据才会更新lugiax状态
export default titleModel;
- 使用bind将model和组件绑定
// app.js
import React from "react";
import { bind } from "@lugia/lugiax";
import titleModel from "./model";
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = "testInput";
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
titleModel, // 注册的model
state => { // 将状态映射到被绑定组件的props上
return { title: state.get("title") };
onChange(mutations, e) {
return mutations.modifyTitle(;
使用 bind 将复杂数据model和组件进行绑定
- 在lugaix中注册model
// model.js
import lugaix from "@lugia/lugiax";
const titleState = {
data: {
title: "一个测试用例"
const modelName = "testTitle";
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
sync: {
modifyTitle: (state, inParam) => {
return state.setIn(["data", "title"], inParam);
export default titleModel;
- 使用bind将model和组件绑定
import React from "react";
import { bind } from "@lugia/lugiax";
import titleModel from "./model";
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = "testInput";
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
state => {
return { title: state.getIn(["data", "title"]) };
onChange(mutations, e) {
return mutations.modifyTitle(;
export default App;
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
const titleState = {
data: {
title: '一个测试用例',
const modelName = 'testTitle';
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
sync: {
modifyTitle: (state, inParam) => {
return state.setIn(['data', 'title'], inParam);
export default titleModel;
import React from "react";
import { bind } from "@lugia/lugiax";
import titleModel from "./model";
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = "testInput";
render() {
const { props } = this;
// 此时title的值 option props传入的值。已经不是注册model下data.title的值
// options.props会覆盖 model映射到props中的值
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
state => {
return { title: state.getIn(["data", "title"]) };
onChange(mutations, e) {
return mutations.modifyTitle(;
props: { title: "我是Option中传入的数据" }
export default App;
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
const titleState = {
data: {
title: '一个测试用例',
const modelName = 'testTitle';
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
sync: {
modifyTitle: (state, inParam) => {
return state.setIn(['data', 'title'], inParam);
export default titleModel;
import React from 'react';
import { bind } from '@lugia/lugiax';
import titleModel from './model';
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = 'testInput';
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
state => {
return { title: state.getIn(['data', 'title']) };
onChange(mutations, e) {
// 会被调用 如果方法名字相同会依次调用
return mutations.modifyTitle(;
eventHandle: {
onChange(e) {
// 会被调用 如果方法名字相同会依次调用
const outAppOnChange = e => {
const OutApp = () => {
return <App onChange={outAppOnChange}></App>;
export default OutApp;
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
const titleState = {
data: {
title: '一个测试用例',
const modelName = 'testTitle';
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
sync: {
modifyTitle: (state, inParam) => {
return state.setIn(['data', 'title'], inParam);
export default titleModel;
import React from 'react';
import { bind } from '@lugia/lugiax';
import titleModel from './model';
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = 'testInput';
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
state => {
return { title: state.getIn(['data', 'title']) };
onChange(mutations, e) {
return mutations.modifyTitle(;
// 方法返回true组件才会重新渲染 否则组件不会重新渲染
areStateEqual(oldModelState, newModelState) {
// 当输入框输入lugiax时组件不会被重新render
const flag = newModelState.getIn(['data', 'title']) !== 'lugiax';
if (!flag) {
return flag;
export default App;
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
const titleState = {
data: {
title: '一个测试用例',
const modelName = 'testTitle';
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
sync: {
modifyTitle: (state, inParam) => {
return state.setIn(['data', 'title'], inParam);
export default titleModel;
import React from 'react';
import { bind } from '@lugia/lugiax';
import titleModel from './model';
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = 'testInput';
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
state => {
return { title: state.getIn(['data', 'title']) };
onChange(mutations, e) {
return mutations.modifyTitle(;
// 方法返回true组件才会重新渲染 否则组件不会重新渲染
areStatePropsEqual(oldState, newState) {
// 当输入框输入lugiax时组件不会被重新render
const flag = newState.title !== 'lugiax';
if (!flag) {
return flag;
export default App;
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
const titleState = {
data: {
title: '一个测试用例',
const modelName = 'testTitle';
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
sync: {
modifyTitle: (state, inParam) => {
return state.setIn(['data', 'title'], inParam);
export default titleModel;
// app.js
import React from 'react';
import { bind } from '@lugia/lugiax';
import titleModel from './model';
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = 'testInput';
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
state => {
return { title: state.getIn(['data', 'title']) };
onChange(mutations, e) {
return mutations.modifyTitle(;
areOwnPropsEqual(oldProps, newProps) {
// 当外部props里面title等于 lugiax 时组件不会被重新render
const flag = newProps.title !== 'lugiax';
if (!flag) {
return flag;
export default class Test extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
outTitle: 'aaa',
modifyTitle = inputParameter => {
render() {
const { outTitle: title } = this.state;
return (
<App title={title} />
onClick={() => {
this.modifyTitle({ outTitle: 'lugiax' });
onClick={() => {
this.modifyTitle({ outTitle: '其他值' });
