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- This is a general log viewer. It can parse the log files by providing regular expression configuration or json format(ELK).
- It supports several log format, such as spring-boot, Android, iOS, Visual studio, etc.
- Theoretically, this tool can be used to analyze any log format as long as you write regular expressions for it.
- Config the regular expression(REGULAR) in ini configuration files, and then, set the result map in REGMAP, then the log files can be analyzed and displayed.
- Can filter the log according to machine / Process Id / Thread Id, log level, log text etc.
- Can calculate and get the elapse from the same thread of adjacent logs, thus it is able to identify the performance issue quickly.
- Can sort according to any column.
- Can open Visual Studio and identify the source code by double clicking the log item, only if there is a source filename and line number in logs.
- 1.Sample file Standard-SpringBoot.ini , the log file is spring log demo, can get logs from multi servers by distributed shell .
- REGULAR : defines the regular expression for a log. Regex Match Tracer is recommended for writing and validating RegEx.
- TIME_FORMAT : define the date and time format, now only support 4 format(ref sample).
- OPEN_COMMAND: define the open source file and locate line position command in other IDE(just need support file and line), example: Open *.go file in goland
- 3.REGMAP : define the regular result and log part's correspondence.
- 4.LEVELMAP: define the log level's correspondence.
- 5.JSONMAP: used for json(refer DemoJson.ini)
Use Regex Match Tracer to analyze and edit regular configurations
- Support pipe source, and so it can support real-time log(tail -f xxx | adb logcat | idevicelogsys | etc.)