A web application fully integrated with QuickBooks Online to manage ABR's bike repair shop.
A Single Page Application that guides the staff through the entire estimate process for bike repair service.
A web app that prints labels (pdf) via QuickBooks inventory. It uses WeasyPrint for the pdf generation and python-quickbooks for the api.
There's a Dockerfile
which builds all the dependencies and can be deployed to any container host provider.
QuickBooks authentication details need to be provided via environment variables.
A dynamic listing of all active/complete/pending repairs
Supports the management/tracking of vendor orders.
Deploy to Heroku
# push image
heroku container:push -a XXX web
# trigger a release
heroku container:release -a XXX web
Run one-off command in a new dyno:
heroku run -a XXX bash
Capture auth values from production redis server (allows dev instance to piggy back on authenticated session)
heroku redis:cli -a XXX -c XXX
mget access_token refresh_token realm_id
Insert production auth values into dev redis instance
docker-compose exec redis redis-cli mset access_token @@@ refresh_token @@@ realm_id @@@
Init App
# activate virtual env
workon abr
# create initial tables
python manage.py migrate
# create super user
python manage.py createsuperuser
# create default user with permissions
python manage.py init
Dump initial data:
python manage.py dumpdata --indent 2 app.category app.categoryprefix > initial-data.json
Load initial data:
python manage.py loaddata initial-data.json
To test production settings locally:
- add abr-dev.com to
since QBO doesn't allow "localhost" callbacks for the oauth process - supply production environment variables for redis url, qbo client & secret
Define production env vars:
export REDIS_URL=redis://XXX
Run local ssl server:
python manage.py runsslserver abr-dev.com:8080