import lugaix from "@lugia/lugiax";
const titleState = {
data: {
title: "一个测试用例"
const modelName = "testTitle";
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
sync: {
modifyTitle: (state, inParam) => {
return state.setIn(["data", "title"], inParam);
export default titleModel;
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { bind } from '@lugia/lugiax';
import titleModel from './model';
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = 'testInput';
content = '我是被bind的组件中的值';
getComponentData() {
return this.content;
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { title } = this.props;
return (
<div style={{ border: '1px solid red', padding: '20px' }}>
<p style={{ padding: 0, margin: 0 }}>被bind的组件</p>
<input value={title} {...props} />
const App = bind(
state => {
return { title: state.getIn(['data', 'title']) };
withRef: true,
export default class Test extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
outTitle: 'aaa',
showComponentData = () => {
// 拿到被bind组件的实例。并调用组件中的方法(注:target是固定的)
render() {
const { outTitle: title } = this.state;
return (
<App title={title} ref={cmp => (this.myInput = cmp)} />
<button onClick={this.showComponentData}>调用被bind组件中的方法</button>
- bindTo是对bind方法的封装。使用者可以省略了自己编写从model取值的代码,只需传入model中state属性和组件props属性的对应关系即可。
import { bind } from "@lugia/lugiax";
const newComponent = bind(
model, // object
bindConfig, // object || string
eventConfig, // object
?option // object
- model
- 使用lugaix.register() 方法返回的model对象
- 数据类型
- object
- bindConfig
- model中state属性映射到组件props属性的对应关系,对象value值表示props的属性 对象的key值表示model中state属性。 props[value] === model.state[key]
- 数据类型
- object | string
- 当这个值是对象时存储了model中state和组件Props属性取值的对应关系,bindTo会根据这个对应关系自动生成取值方法并将属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。
- 当这个值是一个string时,bindTo会将model中state和组件Props属性取值对应关系会变成{[string]:‘value’}。然后会根据这个对应关系自动生成取值方法并将属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。
- object | string
- eventConfig
- 使用者通过这个对象定义如何使用model中的mutation方法,最终bindTo会将这个对象属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。
- 数据类型
- object
- option 其他扩展参数
- props
- 传入一些属性值,bindTo会将这个对象属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。
- 数据类型
- object
- eventHandle
- 传入处理函数,bindTo会将这个对象属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。调用组件在props中的函数、mapModelMutations映射的函数、eventHandle传入的函数名字相同,会将三个函数合并为一个新函数,并在传给被bind的组件,这个新函数会依次执行以上三个函数。
- 数据类型
- { [eventName: string] : Function }
- withRef
- withRef是true时,可在bind()后返回的组件的ref中拿到被bind组件的实例。可以调用被bind组件上的方法或者属性(返回值的target属性)。如果withRef是false时,拿到被bind组件的实例
- 数据类型
- boolean
- areStateEqual
- 用户自定义阻止组件render函数, 当方法返回true时bind后的组件会被 render,当方法返回值为false时bind后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldModelState, newModelState) => { return true or false}
- oldModelState是model改前的数据
- newModelState是model改后的数据
- (oldModelState, newModelState) => { return true or false}
- areStatePropsEqual
- 用户自定义方法,当这个方法返回true时bind后的组件会被 render,方法返回值为false时bind后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldState, newState) => { return true or false}
- oldState组件更新前的state数据,对应的是model上state映射到this.props的值
- newState更新后的state数据,对应的是model上state映射this.props的值
- (oldState, newState) => { return true or false}
- areOwnPropsEqual
- 用户自定义方法,当这个方法返回true时bind后的组件会被 render,方法返回值为false时bind后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldProps, newProps) => { return true or false}
- oldProps 是bind后的组件props改变前的数据,对应的是bind后返回组件在调用是传入的props属性值
- oldProps 是bind后的组件props改变后的数据, 对应的是bind后返回组件在调用是传入的props属性值
- (oldProps, newProps) => { return true or false}
- props
// model.js
import lugaix from "@lugia/lugiax";
const titleState = {
title: "一个测试用例"
const modelName = "testTitle";
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {
export default titleModel;
使用bindTo 将model和组件绑定
// app.js
import React from 'react';
import { bindTo } from '@lugia/lugiax';
import titleModel from './model';
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = 'testInput';
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { value } = this.props;
return (
<input {...this.props} />
const App = bindTo(
title: 'value',
// ,{
// onChange: {
// title(e) {
// // Todo
// console.log(`onChange值:${}`);
// return;
// },
// },
// }
export default App;
// model.js
import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax';
const titleState = {
form: {
title: '嵌套数据',
const modelName = 'testTitle';
const titleModel = lugaix.register({
model: modelName,
state: titleState,
mutations: {},
export default titleModel;
使用bindTo 将model和组件绑定
// app.js
import React from 'react';
import { bindTo } from '@lugia/lugiax';
import titleModel from './model';
class InputTitle extends React.Component<any, any> {
static displayName = 'testInput';
render() {
const { props } = this;
const { value } = this.props;
return (
<input {...this.props} />
const App = bindTo(
'form.title': 'value',
onChange: {
'form.title': e => {
export default App;
- 将注册的一个或者多个model和组件进行绑定。在组件中props中就可以获取到model中state的数据。可以通过调用mutation方法去改model中的数据,从而引起被绑定组件render。
import { connect } from "@lugia/lugiax";
const newComponent = connect(
model, // object || Arrray<Object>
mapModelStateToProps, // function
mapModelToMutationsToProps, // function
?option // object
- model
- 使用lugaix.register() 方法返回的model对象
- 数据类型
- object | Array
- mapModelStateToProps
- connect会根据这个方法返回的对象。将model里的state属性映射到this.props属性上
- (modelState) => {return {}}
- 当connect单个model时。modelState是当前model里的state对象
- 当connect多个model时。modelState是model里的state对象的数组。并且这个数组的顺序和connect时传入的model数组的顺序是一致的。
- mapModelToMutationsToProps
- connect会根据这个方法返回的对象。将model里的mutations映射到this.props中.
