This base class is responsible for setting up the RocksDB database, for
- * checkpointing/restoring the database and for disposal in the {@link #dispose()} method. The
- * concrete subclasses just use the RocksDB handle to store/retrieve state.
- *
- *
State is checkpointed asynchronously. The synchronous part is drawing the actual backup
- * from RocksDB, this is done in {@link #snapshot(long, long)}. This will return a
- * {@link AsyncRocksDBSnapshot} that will perform the copying of the backup to the remote
- * file system.
+ *
State is not stored in this class but in the {@link org.rocksdb.RocksDB} instance that
+ * the {@link RocksDBStateBackend} manages and checkpoints.
* @param The type of the key.
* @param The type of the namespace.
* @param The type of {@link State}.
* @param The type of {@link StateDescriptor}.
-public abstract class AbstractRocksDBState>
- implements KvState, State {
+abstract class AbstractRocksDBState>
+ implements KvState, State {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractRocksDBState.class);
- /** Serializer for the keys */
- protected final TypeSerializer keySerializer;
/** Serializer for the namespace */
- protected final TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer;
- /** The current key, which the next value methods will refer to */
- protected K currentKey;
+ private final TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer;
/** The current namespace, which the next value methods will refer to */
- protected N currentNamespace;
- /** Store it so that we can clean up in dispose() */
- protected final File basePath;
+ private N currentNamespace;
- /** FileSystem path where checkpoints are stored */
- protected final String checkpointPath;
+ /** Backend that holds the actual RocksDB instance where we store state */
+ protected RocksDBStateBackend backend;
- /** Directory in "basePath" where the actual RocksDB data base instance stores its files */
- protected final File rocksDbPath;
- /** Our RocksDB instance */
- protected final RocksDB db;
+ /** The column family of this particular instance of state */
+ ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamily;
* Creates a new RocksDB backed state.
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
* @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
- * @param basePath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- protected AbstractRocksDBState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
+ AbstractRocksDBState(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamily,
TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- File basePath,
- String checkpointPath,
- Options options) {
- rocksDbPath = new File(basePath, "db" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
+ RocksDBStateBackend backend) {
- this.keySerializer = requireNonNull(keySerializer);
this.namespaceSerializer = namespaceSerializer;
- this.basePath = basePath;
- this.checkpointPath = checkpointPath;
- RocksDB.loadLibrary();
- if (!basePath.exists()) {
- if (!basePath.mkdirs()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Could not create RocksDB data directory.");
- }
- }
- // clean it, this will remove the last part of the path but RocksDB will recreate it
- try {
- if (rocksDbPath.exists()) {
- LOG.warn("Deleting already existing db directory {}.", rocksDbPath);
- FileUtils.deleteDirectory(rocksDbPath);
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error cleaning RocksDB data directory.", e);
- }
- try {
- db =, rocksDbPath.getAbsolutePath());
- } catch (RocksDBException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error while opening RocksDB instance.", e);
- }
+ this.backend = backend;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new RocksDB backed state and restores from the given backup directory. After
- * restoring the backup directory is deleted.
- *
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
- * @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
- * @param basePath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- * @param restorePath The path to a backup directory from which to restore RocksDb database.
- */
- protected AbstractRocksDBState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- File basePath,
- String checkpointPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) {
- rocksDbPath = new File(basePath, "db" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
- RocksDB.loadLibrary();
- // clean it, this will remove the last part of the path but RocksDB will recreate it
- try {
- if (rocksDbPath.exists()) {
- LOG.warn("Deleting already existing db directory {}.", rocksDbPath);
- FileUtils.deleteDirectory(rocksDbPath);
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error cleaning RocksDB data directory.", e);
- }
- try (BackupEngine backupEngine =, new BackupableDBOptions(restorePath + "/"))) {
- backupEngine.restoreDbFromLatestBackup(rocksDbPath.getAbsolutePath(), rocksDbPath.getAbsolutePath(), new RestoreOptions(true));
- } catch (RocksDBException|IllegalArgumentException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error while restoring RocksDB state from " + restorePath, e);
- } finally {
- try {
- FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(restorePath));
- } catch (IOException e) {
- LOG.error("Error cleaning up local restore directory " + restorePath, e);
- }
- }
- this.keySerializer = requireNonNull(keySerializer);
- this.namespaceSerializer = namespaceSerializer;
- this.basePath = basePath;
- this.checkpointPath = checkpointPath;
- if (!basePath.exists()) {
- if (!basePath.mkdirs()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Could not create RocksDB data directory.");
- }
- }
- try {
- db =, rocksDbPath.getAbsolutePath());
- } catch (RocksDBException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error while opening RocksDB instance.", e);
- }
+ this.columnFamily = columnFamily;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -217,234 +86,38 @@ final public void clear() {
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
- db.remove(key);
+ backend.db.remove(columnFamily, key);
} catch (IOException|RocksDBException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while removing entry from RocksDB", e);
- protected void writeKeyAndNamespace(DataOutputView out) throws IOException {
- keySerializer.serialize(currentKey, out);
+ void writeKeyAndNamespace(DataOutputView out) throws IOException {
+ backend.keySerializer().serialize(backend.currentKey(), out);
namespaceSerializer.serialize(currentNamespace, out);
- @Override
- final public void setCurrentKey(K currentKey) {
- this.currentKey = currentKey;
- }
final public void setCurrentNamespace(N namespace) {
this.currentNamespace = namespace;
- protected abstract AbstractRocksDBSnapshot createRocksDBSnapshot(URI backupUri, long checkpointId);
- @Override
- public final KvStateSnapshot snapshot(final long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception {
- final File localBackupPath = new File(basePath, "local-chk-" + checkpointId);
- final URI backupUri = new URI(checkpointPath + "/chk-" + checkpointId);
- if (!localBackupPath.exists()) {
