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Materialize Blog

A new blog management system designed according to Google Material Design.

Back-end base on Laravel 5.3, a PHP application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.

Front-end built with Vue, a Progressive JavaScript Framework bring data binding to js.

Demo at Forehalo' blog.


  • Single page
  • Create with markdown (Javascript parser: marked, PHP parser: parsedown)
  • Code highlight (Prism)
  • Self host comments
  • Easy localization



The php package manager composer is required for installing.

composer create-project forehalo/materialize-blog blog

It will automatically install laravel and other dependencies for you.

Or you can install from this git repository manually

git clone blog
cd blog && composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate

Configure accessibility

chmod 777 -R storage/
chmod 777 -R bootstrap/cache/

to ensure these two folder are writable.

Configure your .env file at the root directory to ensure that you have put right configurations used to connect database.

Next step, migrate tables and seed fakers

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

The db:seed command will seed all tables. If you just want to pre-generate an admin account, run with option --class=AdminTableSeeder

Now you can login dashboard at /dashboard with name admin or email [email protected], password admin.


Maybe you want to store all images to local, it gives you an simple way.

Create an symbolic link public/storage target storage/app/publicfolder.

ln -s /path/to/storage/app/public/ public/storage

So now, you can upload images and get it with url All images stored in storage/app/public/images folder.


Materialize-blog also provide a way to publish pages. What you need to do is just writing a markdown file and store it under storage/pages folder. Then, you can access it by url{name}, name is the markdown file name without extension .md. There is an existent page named about. Try it out.


All front-end assets has been compiled so you could directly use them without compiling manually.

But if you don't like the default theme, hm... OK, install front-end environment and DIY.

yarn install    // or "npm install"

yarn is another package manager like npm, read more.

Resources are putted in /resources folder.

│  ├─fonts
│  │  └─material-design-icons        ------ icon files
│  ├─js                              ------ js workspace
│  │  ├─blog                           ------ user entery
│  │  │  ├─archives
│  │  │  ├─navigations
│  │  │  ├─pages
│  │  │  └─posts
│  │  ├─components                     ------ global components
│  │  └─dashboard                      ------ dashboard entery
│  │      ├─posts
│  │      └─settings
│  └─sass                            ------ sass workspace
│      ├─blog
│      └─dashboard
├─lang                               ------ language dictionary
│  ├─en
│  └─zh-CN

Style & Script

run the following command after install all dependencies. This will watch all assets files, and auto-compile when change saved.

Before working, ensure you know well about Vue and Sass.

yarn run dev


You can esaily add another language support by adding a subfolder in resources/lang. Every file returns a php array. Copy and translate all the files.

Dictionary used by Vue should be putted in resources/lang/your_lang/app.php

Modify the locale item value to your default language folder name in config/app.php. Done!

Then, use trans() global helper function in PHP, and this.$trans() in Vue components.



Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Forehalo