- 数据类型
- (modelMutations) => { return {} }
- 当connect单个model是。modelMutations是当前model里的mutations对象
- 当connect多个model时。modelMutations是model里的mutations对象的数组。并且这个数组的顺序connect时传入的model数组的顺序是一致的。
- (modelMutations) => { return {} }
- option 其他扩展参数
- props
- 传入一些属性值,connect会将这个对象属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。
- 数据类型
- object
- eventHandle
- 传入处理函数,connect会将这个对象属性映射到被绑定组件的 this.props 中。调用组件在props中的函数、mapModelMutations映射的函数、eventHandle传入的函数名字相同,会将三个函数合并为一个新函数,并在传给被bind的组件,这个新函数会依次执行以上三个函数。
- 数据类型
- { [eventName: string] : Function }
- areStateEqual
- 用户自定义方法, 当方法返回true时connect后的组件会被 render,当方法返回值为false时connect后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldModelState, newModelState) => { return true or false}
- oldModelState是model改前的数据
- newModelState是model改后的数据
- (oldModelState, newModelState) => { return true or false}
- areStatePropsEqual
- 用户自定义方法,当这个方法返回true时bind后的组件会被 render,方法返回值为false时bind后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldState, newState) => { return true or false}
- oldState组件更新前的state数据,对应的是model上state映射到this.props的值
- newState更新后的state数据,对应的是model上state映射到this.props的值
- (oldState, newState) => { return true or false}
- areOwnPropsEqual
- 用户自定义方法,让这个方法返回true时connect后的组件会被 render,方法返回值为false时connect后的组件不会被render。
- 数据类型
- (oldProps, newProps) => { return true or false}
- oldProps 是connect后的组件props改变前的数据,对应的是bind后返回组件在调用是传入的props属性值
- oldProps 是bind后的组件props改变后的数据,对应的是bind后返回组件在调用是传入的props属性值
- (oldProps, newProps) => { return true or false}
- withRef
- withRef是true时,可在bind()后返回的组件的ref中拿到被bind组件的实例。可以调用被bind组件上的方法或者属性(返回值的target属性)。如果withRef是false时,拿到被bind组件的实例
- 数据类型
- boolean
- props
- routerMap
- path
- 路由匹配路径
- 数据类型
- object
- render
- 内联渲染,而且不会产生上文说的重复装载问题。
- 数据类型
- function
- exact
- exact表示location.pathnam值必须和path完全一致才渲染对应的组件,为true是表示严格匹配,要求路径与location.pathname必须完全匹配。
- 默认值为false
- 数据类型
- boolean
- 匹配规则 | 路由 | url | exact | 结果 | |:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:| | /one | /one/two | true | no | | /one | /one/two | false | yes |
- path
- strict
- strict属性主要就是匹配反斜杠,规定是否匹配末尾包含反斜杠的路径,如果strict为true,则如果path中不包含反斜杠结尾,则他也不能匹配包含反斜杠结尾的路径,这个需要和exact结合使用
- 默认值false
- 数据类型
- boolean
- 匹配规则 | 路由 | url | exact | 结果 | |:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:| | /one/ | /one | true | no | | /one/ | /one/ | true | yes | | /one/ | /one/two | true | yes |
- component
- 路径对应显示的组件
- 数据类型
- function 或者 reactComponent
- onPageLoad
- 页面加载完成后执行
- 数据类型
- function
- onPageUnLoad
- 页面卸载时执行
- 数据类型
- function
- verify
- 单个路由同步验证方法,返回false 时渲染空页面,也可以在函数内部调用重定向的方法跳转的其他路由。当返回true会渲染routerMap.component 或者 routerMap.render对应的组件。
- 数据类型
- function({url}): boolean
- url表示当前路由地址
- function({url}): boolean
- redirect
- 当redirect.verify函数返回false重定向到redirect.to指定的路由。当返回true会渲染routerMap.component 或者 routerMap.render对应的组件。
- 数据类型
- object
- to
- 重定向的路由地址
- 数据类型
- string
- verify
- 韩树重定向判断依据,如果函数返回值为false,进行重定向跳转。如果返回值为true会渲染routerMap.component 或者 routerMap.render对应的组件。
- 数据类型
- function({url}):boolean
- url表示当前路由地址
- function({url}):boolean
- to
- object
- history
- 用于导航的历史对象。
- 数据类型
- createBrowserHistory
- createHashHistory
- param 其他扩展配置
- loading
- 页面为渲染之前的加载,loading组件
- 数据类型
- function 或者 reactComponent
- onBeforeGo
- 异步路由校验,可在内部使用进行重定向其他路由。切换路由时这个函数就会被调用,
- 数据类型
- async function({url})
- url表示当前路由地址
- async function({url})
- verifyUrl
- 每个路由切换都会触发这个同步路由验证方法,返回false 时渲染空页面,也可以在函数内部调用重定向的方法跳转的其他路由。当返回true会渲染routerMap.component 或者 routerMap.render对应的组件。
- 数据类型
- function({url}):boolean
- url表示当前路由地址
- function({url}):boolean
- loading
- 只有当前的location.pathnam和路由配置中的path相等时才会触发路由配置的verify函数。verify函数会在onBeforeGo和verfyUrl之前执行
- 当未配置verify函数时verfyUrl函数会优先于onBeforeGo函数
- 当verify函数和verfyUrl函数均未配置时才会执行onBeforeGo函数
- onBeforeGo和verfyUrl只要路由执行都会执行
- onBeforeGo和verfyUrl都配置时。只有verfyUrl生效
- verfyUrl、verify是同步方法,onBeforeGo是异步方法
- path
- 路由匹配路径
- 数据类型
- object
- render
- 内联渲染,而且不会产生上文说的重复装载问题。
- 数据类型
- function
- exact
- exact表示location.pathnam值必须和path完全一致才渲染对应的组件,为true是表示严格匹配,要求路径与location.pathname必须完全匹配。
- 默认值为false
- 数据类型
- boolean
- 匹配规则 | 路由 | url | exact | 结果 | |:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:| | /one | /one/two | true | no | | /one | /one/two | false | yes |
- strict
- strict属性主要就是匹配反斜杠,规定是否匹配末尾包含反斜杠的路径,如果strict为true,则如果path中不包含反斜杠结尾,则他也不能匹配包含反斜杠结尾的路径,这个需要和exact结合使用
- 默认值false
- 数据类型
- boolean
- 匹配规则 | 路由 | url | exact | 结果 | |:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:| | /one/ | /one | true | no | | /one/ | /one/ | true | yes | | /one/ | /one/two | true | yes |
- component
- 路径对应显示的组件
- 数据类型
- function 或者 reactComponent
- onPageLoad
- 页面加载完成后执行
- 数据类型
- function
- onPageUnLoad
- 页面卸载时执行
- 数据类型
- function
- verify
- 单个路由同步验证方法,返回false 时渲染空页面,也可以在函数内部调用重定向的方法跳转的其他路由。当返回true会渲染routerMap.component 或者 routerMap.render对应的组件。
- 数据类型
- function({url}): boolean
- url表示当前路由地址
- function({url}): boolean
- redirect
- 当redirect.verify函数返回false重定向到redirect.to指定的路由。当返回true会渲染routerMap.component 或者 routerMap.render对应的组件。
- 数据类型
- object
- to
- 重定向的路由地址
- 数据类型
- string
- verify
- 韩树重定向判断依据,如果函数返回值为false,进行重定向跳转。如果返回值为true会渲染routerMap.component 或者 routerMap.render对应的组件。
- 数据类型
- function({url}):boolean
- url表示当前路由地址
- function({url}):boolean
- to
- object
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; const userState = { peoples: [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ], }; const modelName = 'userInfo'; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: modelName, state: userState, mutations: { sync: { // 同步删除方法 removePeopleById(state, inpar, { mutations }) { // 获取的数据类型为 Immutable const list = state.get('peoples'); // Immutable数据的操作方法请参考官网 const newList = list.filter(item => { return item.get('id') !=; }); return state.set('peoples', newList); }, }, async: { // 异步删除方法。这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求。请求删除数据 async removePeopleById(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok' }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // mutations.removePeopleById调用过后会返回最新的state, // 这里一定要返回最新的state。 // state = mutations.removePeopleById(inpar); // 或者调用完mutation方法后使用getState方法获取最新的state并返回 mutations.removePeopleById(inpar); state = getState(); } return state; }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } render() { const { list, removePeopleById, asyncRemovePeopleById } = this.props; return ( <div> { => { console.log('item', item); return ( <p> <span>姓名:{}</span> <span> 年龄:{item.age}</span> <span> 爱好:{item.hobby}</span> <span onClick={() => { asyncRemovePeopleById(item); }} > 异步删除 </span> <span onClick={() => { removePeopleById(item); }} > 同步删除 </span> </p> ); })} </div> ); } } const App = connect( userModel, state => { const list = state.get('peoples').toJS ? state.get('peoples').toJS() : state.get('peoples'); return { list }; }, mutations => { console.log(mutations); const { removePeopleById, asyncRemovePeopleById } = mutations; return { removePeopleById, asyncRemovePeopleById, }; } )(UserList); export default App;
