This is a CPU-only, unidirectional path tracing engine written in Go. It has lots of features and a simple API.
- Supports OBJ and STL
- Supports textures, bump maps and normal maps
- Supports raymarching of signed distance fields
- Supports volume rendering from image slices
- Supports various material properties
- Supports configurable depth of field
- Supports iterative rendering
- Uses k-d trees to accelerate ray intersection tests
- Uses all CPU cores in parallel
- 100% pure Go with no dependencies besides the standard library
go get -u
The are lots of examples to learn from! To try them, just run, e.g.
cd go/src/
go run examples/gopher.go
You can optionally utilize Intel's Embree ray tracing kernels to accelerate triangle mesh intersections. First, install embree on your system: Then get the go-embree
wrapper and checkout the embree
branch of pt
git checkout embree
go get -u
The following code demonstrates the basics of the API.
package main
import . ""
func main() {
// create a scene
scene := Scene{}
// create a material
material := DiffuseMaterial(White)
// add the floor (a plane)
plane := NewPlane(V(0, 0, 0), V(0, 0, 1), material)
// add the ball (a sphere)
sphere := NewSphere(V(0, 0, 1), 1, material)
// add a spherical light source
light := NewSphere(V(0, 0, 5), 1, LightMaterial(White, 8))
// position the camera
camera := LookAt(V(3, 3, 3), V(0, 0, 0.5), V(0, 0, 1), 50)
// render the scene with progressive refinement
sampler := NewSampler(4, 4)
IterativeRender("out%03d.png", 1000, &scene, &camera, sampler, 960, 540, -1)
Here are some resources that I have found useful.
- WebGL Path Tracing - Evan Wallace
- Global Illumination in a Nutshell
- Simple Path Tracing - Iñigo Quilez
- Realistic Raytracing - Zack Waters
- Reflections and Refractions in Ray Tracing - Bram de Greve
- Better Sampling - Rory Driscoll
- Ray Tracing for Global Illumination - Nelson Max at UC Davis
- Physically Based Rendering - Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys