PyP100 is a Python library for controlling many of the TP-Link Tapo devices including the P100, P105, P110 plugs and the L530 and L510E bulbs.
If you would like to support the project, please consider buying me a coffee.
PyP100 can be installed using the package manager pip.
pip install PyP100
from PyP100 import PyP100
p100 = PyP100.P100("192.168.X.X", "[email protected]", "Password123") #Creates a P100 plug object
p100.handshake() #Creates the cookies required for further methods
p100.login() #Sends credentials to the plug and creates AES Key and IV for further methods
p100.turnOn() #Turns the connected plug on
p100.turnOff() #Turns the connected plug off
p100.toggleState() #Toggles the state of the connected plug
p100.turnOnWithDelay(10) #Turns the connected plug on after 10 seconds
p100.turnOffWithDelay(10) #Turns the connected plug off after 10 seconds
p100.getDeviceInfo() #Returns dict with all the device info of the connected plug
p100.getDeviceName() #Returns the name of the connected plug set in the app
from PyP100 import PyL530
l530 = PyL530.L530("192.168.X.X", "[email protected]", "Password123")
l530.handshake() #Creates the cookies required for further methods
l530.login() #Sends credentials to the plug and creates AES Key and IV for further methods
#All the bulbs have the same basic functions as the plugs and additionally allow for the following functions.
l530.setBrightness(50) #Sets the brightness of the connected bulb to 50% brightness
l530.setColorTemp(2700) #Sets the color temperature of the connected bulb to 2700 Kelvin (Warm White)
l530.setColor(30, 80) #Sets the color of the connected bulb to Hue: 30°, Saturation: 80% (Orange)
from PyP100 import PyP110
p110 = PyP100.P110("192.168.X.X", "[email protected]", "Password123")
p110.handshake() #Creates the cookies required for further methods
p110.login() #Sends credentials to the plug and creates AES Key and IV for further methods
#The P110 has all the same basic functions as the plugs and additionally allow for energy monitoring.
p110.getEnergyUsage() #Returns dict with all of the energy usage of the connected plug
Contributions are always welcome!
Please submit a pull request or open an issue for any changes.