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; const userState = { peoples: [], subject: [], schoolInfo: {}, }; const modelName = 'userInfo'; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: modelName, state: userState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { const peoples = [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ]; setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('peoples',; } }, // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getSubject(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const subject = [ '理学', '工学', '文学', '艺术学', '历史学', '哲学', '经济学', '管理学', '法学', '教育学', ]; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: subject }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('subject',; } }, // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getsChoolInfo(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const schoolInfo = { name: '北京清华大学', schoolMotto: '自强不息,厚德载物', address: '北京市海淀区双清路30号。', }; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: schoolInfo }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('schoolInfo',; } }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo } = this.props; asyncGetPeoples(); asyncGetSubject(); asyncGetsChoolInfo(); } render() { const { peoples, subject, schoolInfo } = this.props; return ( <div> <div> <h2>学校信息</h2> <p> <span> 校名:{}</span> <span> 校训:{schoolInfo.schoolMotto}</span> <span> 地址:{schoolInfo.address}</span> </p> </div> <div> <h2>学校专业</h2> <p> { => { return <span>【{item}】</span>; })} </p> </div> <h2>学员信息</h2> { => { return ( <p> <span>姓名:{}</span> <span> 年龄:{item.age}</span> <span> 爱好:{item.hobby}</span> </p> ); })} </div> ); } } const App = connect( userModel, state => { const peoples = state.get('peoples').toJS ? state.get('peoples').toJS() : state.get('peoples'); const subject = state.get('subject').toJS ? state.get('subject').toJS() : state.get('subject'); const schoolInfo = state.get('schoolInfo').toJS ? state.get('schoolInfo').toJS() : state.get('schoolInfo'); return { peoples, subject, schoolInfo }; }, mutations => { const { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo } = mutations; return { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo, }; } )(UserList); export default App;
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; const userModelName = 'userModel'; const subjectModelName = 'subjectModel'; const schoolModelName = 'schoolModel'; const userState = { peoples: [], }; const subjectState = { subject: [], }; const schoolState = { schoolInfo: {}, }; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: userModelName, state: userState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { const peoples = [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ]; setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('peoples',; } }, }, }, }); export const subjectModel = lugaix.register({ model: subjectModelName, state: subjectState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getSubject(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const subject = [ '理学', '工学', '文学', '艺术学', '历史学', '哲学', '经济学', '管理学', '法学', '教育学', ]; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: subject }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('subject',; } }, }, }, }); export const schoolModel = lugaix.register({ model: schoolModelName, state: schoolState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getsChoolInfo(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const schoolInfo = { name: '北京清华大学', schoolMotto: '自强不息,厚德载物', address: '北京市海淀区双清路30号。', }; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: schoolInfo }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('schoolInfo',; } }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo } = this.props; asyncGetPeoples(); asyncGetSubject(); asyncGetsChoolInfo(); } render() { const { peoples, subject, schoolInfo } = this.props; return ( <div> <div> <h2>学校信息</h2> <p> <span> 校名:{}</span> <span> 校训:{schoolInfo.schoolMotto}</span> <span> 地址:{schoolInfo.address}</span> </p> </div> <div> <h2>学校专业</h2> <p> { => { return <span>【{item}】</span>; })} </p> </div> <h2>学员信息</h2> { => { return ( <p> <span>姓名:{}</span> <span> 年龄:{item.age}</span> <span> 爱好:{item.hobby}</span> </p> ); })} </div> ); } } const App = connect( [userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel], state => { // 绑定多个model获取state状态如下,模块状态和传入model的顺序一致 const [userModelState, subjectModelState, schoolModelState] = state; const peoples = userModelState.get('peoples').toJS ? userModelState.get('peoples').toJS() : userModelState.get('peoples'); const subject = subjectModelState.get('subject').toJS ? subjectModelState.get('subject').toJS() : subjectModelState.get('subject'); const schoolInfo = schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo').toJS ? schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo').toJS() : schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo'); return { peoples, subject, schoolInfo }; }, mutations => { // 绑定多个model获取mutation如下,模块mutation和传入model的顺序一致 const [userMutation, subjectMutation, schoolMutation] = mutations; return { asyncGetPeoples: userMutation.asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject: subjectMutation.asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo: schoolMutation.asyncGetsChoolInfo, }; } )(UserList); export default App;
