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File metadata and controls

489 lines (366 loc) · 15.1 KB

Download FSCrawler

.. ifconfig:: release.endswith('-SNAPSHOT')

    Depending on your Elasticsearch cluster version, you can download
    FSCrawler |version| using the following links:

    * |Download_URL_V7|_ for Elasticsearch V7.
    * |Download_URL_V6|_ for Elasticsearch V6.

    The filename ends with ``.zip``.

    .. warning::

        This is a **SNAPSHOT** version.
        You can also download a **stable** version from Maven Central:

        * |Maven_Central_V7|_ for Elasticsearch V7.
        * |Maven_Central_V6|_ for Elasticsearch V6.

.. ifconfig:: release == version

    Depending on your Elasticsearch cluster version, you can download
    FSCrawler |version| using the following links:

    * |Download_URL_V7|_ for Elasticsearch V7.
    * |Download_URL_V6|_ for Elasticsearch V6.

    .. tip::

        This is a **stable** version.
        You can choose another version than |version| from Maven Central:

        * |Maven_Central_V7|_ for Elasticsearch V7.
        * |Maven_Central_V6|_ for Elasticsearch V6.

        You can also download a **SNAPSHOT** version from Sonatype:

        * |Sonatype_V7|_ for Elasticsearch V7.
        * |Sonatype_V6|_ for Elasticsearch V6.

The distribution contains:

$ tree
├── bin
│   ├── fscrawler
│   └── fscrawler.bat
├── config
│   └── log4j2.xml
└── lib
    ├── ... All needed jars

Using docker

Pull the Docker image:

docker pull dadoonet/fscrawler


This image is very big (1.2+gb) as it contains Tesseract and all the trained language data. If you don't want to use OCR at all, you can use a smaller image (around 530mb) by pulling instead dadoonet/fscrawler:noocr

docker pull dadoonet/fscrawler:noocr

Let say your documents are located in ~/tmp dir and you want to store your fscrawler jobs in ~/.fscrawler. You can run FSCrawler with:

docker run -it --rm -v ~/.fscrawler:/root/.fscrawler -v ~/tmp:/tmp/es:ro dadoonet/fscrawler fscrawler job_name

On the first run, if the job does not exist yet in ~/.fscrawler, FSCrawler will ask you if you want to create it:

10:16:53,880 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.BootstrapChecks] Memory [Free/Total=Percent]: HEAP [67.3mb/876.5mb=7.69%], RAM [2.1gb/3.8gb=55.43%], Swap [1023.9mb/1023.9mb=100.0%].
10:16:53,899 WARN  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] job [job_name] does not exist
10:16:53,900 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] Do you want to create it (Y/N)?
10:16:56,745 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.c.FsCrawlerCli] Settings have been created in [/root/.fscrawler/job_name/_settings.yaml]. Please review and edit before relaunch


The configuration file is actually stored on your machine in ~/.fscrawler/job_name/_settings.yaml. Remember to change the URL of your elasticsearch instance as the container won't be able to see it running under the default You will need to use the actual IP address of the host.

Using docker compose

In this section, the following directory layout is assumed:

├── config
│   └── job_name
│       └── _settings.yaml
├── data
│   └── <your files>
├── logs
│   └── <fscrawler logs>
└── docker-compose.yml

For example, to connect to a docker container named elasticsearch, modify your _settings.yaml.

name: "job_name"
  - url: "http://elasticsearch:9200"

And, prepare the following docker-compose.yml.

version: '3'
  # Elasticsearch Cluster
    container_name: elasticsearch
      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true
      - discovery.type=single-node
    restart: always
        soft: -1
        hard: -1
      - data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
      - 9200:9200
      - fscrawler_net

  # FSCrawler
    image: dadoonet/fscrawler:$FSCRAWLER_VERSION
    container_name: fscrawler
    restart: always
      - ${PWD}/config:/root/.fscrawler
      - ${PWD}/logs:/usr/share/fscrawler/logs
      - ../../test-documents/src/main/resources/documents/:/tmp/es:ro
      - elasticsearch
    command: fscrawler --rest idx
      - fscrawler_net

    driver: local

    driver: bridge

Then, you can run Elasticsearch.

