Source code can be found here
This is setup templates for deploying amundsen on k8s (kubernetes), using helm.
- Make sure you have the following command line clients setup:
- k8s (kubectl)
- helm
- Build out a cloud based k8s cluster, such as Amazon EKS
- Ensure you can connect to your cluster with cli tools in step 1.
- Helm 2.14+
- Kubernetes 1.14+
Note we updated from elasticsearch 6 to elasticsearch 7
Repository | Name | Version |
---|---|---| | elasticsearch | 7.13.4 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
LONG_RANDOM_STRING | int | 1234 |
A long random string. You should probably provide your own. This is needed for OIDC. |
affinity | object | {} |
amundsen application wide configuration of affinity. This applies to search, metadata, frontend and neo4j. Elasticsearch has it's own configuation properties for this. ref |
clusterDomain | string | "cluster.local" |
dnsZone | string | "" |
DEPRECATED - its not standard to pre construct urls this way. The dns zone (e.g. the app is running in. Used to construct dns hostnames (on aws only). |
dockerhubImagePath | string | "amundsendev" |
DEPRECATED - this is not useful, it would be better to just allow the whole image to be swapped instead. The image path for dockerhub. |
elasticsearch.enabled | bool | true |
set this to false, if you want to provide your own ES instance. |
elasticsearch.esJavaOpts | string | "-Xmx8g -Xms8g" |
set init memory size (Xms) and maximum memory size (Xmx) for the es jvm. |
elasticsearch.fullnameOverride | string | "amundsen-elasticsearch-master" |
this is the service name of the amundsen elasticsearch master. Change it if you want to give a new name for the elasticsearch service |
elasticsearch.image | string | "elasticsearch" |
elasticsearch docker image name |
elasticsearch.resources | object | {"limits":{"memory":"15Gi"},"requests":{"memory":"10Gi"}} |
set the pod resources |
elasticsearch.sysctlInitContainer | object | {"enabled":false} |
If this set to true, the es pod will require some admin privilege, which is not allowed in most case. So set it to false |
environment | string | "dev" |
DEPRECATED - its not standard to pre construct urls this way. The environment the app is running in. Used to construct dns hostnames (on aws only) and ports. |
flaskApp.class | string | "" |
The class name within the flaskApp.module |
flaskApp.module | string | "" |
Any custom flask module you may need to implement as a wrapper |
frontEnd.ALL_UNEDITABLE_SCHEMAS | string | nil |
Environment variable for allowing/disallowing editing schemas via the UI. All schemas are allowed to be edited by default. Set to 'true' to disallow. See for more |
frontEnd.affinity | object | {} |
Frontend pod specific affinity. |
frontEnd.annotations | object | {} |
Frontend service specific tolerations. |
frontEnd.baseUrl | string | "http://localhost" |
used by notifications util to provide links to amundsen pages in emails. |
frontEnd.config.class | string | nil |
Optional Config class. |
frontEnd.envVars | object | {} |
frontEnd.image | string | "amundsendev/amundsen-frontend" |
The image of the frontend container. |
frontEnd.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Optional pod imagePullSecrets ref |
frontEnd.imageTag | string | "latest" |
The image tag of the frontend container. |
frontEnd.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Frontend pod specific nodeSelector. |
frontEnd.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Frontend pod specific annotations. |
frontEnd.replicas | int | 1 |
How many replicas of the frontend service to run. |
frontEnd.resources | object | {} |
See pod resourcing ref |
frontEnd.serviceName | string | "frontend" |
The frontend service name. |
frontEnd.servicePort | int | 80 |
The port the frontend service will be exposed on via the loadbalancer. |
frontEnd.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
The frontend service type. See service types ref |
frontEnd.tolerations | list | [] |
Frontend pod specific tolerations. |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
ingress.enabled | bool | true |
set this to true, if you want a ingress that expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to your amundsen services. Don't use this if you are in a public cloud such as AWS, GCP |
ingress.hosts[0].host | string | "" |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] | string | "/" |
ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] | string | "" |
metadata.affinity | object | {} |
Metadata pod specific affinity. |
metadata.annotations | object | {} |
Metadata service specific tolerations. |
metadata.envVars | object | {} |
metadata.image | string | "amundsendev/amundsen-metadata" |
The image of the metadata container. |
metadata.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Optional pod imagePullSecrets ref |
metadata.imageTag | string | "latest" |
The image tag of the metadata container. |
metadata.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Metadata pod specific nodeSelector. |
metadata.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Metadata pod specific annotations. | | string | nil |
host name / URI of your proxy |
metadata.proxy.password | string | nil |
Credentials - Password of the proxy |
metadata.proxy.port | string | nil |
Port on which the proxy is running |
metadata.proxy.user | string | nil |
Credentials - Username of the proxy |
metadata.replicas | int | 1 |
How many replicas of the metadata service to run. |
metadata.resources | object | {} |
See pod resourcing ref |
metadata.serviceName | string | "metadata" |
The metadata service name. |
metadata.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
The metadata service type. See service types ref |
metadata.tolerations | list | [] |
Metadata pod specific tolerations. |
neo4j.affinity | object | {} |
neo4j specific affinity. |
neo4j.annotations | object | {} |
neo4j service specific tolerations. |
neo4j.backup | object | {"enabled":false,"podAnnotations":{},"s3Path":"s3://dev/null","schedule":"0 * * * *"} |
If enabled is set to true, make sure and set the s3 path as well. |
neo4j.backup.s3Path | string | "s3://dev/null" |
The s3path to write to for backups. |
neo4j.backup.schedule | string | "0 * * * *" |
