This is the Fitlink monorepo initialized using Nest's monorepo project structure and combined with yarn workspaces. This repo also contains the React Native app, admin dashboard app, Storybook, and API SDK.
Make sure to setup the git hooks for the project. The hook is currently used for prettier transformation during commit. Install as follows:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
yarn install
Note you must have the datasets obtained from copied to this project, & the database should be empty for import process. Run
docker compose down --volumes
to empty the database. If this doesn't work, update to the latest Docker desktop or trydocker-compose down --volumes
, which is the older CLI for docker-compose.
// Start docker
docker compose up -d
// When importing the test dataset, this step should be skipped
// yarn migration:run
Open up docker and go into the terminal on localstack and run the following command:
`awslocal sqs create-queue --queue-name bfit-dev`
yarn db:import
yarn package:api
yarn package:admin
After running the commands navigate to http://localhost:4000/login, and you should be able to login with the credentials available in the test dataset.
- Admin Development Documentation
- API Development Documentation
- API SDK Documentation
- Common
- Mobile
- Storybook
- Empty the public schema:
yarn migration:run && yarn migration:seed:sports
yarn firebase:migration
yarn migration:seed:test-users
yarn db:export
- Change image paths to S3, upload images to S3 (
node scripts/rename-images.js
) scp -i [keypath] fitlink.sql ec2-user@[ip]:~/fitlink.sql
eb ssh
psql -h [url] -p 5432 -U [user] --password [db_name] < ~/fitlink.sql