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { fromJS } from 'immutable'; const userState = { peoples: [], subject: [], schoolInfo: {}, }; const modelName = 'userInfo'; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: modelName, state: userState, mutations: { sync: { removePeoplesById(state, inpar, { getState }) { const newList = state.get('peoples').filter(item => { return item.get('id') !== inpar; }); return state.set('peoples', newList); }, }, async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { const peoples = [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ]; setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('peoples', fromJS(; } }, // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getSubject(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const subject = [ '理学', '工学', '文学', '艺术学', '历史学', '哲学', '经济学', '管理学', '法学', '教育学', ]; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: subject }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('subject', fromJS(; } }, // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getsChoolInfo(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const schoolInfo = { name: '北京清华大学', schoolMotto: '自强不息,厚德载物', address: '北京市海淀区双清路30号。', }; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: schoolInfo }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('schoolInfo', fromJS(; } }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo } = this.props; asyncGetPeoples(); asyncGetSubject(); asyncGetsChoolInfo(); } removePeoplesById(id) { const { removePeoplesById } = this.props; removePeoplesById(id); } render() { const { peoples, subject, schoolInfo } = this.props; return ( <div> <div> <h2>学校信息</h2> <p> <span> 校名:{}</span> <span> 校训:{schoolInfo.schoolMotto}</span> <span> 地址:{schoolInfo.address}</span> </p> </div> <div> <h2>学校专业</h2> <p> { => { return <span>【{item}】</span>; })} </p> </div> <h2>学员信息</h2> <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>用areStateEqual实现当学员少于2条时也面部刷新</p> { => { return ( <p> <span>姓名:{}</span> <span> 年龄:{item.age}</span> <span> 爱好:{item.hobby}</span> <span onClick={() => { this.removePeoplesById(; }} > 删除 </span> </p> ); })} </div> ); } } const App = connect( userModel, state => { const peoples = state.get('peoples').toJS ? state.get('peoples').toJS() : state.get('peoples'); const subject = state.get('subject').toJS ? state.get('subject').toJS() : state.get('subject'); const schoolInfo = state.get('schoolInfo').toJS ? state.get('schoolInfo').toJS() : state.get('schoolInfo'); return { peoples, subject, schoolInfo }; }, mutations => { const { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo, removePeoplesById } = mutations; return { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo, removePeoplesById, }; }, { // 返回true 渲染组件 返回false 不渲染组件 // 当connect单个model时 oldState表示这个model修改前的State值 // 当connect单个model时 newState表示这个model修改后的State值 areStateEqual(oldState, newState) { // 当peoples数据少于2条不渲染组件 const flag = newState.get('peoples').size > 2; if (!flag) { console.log('当peoples数据少于2条组件渲染被阻止'); } return flag; }, } )(UserList); export default App;
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { fromJS } from 'immutable'; const userModelName = 'userModel'; const subjectModelName = 'subjectModel'; const schoolModelName = 'schoolModel'; const userState = { peoples: [], }; const subjectState = { subject: [], }; const schoolState = { schoolInfo: {}, }; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: userModelName, state: userState, mutations: { sync: { removePeoplesById(state, inpar, { getState }) { const newList = state.get('peoples').filter(item => { return item.get('id') !== inpar; }); return state.set('peoples', newList); }, }, async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { const peoples = [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ]; setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('peoples', fromJS(; } }, }, }, }); export const subjectModel = lugaix.register({ model: subjectModelName, state: subjectState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getSubject(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const subject = [ '理学', '工学', '文学', '艺术学', '历史学', '哲学', '经济学', '管理学', '法学', '教育学', ]; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: subject }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('subject', fromJS(; } }, }, }, }); export const schoolModel = lugaix.register({ model: schoolModelName, state: schoolState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getsChoolInfo(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const schoolInfo = { name: '北京清华大学', schoolMotto: '自强不息,厚德载物', address: '北京市海淀区双清路30号。', }; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: schoolInfo }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('schoolInfo', fromJS(; } }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo } = this.props; asyncGetPeoples(); asyncGetSubject(); asyncGetsChoolInfo(); } removePeoplesById(id) { const { removePeoplesById } = this.props; removePeoplesById(id); } render() { const { peoples, subject, schoolInfo } = this.props; return ( <div> <div> <h2>学校信息</h2> <p> <span> 校名:{}</span> <span> 校训:{schoolInfo.schoolMotto}</span> <span> 地址:{schoolInfo.address}</span> </p> </div> <div> <h2>学校专业</h2> <p> { => { return <span>【{item}】</span>; })} </p> </div> <h2>学员信息</h2> <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>用areStateEqual实现当学员少于2条时也面部刷新</p> { => { return ( <p> <span>姓名:{}</span> <span> 年龄:{item.age}</span> <span> 爱好:{item.hobby}</span> <span onClick={() => { this.removePeoplesById(; }} > 删除 </span> </p> ); })} </div> ); } } const App = connect( [userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel], state => { // 绑定多个model获取state状态如下,模块状态和传入model的顺序一致 const [userModelState, subjectModelState, schoolModelState] = state; const peoples = userModelState.get('peoples').toJS ? userModelState.get('peoples').toJS() : userModelState.get('peoples'); const subject = subjectModelState.get('subject').toJS ? subjectModelState.get('subject').toJS() : subjectModelState.get('subject'); const schoolInfo = schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo').toJS ? schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo').toJS() : schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo'); return { peoples, subject, schoolInfo }; }, mutations => { // 绑定多个model获取mutation如下,模块mutation和传入model的顺序一致 const [userMutation, subjectMutation, schoolMutation] = mutations; return { asyncGetPeoples: userMutation.asyncGetPeoples, removePeoplesById: userMutation.removePeoplesById, asyncGetSubject: subjectMutation.asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo: schoolMutation.asyncGetsChoolInfo, }; }, { // 返回true 渲染组件 返回false 不渲染组件 // 当connect多个model时 oldState是一个数组,存放着所有model的修改前的值,在数组中的顺序和传入model的一直 // 当connect多个model时 newState是一个数组,存放着所有model的修改后的值,在数组中的顺序和传入model的一直 areStateEqual(oldState, newState) { const [oldUserState, oldSubjectState, OldSchoolState] = oldState; const [newUserState, newSubjectState, newSchoolState] = newState; const flag = newUserState.get('peoples').size > 2; if (!flag) { console.log('当peoples数据少于2条组件渲染被阻止'); } return flag; }, } )(UserList); export default App;