- if (!localBackupPath.mkdirs()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Could not create local backup path " + localBackupPath);
- }
- }
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- BackupableDBOptions backupOptions = new BackupableDBOptions(localBackupPath.getAbsolutePath());
- // we disabled the WAL
- backupOptions.setBackupLogFiles(false);
- // no need to sync since we use the backup only as intermediate data before writing to FileSystem snapshot
- backupOptions.setSync(false);
- try (BackupEngine backupEngine =,
- backupOptions)) {
- // make sure to flush because we don't write to the write-ahead-log
- db.flush(new FlushOptions().setWaitForFlush(true));
- backupEngine.createNewBackup(db);
- }
- long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-"RocksDB (" + rocksDbPath + ") backup (synchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms.");
- return new AsyncRocksDBSnapshot<>(
- localBackupPath,
- backupUri,
- checkpointId,
- this);
- }
final public void dispose() {
- db.dispose();
- try {
- FileUtils.deleteDirectory(basePath);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error disposing RocksDB data directory.", e);
- }
+ // ignore because we don't hold any state ourselves
- protected static abstract class AbstractRocksDBSnapshot>
- implements KvStateSnapshot {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractRocksDBSnapshot.class);
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Ctor parameters for RocksDB state
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Store it so that we can clean up in dispose() */
- protected final File basePath;
- /** Where we should put RocksDB backups */
- protected final String checkpointPath;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Info about this checkpoint
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- protected final URI backupUri;
- protected long checkpointId;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // For sanity checks
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Key serializer */
- protected final TypeSerializer keySerializer;
- /** Namespace serializer */
- protected final TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer;
- /** Hash of the StateDescriptor, for sanity checks */
- protected final SD stateDesc;
- /**
- * Creates a new snapshot from the given state parameters.
- */
- public AbstractRocksDBSnapshot(File basePath,
- String checkpointPath,
- URI backupUri,
- long checkpointId,
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- SD stateDesc) {
- this.basePath = basePath;
- this.checkpointPath = checkpointPath;
- this.backupUri = backupUri;
- this.checkpointId = checkpointId;
- this.stateDesc = stateDesc;
- this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
- this.namespaceSerializer = namespaceSerializer;
- }
- /**
- * Subclasses must implement this for creating a concrete RocksDB state.
- */
- protected abstract KvState createRocksDBState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- SD stateDesc,
- File basePath,
- String backupPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) throws Exception;
- @Override
- public final KvState restoreState(
- RocksDBStateBackend stateBackend,
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- ClassLoader classLoader,
- long recoveryTimestamp) throws Exception {
- // validity checks
- if (!this.keySerializer.equals(keySerializer)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Cannot restore the state from the snapshot with the given serializers. " +
- "State (K/V) was serialized with " +
- "(" + keySerializer + ") " +
- "now is (" + keySerializer + ")");
- }
- if (!basePath.exists()) {
- if (!basePath.mkdirs()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Could not create RocksDB base path " + basePath);
- }
- }
- final File localBackupPath = new File(basePath, "chk-" + checkpointId);
- if (localBackupPath.exists()) {
- try {
- LOG.warn("Deleting already existing local backup directory {}.", localBackupPath);
- FileUtils.deleteDirectory(localBackupPath);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Error cleaning RocksDB local backup directory.", e);
- }
- }
- HDFSCopyToLocal.copyToLocal(backupUri, basePath);
- return createRocksDBState(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, stateDesc, basePath,
- checkpointPath, localBackupPath.getAbsolutePath(), stateBackend.getRocksDBOptions());
- }
- @Override
- public final void discardState() throws Exception {
- FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(backupUri, HadoopFileSystem.getHadoopConfiguration());
- fs.delete(new Path(backupUri), true);
- }
+ @Override
+ public void setCurrentKey(K key) {
+ // ignore because we don't hold any state ourselves
- @Override
- public final long getStateSize() throws Exception {
- FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(backupUri, HadoopFileSystem.getHadoopConfiguration());
- return fs.getContentSummary(new Path(backupUri)).getLength();
- }
- /**
- * Upon snapshotting the RocksDB backup is created synchronously. The asynchronous part is
- * copying the backup to a (possibly) remote filesystem. This is done in {@link #materialize()}
- * of this class.
- */
- private static class AsyncRocksDBSnapshot> extends AsynchronousKvStateSnapshot {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- private final File localBackupPath;
- private final URI backupUri;
- private final long checkpointId;
- private transient AbstractRocksDBState state;
- public AsyncRocksDBSnapshot(File localBackupPath,
- URI backupUri,
- long checkpointId,
- AbstractRocksDBState state) {
- this.localBackupPath = localBackupPath;
- this.backupUri = backupUri;
- this.checkpointId = checkpointId;
- this.state = state;
- }
- @Override
- public KvStateSnapshot materialize() throws Exception {
- try {
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- HDFSCopyFromLocal.copyFromLocal(localBackupPath, backupUri);
- long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-"RocksDB materialization from " + localBackupPath + " to " + backupUri + " (asynchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms.");
- return state.createRocksDBSnapshot(backupUri, checkpointId);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(backupUri, HadoopFileSystem.getHadoopConfiguration());
- fs.delete(new Path(backupUri), true);
- throw e;
- } finally {
- FileUtils.deleteQuietly(localBackupPath);
- }
- }
+ @Override
+ public KvStateSnapshot snapshot(long checkpointId,
+ long timestamp) throws Exception {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called. Backups happen in RocksDBStateBackend.");
diff --git a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
index 3e52f1f316cf2..863c5daa7b14f 100644
--- a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
+++ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
@@ -18,10 +18,11 @@
package org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state;
-import org.rocksdb.Options;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions;
+import org.rocksdb.DBOptions;
- * A factory for {@link Options} to be passed to the {@link RocksDBStateBackend}.
