Creating aliases for global variables and functions with cumbersome names can sometimes improve readability. In Taichi, this can be done by assigning kernel and function local variables with ti.static()
, which forces Taichi to use standard python pointer assignment.
For example, consider the simple kernel:
def my_kernel():
for i, j in field_a:
field_b[i, j] = some_function(field_a[i, j])
The fields and function be aliased to new names with ti.static
def my_kernel():
a, b, fun = ti.static(field_a, field_b, some_function)
for i,j in a:
b[i,j] = fun(a[i,j])
Aliases can also be created for class members and methods, which can help prevent cluttering objective data-oriented programming code with self
For example, consider class kernel to compute the 2-D laplacian of some field:
def compute_laplacian(self):
for i, j in a:
self.b[i, j] = (self.a[i + 1,j] - 2.0*self.a[i, j] + self.a[i-1, j])/(self.dx**2) \
+ (self.a[i,j + 1] - 2.0*self.a[i, j] + self.a[i, j-1])/(self.dy**2)
Using ti.static()
, it can be simplified to:
def compute_laplacian(self):
a,b,dx,dy = ti.static(self.a,self.b,self.dx,self.dy)
for i,j in a:
b[i,j] = (a[i+1, j] - 2.0*a[i, j] + a[i-1, j])/(dx**2) \
+ (a[i, j+1] - 2.0*a[i, j] + a[i, j-1])/(dy**2)
can also be used in combination with if
(compile-time branching) and for
(compile-time unrolling). See :ref:`meta` for more details.
Here, we are using it for compile-time const values, i.e. the field/function handles are constants at compile time.