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { fromJS } from 'immutable'; const userModelName = 'userModel'; const subjectModelName = 'subjectModel'; const schoolModelName = 'schoolModel'; const userState = { peoples: [], }; const subjectState = { subject: [], }; const schoolState = { schoolInfo: {}, }; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: userModelName, state: userState, mutations: { sync: { removePeoplesById(state, inpar, { getState }) { const newList = state.get('peoples').filter(item => { return item.get('id') !== inpar; }); return state.set('peoples', newList); }, }, async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { const peoples = [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ]; setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('peoples', fromJS(; } }, }, }, }); export const subjectModel = lugaix.register({ model: subjectModelName, state: subjectState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getSubject(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const subject = [ '理学', '工学', '文学', '艺术学', '历史学', '哲学', '经济学', '管理学', '法学', '教育学', ]; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: subject }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('subject', fromJS(; } }, }, }, }); export const schoolModel = lugaix.register({ model: schoolModelName, state: schoolState, mutations: { async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getsChoolInfo(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { const schoolInfo = { name: '北京清华大学', schoolMotto: '自强不息,厚德载物', address: '北京市海淀区双清路30号。', }; let data = await new Promise(reslove => { setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: schoolInfo }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('schoolInfo', fromJS(; } }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const { asyncGetPeoples, asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo } = this.props; asyncGetPeoples(); asyncGetSubject(); asyncGetsChoolInfo(); } removePeoplesById(id) { const { removePeoplesById } = this.props; removePeoplesById(id); } render() { const { peoples, subject, schoolInfo } = this.props; return ( <div> <div> <h2>学校信息</h2> <p> <span> 校名:{}</span> <span> 校训:{schoolInfo.schoolMotto}</span> <span> 地址:{schoolInfo.address}</span> </p> </div> <div> <h2>学校专业</h2> <p> { => { return <span>【{item}】</span>; })} </p> </div> <h2>学员信息</h2> <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>用areStateEqual实现当学员少于2条时也面部刷新</p> { => { return ( <p> <span>姓名:{}</span> <span> 年龄:{item.age}</span> <span> 爱好:{item.hobby}</span> <span onClick={() => { this.removePeoplesById(; }} > 删除 </span> </p> ); })} </div> ); } } const App = connect( [userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel], state => { // 绑定多个model获取state状态如下,模块状态和传入model的顺序一致 const [userModelState, subjectModelState, schoolModelState] = state; const peoples = userModelState.get('peoples').toJS ? userModelState.get('peoples').toJS() : userModelState.get('peoples'); const subject = subjectModelState.get('subject').toJS ? subjectModelState.get('subject').toJS() : subjectModelState.get('subject'); const schoolInfo = schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo').toJS ? schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo').toJS() : schoolModelState.get('schoolInfo'); return { peoples, subject, schoolInfo }; }, mutations => { // 绑定多个model获取mutation如下,模块mutation和传入model的顺序一致 const [userMutation, subjectMutation, schoolMutation] = mutations; return { asyncGetPeoples: userMutation.asyncGetPeoples, removePeoplesById: userMutation.removePeoplesById, asyncGetSubject: subjectMutation.asyncGetSubject, asyncGetsChoolInfo: schoolMutation.asyncGetsChoolInfo, }; }, { // 返回true 渲染组件 返回false 不渲染组件 // oldProps更改之前的props newProps更改之后的props areStatePropsEqual(oldProps, newProps) { const flag = newProps.peoples.length > 2; if (!flag) { console.log('当peoples数据少于2条组件渲染被阻止'); } return flag; }, } )(UserList); export default App;
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { fromJS } from 'immutable'; const userModelName = 'userModel'; const subjectModelName = 'subjectModel'; const schoolModelName = 'schoolModel'; const userState = { peoples: [], }; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: userModelName, state: userState, mutations: { sync: { removePeoplesById(state, inpar, { getState }) { const newList = state.get('peoples').filter(item => { return item.get('id') !== inpar; }); return state.set('peoples', newList); }, }, async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { const peoples = [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ]; setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('peoples', fromJS(; } }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const { asyncGetPeoples } = this.props; asyncGetPeoples(); } render() { const { peoples, count } = this.props; return ( <div style={{ border: '1px solid red' }}> <h2>学员信息</h2> <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>当count大于2时。组件不渲染</p> <p>count值: {count}</p> </div> ); } } const App = connect( userModel, state => { const peoples = state.get('peoples').toJS ? state.get('peoples').toJS() : state.get('peoples'); return { peoples }; }, mutations => { return { asyncGetPeoples: mutations.asyncGetPeoples, }; }, { // 返回true 渲染组件 返回false 不渲染组件 // oldProps更改之前的外部传入的props newProps更改之后的props areOwnPropsEqual(oldProps, newProps) { const flag = newProps.count <= 2; if (!flag) { console.log('当count大约2的时候,组件渲染被阻止'); } return flag; }, } )(UserList); export default class Test extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { count: 0 }; } change = () => { this.setState({ count: ++this.state.count }); }; render() { const { count } = this.state; return ( <div> <App count={count} /> <button onClick={this.change}>count++</button> </div> ); } }