+ * A factory for {@link DBOptions} to be passed to the {@link RocksDBStateBackend}.
* Options have to be created lazily by this factory, because the {@code Options}
* class is not serializable and holds pointers to native code.
@@ -55,5 +56,19 @@ public interface OptionsFactory extends {
* @param currentOptions The options object with the pre-defined options.
* @return The options object on which the additional options are set.
- Options createOptions(Options currentOptions);
+ DBOptions createDBOptions(DBOptions currentOptions);
+ /**
+ * This method should set the additional options on top of the current options object.
+ * The current options object may contain pre-defined options based on flags that have
+ * been configured on the state backend.
+ *
+ *
It is important to set the options on the current object and return the result from
+ * the setter methods, otherwise the pre-defined options may get lost.
+ *
+ * @param currentOptions The options object with the pre-defined options.
+ * @return The options object on which the additional options are set.
+ */
+ ColumnFamilyOptions createColumnOptions(ColumnFamilyOptions currentOptions);
diff --git a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
index c19b54fae2764..93aac8564637e 100644
--- a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
+++ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
package org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state;
import org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions;
import org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle;
-import org.rocksdb.Options;
+import org.rocksdb.DBOptions;
+import org.rocksdb.StringAppendOperator;
* The {@code PredefinedOptions} are configuration settings for the {@link RocksDBStateBackend}.
@@ -42,11 +44,18 @@ public enum PredefinedOptions {
- public Options createOptions() {
- return new Options()
+ public DBOptions createDBOptions() {
+ return new DBOptions()
+ @Override
+ public ColumnFamilyOptions createColumnOptions() {
+ return new ColumnFamilyOptions()
+ .setMergeOperator(new StringAppendOperator());
+ }
@@ -72,16 +81,22 @@ public Options createOptions() {
- public Options createOptions() {
+ public DBOptions createDBOptions() {
- return new Options()
- .setCompactionStyle(CompactionStyle.LEVEL)
- .setLevelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes(true)
+ return new DBOptions()
+ @Override
+ public ColumnFamilyOptions createColumnOptions() {
+ return new ColumnFamilyOptions()
+ .setMergeOperator(new StringAppendOperator())
+ .setCompactionStyle(CompactionStyle.LEVEL)
+ .setLevelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes(true);
+ }
@@ -113,25 +128,32 @@ public Options createOptions() {
- public Options createOptions() {
+ public DBOptions createDBOptions() {
+ return new DBOptions()
+ .setIncreaseParallelism(4)
+ .setUseFsync(false)
+ .setDisableDataSync(true)
+ .setMaxOpenFiles(-1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ColumnFamilyOptions createColumnOptions() {
final long blockCacheSize = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
final long blockSize = 128 * 1024;
final long targetFileSize = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
final long writeBufferSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
- return new Options()
+ return new ColumnFamilyOptions()
+ .setMergeOperator(new StringAppendOperator())
.setMaxBytesForLevelBase(4 * targetFileSize)
- .setIncreaseParallelism(4)
- .setUseFsync(false)
- .setDisableDataSync(true)
- .setMaxOpenFiles(-1)
new BlockBasedTableConfig()
@@ -160,21 +182,35 @@ public Options createOptions() {
- public Options createOptions() {
- return new Options()
+ public DBOptions createDBOptions() {
+ return new DBOptions()
+ @Override
+ public ColumnFamilyOptions createColumnOptions() {
+ return new ColumnFamilyOptions()
+ .setMergeOperator(new StringAppendOperator());
+ }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Creates the options for this pre-defined setting.
+ * Creates the {@link DBOptions}for this pre-defined setting.
* @return The pre-defined options object.
- public abstract Options createOptions();
+ public abstract DBOptions createDBOptions();
+ /**
+ * Creates the {@link org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions}for this pre-defined setting.
+ *
+ * @return The pre-defined options object.
+ */
+ public abstract ColumnFamilyOptions createColumnOptions();
diff --git a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
index 20b5181a02d28..91fa8075587dd 100644
--- a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
+++ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
@@ -24,17 +24,14 @@
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputViewStreamWrapper;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataOutputViewStreamWrapper;
-import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KvState;
-import org.rocksdb.Options;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
@@ -46,7 +43,7 @@
* @param The type of the values that can be folded into the state.
* @param The type of the value in the folding state.
-public class RocksDBFoldingState
+class RocksDBFoldingState
extends AbstractRocksDBState, FoldingStateDescriptor>
implements FoldingState {
@@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ public class RocksDBFoldingState
private final TypeSerializer valueSerializer;
/** This holds the name of the state and can create an initial default value for the state. */
- protected final FoldingStateDescriptor stateDesc;
+ private final FoldingStateDescriptor stateDesc;
/** User-specified fold function */
private final FoldFunction foldFunction;
@@ -63,59 +60,23 @@ public class RocksDBFoldingState
* We disable writes to the write-ahead-log here. We can't have these in the base class
* because JNI segfaults for some reason if they are.
- protected final WriteOptions writeOptions;
+ private final WriteOptions writeOptions;
* Creates a new {@code RocksDBFoldingState}.
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
* @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
* @param stateDesc The state identifier for the state. This contains name
* and can create a default state value.
- * @param dbPath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- * @param backupPath The path where to store backups.