The schedule to run backups on. Defaults to hourly. |
neo4j.config | object | {"dbms":{"heap_initial_size":"1G","heap_max_size":"2G","pagecache_size":"2G"}} |
Neo4j application specific configuration. This type of configuration is why the charts/stable version is not used. See ref |
neo4j.config.dbms | object | {"heap_initial_size":"1G","heap_max_size":"2G","pagecache_size":"2G"} |
dbms config for neo4j |
neo4j.config.dbms.heap_initial_size | string | "1G" |
the initial java heap for neo4j |
neo4j.config.dbms.heap_max_size | string | "2G" |
the max java heap for neo4j |
neo4j.config.dbms.pagecache_size | string | "2G" |
the page cache size for neo4j |
neo4j.enabled | bool | true |
If neo4j is enabled as part of this chart, or not. Set this to false if you want to provide your own version. |
neo4j.image | string | "neo4j" |
The image of the neo4j container. |
neo4j.imageTag | string | "3.3.0" |
The image tag of the neo4j container. |
neo4j.initPluginsContainer.image | string | "appropriate/curl" |
The image of the init neo4j plugins container. |
neo4j.initPluginsContainer.imageTag | string | "latest" |
The image tag of the init neo4j plugins container. |
neo4j.initPluginsContainer.command | list | See values.yaml | The command to execute in the init neo4j plugins container. |
neo4j.nodeSelector | object | {} |
neo4j specific nodeSelector. |
neo4j.persistence | object | {} |
Neo4j persistence. Turn this on to keep your data between pod crashes, etc. This is also needed for backups. |
neo4j.podAnnotations | object | {} |
neo4j pod specific annotations. |
neo4j.resources | object | {} |
See pod resourcing ref |
neo4j.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
The neo4j service type. See service types ref |
neo4j.tolerations | list | [] |
neo4j specific tolerations. |
neo4j.version | string | "3.3.0" |
DEPRECATED - Now using the neo4j.imageTag The neo4j application version used by amundsen. |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
amundsen application wide configuration of nodeSelector. This applies to search, metadata, frontend and neo4j. Elasticsearch has it's own configuation properties for this. ref |
oidc.configs.FLASK_OIDC_CONFIG_URL | string | "" |
oidc.configs.FLASK_OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME | string | "google" |
oidc.configs.FLASK_OIDC_REDIRECT_URI | string | "/auth" |
oidc.configs.FLASK_OIDC_SCOPES | string | "openid email profile" |
oidc.configs.FLASK_OIDC_USER_ID_FIELD | string | "email" |
oidc.configs.FLASK_OIDC_WHITELISTED_ENDPOINTS | string | "status,healthcheck,health" |
oidc.enabled | bool | false |
flag to enable/disable the OIDC. Once enabled, - everything under oidc.configs will be parsed - flaskApp.module will be set as 'flaskoidc' - flaskApp.class will be set as 'FlaskOIDC' |
oidc.frontend.client_id | string | "" |
oidc.frontend.client_secret | string | "" |
oidc.metadata.client_id | string | "" |
oidc.metadata.client_secret | string | "" |
| | string | "" |
| | string | "" |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
amundsen application wide configuration of podAnnotations. This applies to search, metadata, frontend and neo4j. Elasticsearch has it's own configuation properties for this. ref |
provider | string | "aws" |
The cloud provider the app is running in. Used to construct dns hostnames (on aws only). |
search.affinity | object | {} |
Search pod specific affinity. |
search.annotations | object | {} |
Search service specific tolerations. |
search.envVars | object | {} |
search.image | string | "amundsendev/amundsen-search" |
The image of the search container. |
search.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Optional pod imagePullSecrets ref |
search.imageTag | string | "latest" |
The image tag of the search container. |
search.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Search pod specific nodeSelector. |
search.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Search pod specific annotations. |
search.proxy.endpoint | string | nil |
Endpoint of the search proxy (i.e., ES endpoint etc.) You should only need to change this, if you don't use the version in this chart. elasticsearch-master.user-pengfei.svc.cluster.local |
search.proxy.password | string | nil |
search.proxy.user | string | nil |
search.replicas | int | 1 |
How many replicas of the search service to run. |
search.resources | object | {} |
See pod resourcing ref |
search.serviceName | string | "search" |
The search service name. |
search.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
The search service type. See service types ref |
search.tolerations | list | [] |
Search pod specific tolerations. |
tolerations | list | [] |
amundsen application wide configuration of tolerations. This applies to search, metadata, frontend and neo4j. Elasticsearch has it's own configuation properties for this. ref |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.5.0
If you want to deploy Amundsen on a K8s cluster on premise. You can activate the ingress module. Do not active ingress if you are using a public cloud such as AWS, GCP, etc.
enabled: true
annotations: {}
- host:
paths: [/]
- hosts:
You may want to override the default memory usage for Neo4J. In particular, if you're just test-driving a deployment and your node exits with status 137, you should set the usage to smaller values:
heap_initial_size: 1G
heap_max_size: 2G
pagecache_size: 2G
With this values file, you can then install Amundsen using Helm 2 with:
helm install ./templates/helm --values impl/helm/dev/values.yaml
For Helm 3 it's now mandatory to specify a chart reference name e.g. my-amundsen
helm install my-amundsen ./templates/helm --values impl/helm/dev/values.yaml
- For aws setup, you will also need to setup the external-dns plugin
- There is an existing helm chart for neo4j, but, it is missing some features necessary to for use such as:
- [stable/neo4j] make neo4j service definition more extensible; without this, it is not possible to setup external load balancers, external-dns, etc
- [stable/neo4j] allow custom configuration of neo4j; without this, custom configuration is not possible which includes setting configmap based settings, which also includes turning on apoc.