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Developer installation

Note this is for the compiler developers of the Taichi programming language. End users should use the pip packages instead of building from source. To build with NVIDIA GPU support, CUDA 10.0+ is needed. This installation guide works for Ubuntu 16.04+ and OS X 10.14+. For precise build instructions on Windows, please check out appveyor.yml, which does basically the same thing as the following instructions. We use MSBUILD.exe to build the generated project. Please note that Windows could have multiple instances of MSBUILD.exe shipped with different products. Please make sure you add the path for MSBUILD.exe within your MSVS directory and make it a higher priority (for instance than the one shipped with .NET).

Note that on Linux/OS X, clang is the only supported compiler for compiling the Taichi compiler. On Windows only MSVC supported.

Installing Dependencies

  • Make sure you are using Python 3.6/3.7/3.8

  • Install Python dependencies:

    python3 -m pip install --user setuptools astor pybind11 pylint sourceinspect
    python3 -m pip install --user pytest pytest-rerunfailures pytest-xdist yapf
    python3 -m pip install --user numpy GitPython coverage colorama autograd
    # To install numpy on Apple M1 devices: python3 -m pip install --user numpy --compile --pre
  • Make sure you have clang with version >= 7:

    • On Windows: Download clang-10. Make sure you add the bin folder containing clang.exe to the PATH environment variable.
    • On OS X: you don't need to do anything.
    • On Ubuntu, execute sudo apt install libtinfo-dev clang-8.
    • On Arch Linux, execute sudo pacman -S clang. (This is clang-10).
    • On other Linux distributions, please search this site for clang version >= 7.
  • Make sure you have LLVM 10.0.0. Note that Taichi uses a customized LLVM so the pre-built binaries from the LLVM official website or other sources probably won't work. Here we provide LLVM binaries customized for Taichi, which may or may not work depending on your system environment:


If you use the pre-built LLVM for Taichi, please add $LLVM_FOLDER/bin to PATH. Later, when you build Taichi using CMake, create an environment variable LLVM_DIR and set it to $LLVM_FOLDER/lib/cmake/llvm.

  • If the downloaded LLVM does not work, please build from source:

    • On Linux or OS X:

      tar xvJf llvm-10.0.0.src.tar.xz
      cd llvm-10.0.0.src
      mkdir build
      cd build
      # If you are building on NVIDIA Jetson TX2, use -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="AArch64;NVPTX"
      # If you are building on Apple M1, use -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="AArch64"
      make -j 8
      sudo make install
      # Check your LLVM installation
      llvm-config --version  # You should get 10.0.0
    • On Windows:

      # LLVM 10.0.0 + MSVC 2019
      • Then open LLVM.sln and use Visual Studio 2017+ to build.
      • Please make sure you are using the Release configuration. After building the INSTALL project (under folder CMakePredefinedTargets in the Solution Explorer window).
      • If you use MSVC 2019, make sure you use C++17 for the INSTALL project.
      • After the build is complete, find your LLVM binaries and headers in build/installed.

Setting up CUDA (optional)

If you don't have CUDA, go to this website and download the installer.

  • To check if CUDA is installed, run nvcc --version or cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt.
  • On Ubuntu we recommend choosing deb (local) as Installer Type.
  • On Arch Linux, you can easily install CUDA via pacman -S cuda without downloading the installer manually.

Setting up Taichi for development

  • Set up environment variables for Taichi:

    • On Linux / OS X, please add the following script to your rc file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc or etc. , same for other occurrences in this documentation):

      export TAICHI_REPO_DIR=/path/to/taichi  # Path to your taichi repository
      export PATH=$TAICHI_REPO_DIR/bin:$PATH
      # export CXX=/path/to/clang  # Uncomment if you encounter issue about compiler in the next step.
      # export PATH=/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH  # Uncomment if your llvm or clang is installed in /opt

      Then execute source ~/.bashrc to reload shell config.


      If you're using fish, use set -x NAME VALUES, otherwise it won't be loaded by child processes.