- protected RocksDBFoldingState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
+ RocksDBFoldingState(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamily,
TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
FoldingStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File dbPath,
- String backupPath,
- Options options) {
- super(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, dbPath, backupPath, options);
- this.stateDesc = requireNonNull(stateDesc);
- this.valueSerializer = stateDesc.getSerializer();
- this.foldFunction = stateDesc.getFoldFunction();
- writeOptions = new WriteOptions();
- writeOptions.setDisableWAL(true);
- }
+ RocksDBStateBackend backend) {
- /**
- * Creates a {@code RocksDBFoldingState} by restoring from a directory.
- *
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
- * @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
- * @param stateDesc The state identifier for the state. This contains name
- * and can create a default state value.
- * @param dbPath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- * @param backupPath The path where to store backups.
- * @param restorePath The path on the local file system that we are restoring from.
- */
- protected RocksDBFoldingState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- FoldingStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File dbPath,
- String backupPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) {
- super(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, dbPath, backupPath, restorePath, options);
+ super(columnFamily, namespaceSerializer, backend);
- this.stateDesc = stateDesc;
+ this.stateDesc = requireNonNull(stateDesc);
this.valueSerializer = stateDesc.getSerializer();
this.foldFunction = stateDesc.getFoldFunction();
@@ -130,7 +91,7 @@ public ACC get() {
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
- byte[] valueBytes = db.get(key);
+ byte[] valueBytes = backend.db.get(columnFamily, key);
if (valueBytes == null) {
return stateDesc.getDefaultValue();
@@ -147,65 +108,22 @@ public void add(T value) throws IOException {
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
- byte[] valueBytes = db.get(key);
+ byte[] valueBytes = backend.db.get(columnFamily, key);
if (valueBytes == null) {
valueSerializer.serialize(foldFunction.fold(stateDesc.getDefaultValue(), value), out);
- db.put(writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
+ backend.db.put(columnFamily, writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
} else {
ACC oldValue = valueSerializer.deserialize(new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(new ByteArrayInputStream(valueBytes)));
ACC newValue = foldFunction.fold(oldValue, value);
valueSerializer.serialize(newValue, out);
- db.put(writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
+ backend.db.put(columnFamily, writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while adding data to RocksDB", e);
- @Override
- protected AbstractRocksDBSnapshot, FoldingStateDescriptor> createRocksDBSnapshot(
- URI backupUri, long checkpointId) {
- return new Snapshot<>(basePath, checkpointPath, backupUri, checkpointId, keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, stateDesc);
- }
- private static class Snapshot extends AbstractRocksDBSnapshot, FoldingStateDescriptor> {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public Snapshot(
- File dbPath,
- String checkpointPath,
- URI backupUri,
- long checkpointId,
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- FoldingStateDescriptor stateDesc) {
- super(dbPath,
- checkpointPath,
- backupUri,
- checkpointId,
- keySerializer,
- namespaceSerializer,
- stateDesc);
- }
- @Override
- protected KvState, FoldingStateDescriptor, RocksDBStateBackend>
- createRocksDBState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- FoldingStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File dbPath,
- String backupPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) throws Exception {
- return new RocksDBFoldingState<>(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, stateDesc, dbPath, checkpointPath, restorePath, options);
- }
- }
diff --git a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
index f5c589c7afc6b..dc55d1183d146 100644
--- a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
+++ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
@@ -23,17 +23,14 @@
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputViewStreamWrapper;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataOutputViewStreamWrapper;
-import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KvState;
-import org.rocksdb.Options;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
@@ -43,11 +40,15 @@
* {@link ListState} implementation that stores state in RocksDB.
+ *
{@link RocksDBStateBackend} must ensure that we set the
+ * {@link org.rocksdb.StringAppendOperator} on the column family that we use for our state since
+ * we use the {@code merge()} call.
+ *
* @param The type of the key.
* @param The type of the namespace.
* @param The type of the values in the list state.
-public class RocksDBListState
+class RocksDBListState
extends AbstractRocksDBState, ListStateDescriptor>
implements ListState {
@@ -55,59 +56,27 @@ public class RocksDBListState
private final TypeSerializer valueSerializer;
/** This holds the name of the state and can create an initial default value for the state. */
- protected final ListStateDescriptor stateDesc;
+ private final ListStateDescriptor stateDesc;
* We disable writes to the write-ahead-log here. We can't have these in the base class
* because JNI segfaults for some reason if they are.
- protected final WriteOptions writeOptions;
+ private final WriteOptions writeOptions;
* Creates a new {@code RocksDBListState}.
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
- * @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
- * @param stateDesc The state identifier for the state. This contains name
- * and can create a default state value.
- * @param dbPath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- * @param backupPath The path where to store backups.
- */
- protected RocksDBListState(TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- ListStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File dbPath,
- String backupPath,
- Options options) {
- super(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, dbPath, backupPath, options);
- this.stateDesc = requireNonNull(stateDesc);
- this.valueSerializer = stateDesc.getSerializer();
- writeOptions = new WriteOptions();
- writeOptions.setDisableWAL(true);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a {@code RocksDBListState} by restoring from a directory.
- *
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
* @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
* @param stateDesc The state identifier for the state. This contains name
* and can create a default state value.
- * @param dbPath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- * @param backupPath The path where to store backups.
- * @param restorePath The path on the local file system that we are restoring from.