// model.js import lugaix from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { fromJS } from 'immutable'; const userModelName = 'userModel'; const userState = { peoples: [], }; export const userModel = lugaix.register({ model: userModelName, state: userState, mutations: { sync: { removePeoplesById(state, inpar, { getState }) { const newList = state.get('peoples').filter(item => { return item.get('id') !== inpar; }); return state.set('peoples', newList); }, }, async: { // 这里用setTimeout代表异步ajax请求 async getPeoples(state, inpar, { mutations, getState }) { let data = await new Promise(reslove => { const peoples = [ { id: '1', name: '小名', age: 18, hobby: '睡觉' }, { id: '2', name: '小王', age: 18, hobby: '打游戏' }, { id: '3', name: '小张', age: 18, hobby: '看电视' }, { id: '4', name: '小李', age: 18, hobby: '看小说' }, ]; setTimeout(() => { reslove({ result: 'ok', data: peoples }); }, 1000); }); if (data.result === 'ok') { // 更新state是一定要获取最新的state state = getState(); return state.set('peoples', fromJS(; } }, }, }, });
// app.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from '@lugia/lugiax'; import { userModel, subjectModel, schoolModel } from './model'; class UserList extends React.Component { displayName = 'userComponent'; state = { loading: false }; constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { const { asyncGetPeoples } = this.props; asyncGetPeoples(); } showComponentName = () => { return `我是${this.displayName}组件`; }; render() { const { peoples, count } = this.props; return ( <div style={{ border: '1px solid red' }}> <h2>学员信息</h2> <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>当count大于2时。组件不渲染</p> <p>count值: {count}</p> </div> ); } } const App = connect( userModel, state => { const peoples = state.get('peoples').toJS ? state.get('peoples').toJS() : state.get('peoples'); return { peoples }; }, mutations => { return { asyncGetPeoples: mutations.asyncGetPeoples, }; }, { withRef: true, } )(UserList); export default class Test extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { componentName: '' }; } getInstance = () => { // 包裹组件的实例 const componentName =; this.setState({ componentName }); }; render() { return ( <div> <p>{this.state.componentName}</p> <App ref={target => { this.componentInstance = target; }} /> <button onClick={this.getInstance}>获取connect包裹组件的实例</button> </div> ); } }
createApp({ routerMap: { [path: string]: { render?: Function, exact?: boolean, strict?: boolean, component?: React.Component, onPageLoad?: Function, onPageUnLoad?: Function, verify?: Function, redirect?:{ to: '/login', verify?: Function } } }, history: Object, param?:{ loading?: React.Component, onBeforeGo?: (param: BeforeParam) => Promise<boolean>, verifyUrl } })
<Router> <Switch> <Route></Route> ... <Route></Route> </Switch> </Router>
// index.js 入口文件 import React from 'react'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { createApp, go, goBack, goForward, render, replace } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; import { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd } from './main'; const history = createBrowserHistory(); render(() => { const App = createApp( { '/': { exact: true, component: UserList, }, '/info': { exact: true, component: UserInfo, }, '/add': { exact: true, component: UserAdd, }, }, history ); return <App />; }, 'root');
// main.js import React from 'react'; class UserInfo extends React.Component<any> { render() { return <div>用户详情页面</div>; } } class UserList extends React.Component<any> { render() { return <div>用户里列表</div>; } } class UserAdd extends React.Component<any> { render() { return <div>用户详添加页</div>; } } export { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd };
// index.js 入口文件 import React from 'react'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { createApp, go, goBack, goForward, render, replace } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; import UserAdd from './user/add'; const history = createBrowserHistory(); render(() => { const App = createApp( { '/': { exact: true, render: async () => { return import('./user/list'); }, }, '/info': { exact: true, render: async () => { return import('./user/info'); }, }, '/add': { exact: true, render: async () => { return import('./user/add'); }, }, }, history ); return <App />; }, 'root');
userList 组件
// /user/list.js import React from 'react'; export default class UserList extends React.Component<any> { render() { return <div>用户里列表</div>; } }
userAdd 组件
// /user/add.js import React from 'react'; export default class UserAdd extends React.Component<any> { render() { return <div>用户详添加页</div>; } }
userInfo 组件
// /user/info.js import React from 'react'; export default class UserInfo extends React.Component<any> { render() { return <div>用户详情页面</div>; } }
// index.js 入口文件 import React from 'react'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { createApp, go, goBack, goForward, render, replace, Redirect } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; import { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, NoAuthority, Login } from './main'; const history = createBrowserHistory(); render(() => { const App = createApp( { '/login': { exact: true, component: Login, }, '/': { exact: true, redirect: { to: '/login', verify() { return window.loginState; }, }, component: UserList, }, '/info': { exact: true, redirect: { to: '/login', verify() { return window.loginState; }, }, component: UserInfo, }, '/add': { exact: true, redirect: { to: '/login', verify() { return window.loginState; }, }, component: UserAdd, }, }, history ); return <App />; }, 'root');
import React from 'react'; import { go, Link, createRoute, goBack, goForward, replace } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; class UserInfo extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详情页面 </div> ); } } class UserList extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户里列表 </div> ); } } class UserAdd extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详添加页 </div> ); } } class Login extends React.Component<any> { login = () => { // 模拟异步请求 new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(true); }, 500); }).then(() => { window.loginState = true; go({ url: '/' }); }); }; render() { return ( <div> 请单击按钮登录<button onClick={this.login}>登录</button> </div> ); } } class Head extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Link to="/add" id="add"> 添加用户 </Link> <Link to="/" id="list"> 用户列表 </Link> <Link to="/info" id="info"> 用户详情 </Link> </div> ); } } export { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, Login, Head };
