Wrapper for bluez gatttool using pexpect to achive DFU uploads to the nrf51822.
The script does not handle any notifications given by the peer as it is strictly not needed for simple uploads.
- Linux raspian - kernel 3.12.22 or later
- bluez - 5.4 or later
See https://learn.adafruit.com/pibeacon-ibeacon-with-a-raspberry-pi/setting-up-the-pi for details on building bluez.
Prerequisite -
sudo pip install pexpect
sudo pip install intelhex
Usage -
sudo ./dfu.py -f <hex_file> -d <dat_file> -a <ble-address> or
sudo ./dfu.py -z <zip_file> -a <ble-address>
Example -
> sudo ./dfu.py -f ~/application.hex -d ~/application.dat -a EF:FF:D2:92:9C:2A
> sudo ./dfu.py -z ~/application.zip -a EF:FF:D2:92:9C:2A
To figure out the address of DfuTarg do a 'hcitool lescan' -
$ sudo hcitool -i hci0 lescan
LE Scan ...
CD:E3:4A:47:1C:E4 DfuTarg
CD:E3:4A:47:1C:E4 (unknown)