docker-compose up -d elasticsearch elasticsearch2
docker-compose logs -f elasticsearch

Wait for elasticsearch to be started:

After starting Elasticsearch, you can run FSCrawler.

docker-compose up fscrawler

Running as a Service on Windows

Create a fscrawlerRunner.bat as:

set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk15.0.1
set FS_JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2g -Xms2g
/Elastic/fscrawler/bin/fscrawler.bat --config_dir /Elastic/fscrawler data >> /Elastic/logs/fscrawler.log 2>&1

Then use fscrawlerRunner.bat to create your windows service.

Upgrade FSCrawler

It can happen that you need to upgrade a mapping or reindex an entire index before starting fscrawler after a version upgrade. Read carefully the following update instructions.

To update fscrawler, just download the new version, unzip it in another directory and launch it as usual. It will still pick up settings from the configuration directory. Of course, you need to stop first the existing running instances.

Upgrade to 2.2

  • fscrawler comes with new default mappings for files. They have better defaults as they consume less disk space and CPU at index time. You should remove existing files in ~/.fscrawler/_default/_mappings before starting the new version so default mappings will be updated. If you modified manually mapping files, apply the modification you made on sample files.
  • excludes is now set by default for new jobs to ["~*"]. In previous versions, any file or directory containing a ~ was excluded. Which means that if in your jobs, you are defining any exclusion rule, you need to add *~* if you want to get back the exact previous behavior.
  • If you were indexing json or xml documents with the filename_as_id option set, we were previously removing the suffix of the file name, like indexing 1.json was indexed as 1. With this new version, we don’t remove anymore the suffix. So the _id for your document will be now 1.json.

Upgrade to 2.3

  • fscrawler comes with new mapping for folders. The change is really tiny so you can skip this step if you wish. We basically removed name field in the folder mapping as it was unused.
  • The way FSCrawler computes now path.virtual for docs has changed. It now includes the filename. Instead of /path/to you will now get /path/to/file.txt.
  • The way FSCrawler computes now virtual for folders is now consistent with what you can see for folders.
  • path.encoded in documents and encoded in folders have been removed as not needed by FSCrawler after all.
  • :ref:`ocr_integration` is now properly activated for PDF documents. This can be time, cpu and memory consuming though. You can disable explicitly it by setting fs.pdf_ocr to false.
  • All dates are now indexed in elasticsearch in UTC instead of without any time zone. For example, we were indexing previously a date like 2017-05-19T13:24:47.000. Which was producing bad results when you were located in a time zone other than UTC. It’s now indexed as 2017-05-19T13:24:47.000+0000.
  • In order to be compatible with the coming 6.0 elasticsearch version, we need to get rid of types as only one type per index is still supported. Which means that we now create index named job_name and job_name_folder instead of one index job_name with two types doc and folder. If you are upgrading from FSCrawler 2.2, it requires that you reindex your existing data either by deleting the old index and running again FSCrawler or by using the reindex API as follows:
# Create folder index job_name_folder based on existing folder data
POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "job_name",
    "type": "folder"
  "dest": {
    "index": "job_name_folder"
# Remove old folder data from job_name index
POST job_name/folder/_delete_by_query
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}

Note that you will need first to create the right settings and mappings so you can then run the reindex job. You can do that by launching bin/fscrawler job_name --loop 0.

Better, you can run bin/fscrawler job_name --upgrade and let FSCrawler do all that for you. Note that this can take a loooong time.

Also please be aware that some APIs used by the upgrade action are only available from elasticsearch 2.3 (reindex) or elasticsearch 5.0 (delete by query). If you are running an older version than 5.0 you need first to upgrade elasticsearch.

