A robot that asks a list of questions from a file in a synthesized voice, listens to your answers through a microphone, and finally evaluates your answers.
- Reading questions
- Collecting User's answers
- Merging answers to single Text
- Collecting automatic answers for each question by the Text
- Paraphrase comparing between each user's and automatic answer
- If user answered well, speaking the greeting message. Else leave-taking
git clone https://github.com/format37/examiner
cd examiner
conda create -n bert python=3.7 ipython
conda activate bert
conda install -c anaconda pyaudio
- Connect any microphone or web camera
python examiner.py
- Input index of selected microphone
- Listen the voice of examiner and answer
Robot can generate phrase, based on last two conversation phrases. New phrase will be generated by GPT dialog server.
To install GPT server, follow the instructions: https://github.com/format37/DialoGPT
To use GPT feature, run:
python examiner.py gpt