UPDATE: This module is not maintained since more than 2 years ago. BTW, as it seems a lot of people is using it, some folks asked me to update it (for Ti SDK 4.0), no fork is improving it and Appcelerator has no intention to expose GCM stuff in its SDK -I cannot be more disappointed-, I'll try to find some time to do it. I quit Titanium development long before I stopped working on this module, since then I'm doing pure native development both iOS and Android (which is something I recommend 100%), so this is somehow is going to be quite backward. Also I'm quite busy... no time to make this a paid module and try to offer some support, so I think the best and fair solution to support the module development is make it donationware. So, here it is:
gcm.js is an open source module for Titanium Android SDK that lets developers receive GCM push notifications in their Android apps. It has a very simple API -almost identical to iOS!- yet flexible and powerful, as it executes Javascript whenever a notification is received, no matter if the app is in foreground or background. More info at: http://iamyellow.net/post/40100981563/gcm-appcelerator-titanium-module
If you want to fork and compile this module, first rename manifest_template file to manifest. Then fill the guid (line #16) with a new module uuid with the uuidgen command as this post explains.
jordi domenech, iamyellow.net
Apache License, Version 2.0