This procedure only applies if you did not set previously elasticsearch.type setting (default value was doc). If you did, then you also need to reindex the existing documents to the default _doc type as per elasticsearch 6.x (or doc for 5.x series):

# Copy old type doc to the default doc type
POST _reindex
  "source": {
    "index": "job_name",
    "type": "your_type_here"
  "dest": {
    "index": "job_name",
    "type": "_doc"
# Remove old type data from job_name index
POST job_name/your_type_here/_delete_by_query
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}

But note that this last step can take a very loooong time and will generate a lot of IO on your disk. It might be easier in such case to restart fscrawler from scratch.

  • As seen in the previous point, we now have 2 indices instead of a single one. Which means that elasticsearch.index setting has been split to elasticsearch.index and elasticsearch.index_folder. By default, it’s set to the crawler name and the crawler name plus _folder. Note that the upgrade feature performs that change for you.
  • fscrawler has removed now mapping files doc.json and folder.json. Mapping for doc is merged within _settings.json file and folder mapping is now part of _settings_folder.json. Which means you can remove old files to avoid confusion. You can simply remove existing files in ~/.fscrawler/_default before starting the new version so default files will be created again.

Upgrade to 2.4

  • No specific step needed. Just note that mapping changed as we support more metadata. Might be useful to run similar steps as for 2.2 upgrade.

Upgrade to 2.5

  • A bug was causing a lot of data going over the wire each time FSCrawler was running. To fix this issue, we changed the default mapping and we set store: true on field file.filename. If this field is not stored and remove_deleted is true (default), FSCrawler will fail while crawling your documents. You need to create the new mapping accordingly and reindex your existing data either by deleting the old index and running again FSCrawler or by using the reindex API as follows:

    # Backup old index data
    POST _reindex
      "source": {
        "index": "job_name"
      "dest": {
        "index": "job_name_backup"
    # Remove job_name index
    DELETE job_name

    Restart FSCrawler with the following command. It will just create the right mapping again.

    $ bin/fscrawler job_name --loop 0

    Then restore old data:

    POST _reindex
      "source": {
        "index": "job_name_backup"
      "dest": {
        "index": "job_name"
    # Remove backup index
    DELETE job_name_backup

    The default mapping changed for FSCrawler for meta.raw.* fields. Might be better to reindex your data.

  • The excludes parameter is also used for directory names. But this new implementation also brings a breaking change if you were using excludes previously. In the previous implementation, the regular expression was only applied to the filename. It's now applied to the full virtual path name.

    For example if you have a /tmp dir as follows:

    └── folder
        ├── foo.txt
        └── bar.txt

    Previously excluding foo.txt was excluding the virtual file /folder/foo.txt. If you still want to exclude any file named foo.txt whatever its directory you now need to specify */foo.txt:

      "name" : "test",
      "fs": {
        "excludes": [

    For more information, read :ref:`includes_excludes`.

  • For new indices, FSCrawler now uses _doc as the default type name for clusters running elasticsearch 6.x or superior.

Upgrade to 2.6

  • FSCrawler comes now with multiple distributions, depending on the elasticsearch cluster you're targeting to run.
  • elasticsearch.nodes settings using host, port or scheme have been replaced by an easier notation using url setting like You will need to modify your existing settings and use the new notation if warned.

Upgrade to 2.7

  • FSCrawler comes now with an elasticsearch 7.x implementation.
  • FSCrawler supports Workplace Search 7.x.
  • FSCrawler also supports YAML format for jobs (default).
  • The elasticsearch 6.x implementation does not support elasticsearch versions prior to 6.7. If you are using an older version, it's better to upgrade or you need to "hack" the distribution and replace all elasticsearch/lucene jars to the 6.6 version.
  • FSCrawler does not follow symbolic links anymore. You need to set explicitly fs.follow_symlink to true if you wish revert to the previous behavior.
  • The mapping for elasticsearch 6.x can not contain anymore the type name.
  • We removed the Elasticsearch V5 compatibility as it's not maintained anymore by elastic.
  • You need to use a recent JVM to run FSCrawler (Java 15+ recommended)