diff --git a/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm b/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm index 3e297c1064315..da35b4be27083 100644 --- a/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm +++ b/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm @@ -1,75 +1,3 @@ - - -/* -/proc/start_events() - //changed to a while(1) loop since they are more efficient. - //Moved the spawn in here to allow it to be called with advance proc call if it crashes. - //and also to stop spawn copying variables from the game ticker - spawn(3000) - while(1) - if(prob(50))//Every 120 seconds and prob 50 2-4 weak spacedusts will hit the station - spawn(1) - dust_swarm("weak") - if(!event) - //CARN: checks to see if random events are enabled. - if(config.allow_random_events) - if(prob(eventchance)) - event() - hadevent = 1 - else - Holiday_Random_Event() - else - event = 0 - sleep(1200) -*/ -/* -/proc/event() - event = 1 - - var/eventNumbersToPickFrom = list(1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15) //so ninjas don't cause "empty" events. - - if((world.time/10)>=3600 && toggle_space_ninja && !sent_ninja_to_station)//If an hour has passed, relatively speaking. Also, if ninjas are allowed to spawn and if there is not already a ninja for the round. - eventNumbersToPickFrom += 3 - switch(pick(eventNumbersToPickFrom)) - if(1) - priority_announce("Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.", "Meteor Alert", 'sound/AI/meteors.ogg') - spawn(100) - meteor_wave() - spawn_meteors() - spawn(700) - meteor_wave() - spawn_meteors() - - if(3) - if((world.time/10)>=3600 && toggle_space_ninja && !sent_ninja_to_station)//If an hour has passed, relatively speaking. Also, if ninjas are allowed to spawn and if there is not already a ninja for the round. - space_ninja_arrival()//Handled in space_ninja.dm. Doesn't announce arrival, all sneaky-like. - if(4) - mini_blob_event() - - if(5) - high_radiation_event() - if(6) - viral_outbreak() - if(7) - alien_infestation() - if(8) - prison_break() - if(9) - carp_migration() - if(10) - immovablerod() - if(11) - lightsout(1,2) - if(12) - appendicitis() - if(13) - IonStorm() - if(14) - spacevine_infestation() - if(15) - communications_blackout() -*/ - /proc/power_failure() priority_announce("Abnormal activity detected in [station_name()]'s powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.", "Critical Power Failure", 'sound/AI/poweroff.ogg') for(var/obj/machinery/power/smes/S in machines)