- protected RocksDBListState(TypeSerializer keySerializer,
+ RocksDBListState(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamily,
TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
ListStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File dbPath,
- String backupPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) {
+ RocksDBStateBackend backend) {
- super(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, dbPath, backupPath, restorePath, options);
+ super(columnFamily, namespaceSerializer, backend);
this.stateDesc = requireNonNull(stateDesc);
this.valueSerializer = stateDesc.getSerializer();
@@ -122,7 +91,7 @@ public Iterable get() {
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
- byte[] valueBytes = db.get(key);
+ byte[] valueBytes = backend.db.get(columnFamily, key);
if (valueBytes == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
@@ -155,55 +124,11 @@ public void add(V value) throws IOException {
valueSerializer.serialize(value, out);
- db.merge(writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
+ backend.db.merge(columnFamily, writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while adding data to RocksDB", e);
- @Override
- protected AbstractRocksDBSnapshot, ListStateDescriptor> createRocksDBSnapshot(
- URI backupUri,
- long checkpointId) {
- return new Snapshot<>(basePath, checkpointPath, backupUri, checkpointId, keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, stateDesc);
- }
- private static class Snapshot extends
- AbstractRocksDBSnapshot, ListStateDescriptor>
- {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public Snapshot(File dbPath,
- String checkpointPath,
- URI backupUri,
- long checkpointId,
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- ListStateDescriptor stateDesc) {
- super(dbPath,
- checkpointPath,
- backupUri,
- checkpointId,
- keySerializer,
- namespaceSerializer,
- stateDesc);
- }
- @Override
- protected KvState, ListStateDescriptor, RocksDBStateBackend> createRocksDBState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- ListStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File basePath,
- String backupPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) throws Exception {
- return new RocksDBListState<>(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, stateDesc, basePath,
- checkpointPath, restorePath, options);
- }
- }
diff --git a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
index 6a965ccd0c36a..953660deb99f4 100644
--- a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
+++ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
@@ -24,17 +24,14 @@
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputViewStreamWrapper;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataOutputViewStreamWrapper;
-import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KvState;
-import org.rocksdb.Options;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
@@ -45,7 +42,7 @@
* @param The type of the namespace.
* @param The type of value that the state state stores.
-public class RocksDBReducingState
+class RocksDBReducingState
extends AbstractRocksDBState, ReducingStateDescriptor>
implements ReducingState {
@@ -53,7 +50,7 @@ public class RocksDBReducingState
private final TypeSerializer valueSerializer;
/** This holds the name of the state and can create an initial default value for the state. */
- protected final ReducingStateDescriptor stateDesc;
+ private final ReducingStateDescriptor stateDesc;
/** User-specified reduce function */
private final ReduceFunction reduceFunction;
@@ -62,26 +59,21 @@ public class RocksDBReducingState
* We disable writes to the write-ahead-log here. We can't have these in the base class
* because JNI segfaults for some reason if they are.
- protected final WriteOptions writeOptions;
+ private final WriteOptions writeOptions;
* Creates a new {@code RocksDBReducingState}.
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
* @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
* @param stateDesc The state identifier for the state. This contains name
* and can create a default state value.
- * @param dbPath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- * @param backupPath The path where to store backups.
- protected RocksDBReducingState(TypeSerializer keySerializer,
+ RocksDBReducingState(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamily,
TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
ReducingStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File dbPath,
- String backupPath,
- Options options) {
+ RocksDBStateBackend backend) {
- super(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, dbPath, backupPath, options);
+ super(columnFamily, namespaceSerializer, backend);
this.stateDesc = requireNonNull(stateDesc);
this.valueSerializer = stateDesc.getSerializer();
this.reduceFunction = stateDesc.getReduceFunction();
@@ -90,34 +82,6 @@ protected RocksDBReducingState(TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- /**
- * Creates a {@code RocksDBReducingState} by restoring from a directory.
- *
- * @param keySerializer The serializer for the keys.
- * @param namespaceSerializer The serializer for the namespace.
- * @param stateDesc The state identifier for the state. This contains name
- * and can create a default state value.
- * @param dbPath The path on the local system where RocksDB data should be stored.
- * @param backupPath The path where to store backups.
- * @param restorePath The path on the local file system that we are restoring from.