    • On Windows, please add these variables by accessing your system settings:

      1. Add TAICHI_REPO_DIR whose value is the path to your taichi repository so that Taichi knows you're a developer.
      2. Add or append PYTHONPATH with %TAICHI_REPO_DIR%\python so that Python imports Taichi from the local repo.
      3. Add or append PATH with %TAICHI_REPO_DIR%\bin so that you can use ti command.
      4. Add or append PATH with path to LLVM binary directory installed in previous section.
  • Clone the taichi repo recursively, and build:

    git clone --depth=1 --branch=master
    cd taichi
    git submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    # If you have not defined an environment variable $LLVM_DIR, add this CMake flag option:
    #   cmake .. -DLLVM_DIR=$LLVM_FOLDER/lib/cmake/llvm
    # On Linux / OS X, if you do not set clang as the default compiler
    # use the line below:
    #   cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang
    # Alternatively, if you would like to set clang as the default compiler
    # On Unix CMake honors environment variables $CC and $CXX upon deciding which C and C++ compilers to use
    make -j 8
  • Check out examples for runnable examples. Run them with commands like python3 examples/

  • Execute python3 -m taichi test to run all the tests. It may take up to 5 minutes to run all tests.

Troubleshooting Developer Installation

  • If make fails to compile and reports fatal error: 'spdlog/XXX.h' file not found, please try runing git submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1.

  • If importing Taichi causes

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/root/taichi/python/taichi/core/../lib/' -> '/root/taichi/python/taichi/core/../lib/'``

    Please try adding TAICHI_REPO_DIR to environment variables, see :ref:`dev_env_settings`.

  • If the build succeeded but running any Taichi code results in errors like Bitcode file (/tmp/taichi-tero94pl/runtime//runtime_x64.bc) not found, please double check clang is in your PATH:

    clang --version
    # version should be >= 7

    and our Taichi configured llvm-as:

    llvm-as --version
    # version should be >= 8
    which llvm-as
    # should be /usr/local/bin/llvm-as or /opt/XXX/bin/llvm-as, which is our configured installation

    If not, please install clang and build LLVM from source with instructions above in :ref:`dev_install`, then add their path to environment variable PATH.

  • If you encounter other issues, feel free to report by opening an issue on GitHub. We are willing to help!

  • See also :ref:`troubleshooting` for issues that may share with end-user installation.


For those who prefer to use Docker, we also provide a Dockerfile which helps setup the Taichi development environment with CUDA support based on Ubuntu docker image.


In order to follow the instructions in this section, please make sure you have the Docker DeskTop (or Engine for Linux) installed and set up properly.

Build the Docker Image

From within the root directory of the taichi Git repository, execute docker build -t taichi:latest . to build a Docker image based off the local master branch tagged with latest. Since this builds the image from source, please expect up to 40 mins build time if you don't have cached Docker image layers.


In order to save the time on building Docker images, you could always visit our Docker Hub repository and pull the versions of pre-built images you would like to use. Currently the builds are triggered per taichi Github release.

For example, to pull a image built from release v0.6.17, run docker pull taichidev/taichi:v0.6.17

Use Docker Image on macOS (cpu only)

  1. Make sure XQuartz and socat are installed:
brew cask install xquartz
brew install socat
  1. Temporally disable the xhost access-control: xhost +
  2. Start the Docker container with docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0):0 taichidev/taichi:v0.6.17
  3. Do whatever you want within the container, e.g. you could run tests or an example, try: ti test or ti example mpm88
  4. Exit from the container with exit or ctrl+D
  5. [To keep your xhost safe] Re-enable the xhost access-control: xhost -

Use Docker Image on Ubuntu (with CUDA support)

  1. Make sure your host machine has CUDA properly installed and configured. Usually you could verify it by running nvidia-smi
  2. Make sure ` NVIDIA Container Toolkit <>`_ is properly installed:
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -
curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
sudo systemctl restart docker
  1. Make sure xorg is installed: sudo apt-get install xorg
  2. Temporally disable the xhost access-control: xhost +
  3. Start the Docker container with sudo docker run -it --gpus all -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix taichidev/taichi:v0.6.17
  4. Do whatever you want within the container, e.g. you could run tests or an example, try: ti test or ti example mpm88
  5. Exit from the container with exit or ctrl+D
  6. [To keep your xhost safe] Re-enable the xhost access-control: xhost -


The nature of Docker container determines that no changes to the file system on the container could be preserved once you exit from the container. If you want to use Docker as a persistent development environment, we recommend you mount the taichi Git repository to the container as a volume and set the Python path to the mounted directory.