import React from 'react'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { createApp, go, goBack, goForward, render, replace, Redirect } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; import { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, NoAuthority } from './main'; const history = createBrowserHistory(); render(() => { const App = createApp( { '/info': { exact: true, component: UserInfo, }, '/add': { exact: true, component: UserAdd, }, '/': { verify({ url }) { if (url === '/') { return true; } else { go({ url: '/' }); return false; } }, component: UserList, }, }, history ); return <App />; }, 'root');
import React from 'react'; import { go, Link, createRoute, goBack, goForward, replace } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; class UserInfo extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详情页面 </div> ); } } class UserList extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户里列表 </div> ); } } class UserAdd extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详添加页 </div> ); } } class Head extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Link to="/add" id="add"> 添加用户 </Link> <Link to="/" id="list"> 用户列表 </Link> <Link to="/info" id="info"> 用户详情 </Link> </div> ); } } export { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, Head };
通verifyUrl函数 当url时/add时让页面重定到其他路由
import React from 'react'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { createApp, go, goBack, goForward, render, replace, Redirect } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; import { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, NoAuthority } from './main'; const history = createBrowserHistory(); render(() => { const App = createApp( { '/info': { exact: true, component: UserInfo, }, '/add': { exact: true, component: UserAdd, }, '/': { component: UserList, }, }, history, { verifyUrl({ url }) { console.log('verifyUrl'); if (url === '/add') { console.log('当路由等于/add时路由不能跳转'); go({ url: '/' }); return false; } return true; }, } ); return <App />; }, 'root')
import React from 'react'; import { go, Link, createRoute, goBack, goForward, replace } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; class UserInfo extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详情页面 </div> ); } } class UserList extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户里列表 </div> ); } } class UserAdd extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详添加页 </div> ); } } class Head extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Link to="/add" id="add"> 添加用户 </Link> <Link to="/" id="list"> 用户列表 </Link> <Link to="/info" id="info"> 用户详情 </Link> </div> ); } } export { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, Head };
import React from 'react'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { createApp, go, goBack, goForward, render, replace, Redirect } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; import { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, NotFound } from './main'; const history = createBrowserHistory(); render(() => { const App = createApp( { '/info': { exact: true, component: UserInfo, }, '/add': { exact: true, component: UserAdd, }, '/notfound': { exact: true, component: NotFound, }, '/': { component: UserList, }, }, history, { async onBeforeGo({ url }) { if (url === '/notfound') return; const data = await new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { const number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); resolve(number % 2 === 0); }, 1000); }); // 能被2整除是重定向到 notfound页面 if (data) { go({ url: '/notfound' }); } }, } ); return <App />; }, 'root');
import React from 'react'; import { go, Link, createRoute, goBack, goForward, replace } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; class UserInfo extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详情页面 </div> ); } } class UserList extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户里列表 </div> ); } } class UserAdd extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详添加页 </div> ); } } class NotFound extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 未找到页面 </div> ); } } class Head extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Link to="/add" id="add"> 添加用户 </Link> <Link to="/" id="list"> 用户列表 </Link> <Link to="/info" id="info"> 用户详情 </Link> </div> ); } } export { UserInfo, UserList, UserAdd, Head, NotFound };
createRoute({ [path: string]:{ render?: Function, exact?: boolean, strict?: boolean, component?: React.Component, onPageLoad?: Function, onPageUnLoad?: Function, verify?: Function, redirect?:{ to: '/login', verify?: Function } } })
<Switch> <Route></Route> ... <Route></Route> </Switch>
import React from 'react'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { createApp, go, goBack, goForward, render, replace, Redirect } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; import UserModel, { NotFound } from './main'; const history = createBrowserHistory(); render(() => { const App = createApp( { '/': { exact: true, component: UserModel, verify() { console.log('verify'); return true; }, }, '/user': { component: UserModel, verify() { console.log('verify'); return true; }, }, '/404': { exact: true, component: NotFound, }, NotFound: { component: () => ( <Redirect to={{ pathname: '/404', }} /> ), }, }, history ); return <App />; }, 'root');
import React from 'react'; import { go, Link, createRoute, goBack, goForward, Redirect } from '@lugia/lugiax-router'; class UserInfo extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详情页面 </div> ); } } class UserList extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户里列表 </div> ); } } class UserAdd extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Head /> 用户详添加页 </div> ); } } export class NotFound extends React.Component<any> { render() { return <div>未找到页面</div>; } } class Head extends React.Component<any> { render() { return ( <div> <Link to="/user/add" id="add"> 添加用户 </Link> <Link to="/user" id="list"> 用户列表 </Link> <Link to="/user/info" id="info"> 用户详情 </Link> </div> ); } } const routerMap = { '/': { exact: true, component: UserList, }, '/user/': { exact: true, component: UserList, }, '/user/info': { exact: true, component: UserInfo, }, '/user/add': { exact: true, component: UserAdd, }, NotFound: { component: () => ( <Redirect to={{ pathname: '/404', }} /> ), }, }; export default () => { return ( <React.Fragment> {createRoute(routerMap)} </React.Fragment> ); };
render、exact、strict、component、onPageLoad、onPageUnLoad、verify、 redirect等用法和careteApp相同
render(component, domId)
go({ count: -2, }); go({ url: '/sport'});
等价于 go({ count: -1 });
等价于 go({ count: 1 });
replace({ url: '/sport', });
<Link to="/sport" id="sport"> 运动 </Link>