- */
- protected RocksDBReducingState(TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- ReducingStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File dbPath,
- String backupPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) {
- super(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, dbPath, backupPath, restorePath, options);
- this.stateDesc = stateDesc;
- this.valueSerializer = stateDesc.getSerializer();
- this.reduceFunction = stateDesc.getReduceFunction();
- writeOptions = new WriteOptions();
- writeOptions.setDisableWAL(true);
- }
public V get() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
@@ -125,7 +89,7 @@ public V get() {
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
- byte[] valueBytes = db.get(key);
+ byte[] valueBytes = backend.db.get(columnFamily, key);
if (valueBytes == null) {
return null;
@@ -142,66 +106,22 @@ public void add(V value) throws IOException {
try {
byte[] key = baos.toByteArray();
- byte[] valueBytes = db.get(key);
+ byte[] valueBytes = backend.db.get(columnFamily, key);
if (valueBytes == null) {
valueSerializer.serialize(value, out);
- db.put(writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
+ backend.db.put(columnFamily, writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
} else {
V oldValue = valueSerializer.deserialize(new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(new ByteArrayInputStream(valueBytes)));
V newValue = reduceFunction.reduce(oldValue, value);
valueSerializer.serialize(newValue, out);
- db.put(writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
+ backend.db.put(columnFamily, writeOptions, key, baos.toByteArray());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while adding data to RocksDB", e);
- @Override
- protected AbstractRocksDBSnapshot, ReducingStateDescriptor> createRocksDBSnapshot(
- URI backupUri,
- long checkpointId) {
- return new Snapshot<>(basePath, checkpointPath, backupUri, checkpointId, keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, stateDesc);
- }
- private static class Snapshot extends
- AbstractRocksDBSnapshot, ReducingStateDescriptor>
- {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public Snapshot(File dbPath,
- String checkpointPath,
- URI backupUri,
- long checkpointId,
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- ReducingStateDescriptor stateDesc) {
- super(dbPath,
- checkpointPath,
- backupUri,
- checkpointId,
- keySerializer,
- namespaceSerializer,
- stateDesc);
- }
- @Override
- protected KvState, ReducingStateDescriptor, RocksDBStateBackend> createRocksDBState(
- TypeSerializer keySerializer,
- TypeSerializer namespaceSerializer,
- ReducingStateDescriptor stateDesc,
- File basePath,
- String backupPath,
- String restorePath,
- Options options) throws Exception {
- return new RocksDBReducingState<>(keySerializer, namespaceSerializer, stateDesc,
- basePath, checkpointPath, restorePath, options);
- }
- }
diff --git a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
index 8f846daf495e6..3d63bd2431c3e 100644
--- a/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
+++ b/flink-contrib/flink-statebackend-rocksdb/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/contrib/streaming/state/
@@ -17,15 +17,21 @@
package org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state;
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.JobID;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.FoldingState;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.FoldingStateDescriptor;
@@ -33,18 +39,40 @@
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ListStateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ReducingState;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ReducingStateDescriptor;
+import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.StateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ValueState;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ValueStateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
+import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.base.array.BytePrimitiveArraySerializer;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputView;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.Environment;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.fs.hdfs.HadoopFileSystem;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.AbstractStateBackend;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.AsynchronousKvStateSnapshot;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KvState;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.KvStateSnapshot;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.StateHandle;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.StateBackend;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.filesystem.FsStateBackend;
-import org.rocksdb.Options;
-import org.rocksdb.StringAppendOperator;
+import org.apache.flink.streaming.util.HDFSCopyFromLocal;
+import org.apache.flink.streaming.util.HDFSCopyToLocal;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
+import org.rocksdb.BackupEngine;
+import org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle;
+import org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions;
+import org.rocksdb.DBOptions;
+import org.rocksdb.Env;
+import org.rocksdb.ReadOptions;
+import org.rocksdb.RestoreOptions;
+import org.rocksdb.RocksDB;
+import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
+import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -67,7 +95,10 @@ public class RocksDBStateBackend extends AbstractStateBackend {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RocksDBStateBackend.class);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Static configuration values
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The checkpoint directory that we copy the RocksDB backups to. */
private final Path checkpointDirectory;
@@ -75,6 +106,9 @@ public class RocksDBStateBackend extends AbstractStateBackend {
/** The state backend that stores the non-partitioned state */
private final AbstractStateBackend nonPartitionedStateBackend;
+ /** Whether we do snapshots fully asynchronous */
+ private boolean fullyAsyncBackup = false;
/** Operator identifier that is used to uniqueify the RocksDB storage path. */
private String operatorIdentifier;
@@ -100,8 +134,35 @@ public class RocksDBStateBackend extends AbstractStateBackend {
private OptionsFactory optionsFactory;
/** The options from the options factory, cached */
- private transient Options rocksDbOptions;
+ private transient DBOptions dbOptions;
+ private transient ColumnFamilyOptions columnOptions;
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Per operator values that are set in initializerForJob
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Path where this configured instance stores its data directory */
+ private transient File instanceBasePath;
+ /** Path where this configured instance stores its RocksDB data base */
+ private transient File instanceRocksDBPath;
+ /** Base path where this configured instance stores checkpoints */
+ private transient String instanceCheckpointPath;
+ /**
+ * Our RocksDB data base, this is used by the actual subclasses of {@link AbstractRocksDBState}
+ * to store state. The different k/v states that we have don't each have their own RocksDB
+ * instance. They all write to this instance but to their own column family.
+ */
+ transient RocksDB db;
+ /**
+ * Information about the k/v states as we create them. This is used to retrieve the
+ * column family that is used for a state and also for sanity checks when restoring.
+ */
+ private Map> kvStateInformation;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -141,15 +202,11 @@ public RocksDBStateBackend(URI checkpointDataUri) throws IOException {
- public RocksDBStateBackend(
- String checkpointDataUri, AbstractStateBackend nonPartitionedStateBackend) throws IOException {
+ public RocksDBStateBackend(String checkpointDataUri, AbstractStateBackend nonPartitionedStateBackend) throws IOException {
this(new Path(checkpointDataUri).toUri(), nonPartitionedStateBackend);
- public RocksDBStateBackend(
- URI checkpointDataUri, AbstractStateBackend nonPartitionedStateBackend) throws IOException {
+ public RocksDBStateBackend(URI checkpointDataUri, AbstractStateBackend nonPartitionedStateBackend) throws IOException {
this.nonPartitionedStateBackend = requireNonNull(nonPartitionedStateBackend);
this.checkpointDirectory = FsStateBackend.validateAndNormalizeUri(checkpointDataUri);
@@ -201,6 +258,40 @@ public void initializeForJob(
nextDirectory = new Random().nextInt(initializedDbBasePaths.length);
+ instanceBasePath = new File(getDbPath("dummy_state"), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
+ instanceCheckpointPath = getCheckpointPath("dummy_state");
+ instanceRocksDBPath = new File(instanceBasePath, "db");
+ RocksDB.loadLibrary();
+ if (!instanceBasePath.exists()) {
+ if (!instanceBasePath.mkdirs()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Could not create RocksDB data directory.");
+ }
+ }
+ // clean it, this will remove the last part of the path but RocksDB will recreate it
+ try {
+ if (instanceRocksDBPath.exists()) {
+ LOG.warn("Deleting already existing db directory {}.", instanceRocksDBPath);
+ FileUtils.deleteDirectory(instanceRocksDBPath);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error cleaning RocksDB data directory.", e);
+ }
+ List columnFamilyDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(1);
+ // RocksDB seems to need this...
+ columnFamilyDescriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("default".getBytes()));
+ List columnFamilyHandles = new ArrayList<>(1);
+ try {
+ db =, instanceRocksDBPath.getAbsolutePath(), columnFamilyDescriptors, columnFamilyHandles);
+ } catch (RocksDBException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error while opening RocksDB instance.", e);
+ }
+ kvStateInformation = new HashMap<>();
@@ -208,30 +299,44 @@ public void disposeAllStateForCurrentJob() throws Exception {
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ super.dispose();
+ nonPartitionedStateBackend.dispose();
+ if (this.dbOptions != null) {
+ this.dbOptions.dispose();
+ this.dbOptions = null;
+ }
+ for (Tuple2 column: kvStateInformation.values()) {
+ column.f0.dispose();
+ }
+ db.dispose();
+ }
public void close() throws Exception {
- Options opt = this.rocksDbOptions;
- if (opt != null) {
- opt.dispose();
- this.rocksDbOptions = null;
+ if (this.dbOptions != null) {
+ this.dbOptions.dispose();
+ this.dbOptions = null;
+ for (Tuple2 column: kvStateInformation.values()) {
+ column.f0.dispose();
+ }
+ db.dispose();
- File getDbPath(String stateName) {
+ private File getDbPath(String stateName) {
return new File(new File(new File(getNextStoragePath(), jobId.toString()), operatorIdentifier), stateName);
- String getCheckpointPath(String stateName) {
+ private String getCheckpointPath(String stateName) {
return checkpointDirectory + "/" + jobId.toString() + "/" + operatorIdentifier + "/" + stateName;
- File[] getStoragePaths() {
- return initializedDbBasePaths;
- }
- File getNextStoragePath() {
+ private File getNextStoragePath() {
int ni = nextDirectory + 1;
ni = ni >= initializedDbBasePaths.length ? 0 : ni;
nextDirectory = ni;
@@ -239,53 +344,545 @@ File getNextStoragePath() {
return initializedDbBasePaths[ni];
+ /**
+ * Visible for tests.
+ */
+ public File[] getStoragePaths() {
+ return initializedDbBasePaths;
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Snapshot and restore
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @Override
+ public HashMap> snapshotPartitionedState(long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception {
+ if (keyValueStatesByName == null || keyValueStatesByName.size() == 0) {
+ return new HashMap<>();
+ }
+ if (fullyAsyncBackup) {
+ return performFullyAsyncSnapshot(checkpointId, timestamp);
+ } else {
+ return performSemiAsyncSnapshot(checkpointId, timestamp);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs a checkpoint by using the RocksDB backup feature to backup to a directory.
+ * This backup is the asynchronously copied to the final checkpoint location.
+ */
+ private HashMap> performSemiAsyncSnapshot(long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception {
+ // We don't snapshot individual k/v states since everything is stored in a central
+ // RocksDB data base. Create a dummy KvStateSnapshot that holds the information about
+ // that checkpoint. We use the in injectKeyValueStateSnapshots to restore.
+ final File localBackupPath = new File(instanceBasePath, "local-chk-" + checkpointId);
+ final URI backupUri = new URI(instanceCheckpointPath + "/chk-" + checkpointId);
+ if (!localBackupPath.exists()) {
+ if (!localBackupPath.mkdirs()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Could not create local backup path " + localBackupPath);
+ }
+ }
+ long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ BackupableDBOptions backupOptions = new BackupableDBOptions(localBackupPath.getAbsolutePath());
+ // we disabled the WAL
+ backupOptions.setBackupLogFiles(false);
+ // no need to sync since we use the backup only as intermediate data before writing to FileSystem snapshot
+ backupOptions.setSync(false);
+ try (BackupEngine backupEngine =, backupOptions)) {
+ // wait before flush with "true"
+ backupEngine.createNewBackup(db, true);
+ }
+ long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+"RocksDB (" + instanceRocksDBPath + ") backup (synchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms.");
+ // draw a copy in case it get's changed while performing the async snapshot
+ List kvStateInformationCopy = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Tuple2 state: kvStateInformation.values()) {
+ kvStateInformationCopy.add(state.f1);
+ }
+ SemiAsyncSnapshot dummySnapshot = new SemiAsyncSnapshot(localBackupPath,
+ backupUri,
+ kvStateInformationCopy,
+ checkpointId);
+ HashMap> result = new HashMap<>();
+ result.put("dummy_state", dummySnapshot);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs a checkpoint by drawing a {@link org.rocksdb.Snapshot} from RocksDB and then
+ * iterating over all key/value pairs in RocksDB to store them in the final checkpoint
+ * location. The only synchronous part is the drawing of the {@code Snapshot} which
+ * is essentially free.
+ */
+ private HashMap> performFullyAsyncSnapshot(long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception {
+ // we draw a snapshot from RocksDB then iterate over all keys at that point
+ // and store them in the backup location
+ final URI backupUri = new URI(instanceCheckpointPath + "/chk-" + checkpointId);
+ long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ org.rocksdb.Snapshot snapshot = db.getSnapshot();
+ long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+"Fully asynchronous RocksDB (" + instanceRocksDBPath + ") backup (synchronous part) took " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms.");
+ // draw a copy in case it get's changed while performing the async snapshot
+ Map> columnFamiliesCopy = new HashMap<>();
+ columnFamiliesCopy.putAll(kvStateInformation);
+ FullyAsynSnapshot dummySnapshot = new FullyAsynSnapshot(db,
+ snapshot,
+ this,
+ backupUri,
+ columnFamiliesCopy,
+ checkpointId);
+ HashMap> result = new HashMap<>();
+ result.put("dummy_state", dummySnapshot);
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public final void injectKeyValueStateSnapshots(HashMap keyValueStateSnapshots, long recoveryTimestamp) throws Exception {
+ if (keyValueStateSnapshots.size() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ KvStateSnapshot dummyState = keyValueStateSnapshots.get("dummy_state");
+ if (dummyState instanceof FinalSemiAsyncSnapshot) {
+ restoreFromSemiAsyncSnapshot((FinalSemiAsyncSnapshot) dummyState);
+ } else if (dummyState instanceof FinalFullyAsyncSnapshot) {
+ restoreFromFullyAsyncSnapshot((FinalFullyAsyncSnapshot) dummyState);
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown RocksDB snapshot: " + dummyState);
+ }
+ }
+ private void restoreFromSemiAsyncSnapshot(FinalSemiAsyncSnapshot snapshot) throws Exception {
+ // This does mostly the same work as initializeForJob, we remove the existing RocksDB
+ // directory and create a new one from the backup.
+ // This must be refactored. The StateBackend should either be initialized from
+ // scratch or from a snapshot.
+ if (!instanceBasePath.exists()) {
+ if (!instanceBasePath.mkdirs()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Could not create RocksDB data directory.");
+ }
+ }
+ db.dispose();
+ // clean it, this will remove the last part of the path but RocksDB will recreate it
+ try {
+ if (instanceRocksDBPath.exists()) {
+ LOG.warn("Deleting already existing db directory {}.", instanceRocksDBPath);
+ FileUtils.deleteDirectory(instanceRocksDBPath);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error cleaning RocksDB data directory.", e);
+ }
+ final File localBackupPath = new File(instanceBasePath, "chk-" + snapshot.checkpointId);
+ if (localBackupPath.exists()) {
+ try {
+ LOG.warn("Deleting already existing local backup directory {}.", localBackupPath);
+ FileUtils.deleteDirectory(localBackupPath);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error cleaning RocksDB local backup directory.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ HDFSCopyToLocal.copyToLocal(snapshot.backupUri, instanceBasePath);
+ try (BackupEngine backupEngine =, new BackupableDBOptions(localBackupPath.getAbsolutePath()))) {
+ backupEngine.restoreDbFromLatestBackup(instanceRocksDBPath.getAbsolutePath(), instanceRocksDBPath.getAbsolutePath(), new RestoreOptions(true));
+ } catch (RocksDBException|IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error while restoring RocksDB state from " + localBackupPath, e);
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ FileUtils.deleteDirectory(localBackupPath);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LOG.error("Error cleaning up local restore directory " + localBackupPath, e);
+ }
+ }
+ List columnFamilyDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(snapshot.stateDescriptors.size());
+ for (StateDescriptor stateDescriptor: snapshot.stateDescriptors) {
+ columnFamilyDescriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(stateDescriptor.getName().getBytes(), getColumnOptions()));
+ }
+ // RocksDB seems to need this...
+ columnFamilyDescriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("default".getBytes()));
+ List columnFamilyHandles = new ArrayList<>(snapshot.stateDescriptors.size());
+ try {
+ db =, instanceRocksDBPath.getAbsolutePath(), columnFamilyDescriptors, columnFamilyHandles);
+ this.kvStateInformation = new HashMap<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < snapshot.stateDescriptors.size(); i++) {
+ this.kvStateInformation.put(snapshot.stateDescriptors.get(i).getName(), new Tuple2<>(columnFamilyHandles.get(i), snapshot.stateDescriptors.get(i)));
+ }
+ } catch (RocksDBException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Error while opening RocksDB instance.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void restoreFromFullyAsyncSnapshot(FinalFullyAsyncSnapshot snapshot) throws Exception {
+ DataInputView inputView = snapshot.stateHandle.getState(userCodeClassLoader);
+ // clear k/v state information before filling it
+ kvStateInformation.clear();
+ // first get the column family mapping
+ int numColumns = inputView.readInt();
+ Map columnFamilyMapping = new HashMap<>(numColumns);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
+ byte mappingByte = inputView.readByte();
+ ObjectInputStream ooIn = new ObjectInputStream(new DataInputViewStream(inputView));
+ StateDescriptor stateDescriptor = (StateDescriptor) ooIn.readObject();
+ columnFamilyMapping.put(mappingByte, stateDescriptor);
+ // this will fill in the k/v state information
+ getColumnFamily(stateDescriptor);
+ }
+ // try and read until EOF
+ try {
+ // the EOFException will get us out of this...
+ while (true) {
+ byte mappingByte = inputView.readByte();
+ ColumnFamilyHandle handle = getColumnFamily(columnFamilyMapping.get(mappingByte));
+ byte[] key = BytePrimitiveArraySerializer.INSTANCE.deserialize(inputView);
+ byte[] value = BytePrimitiveArraySerializer.INSTANCE.deserialize(inputView);
+ db.put(handle, key, value);
+ }
+ } catch (EOFException e) {
+ // expected
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Semi-asynchronous Backup Classes
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Upon snapshotting the RocksDB backup is created synchronously. The asynchronous part is
+ * copying the backup to a (possibly) remote filesystem. This is done in {@link #materialize()}.
+ */
+ private static class SemiAsyncSnapshot extends AsynchronousKvStateSnapshot