This document explains how to use the HIP CMAKE testing environment.
Usage :
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../src
$ make
$ make test
The tests/src/runtimeApi/memory/hipMemtest.cpp file contains a simple unit test and is a good starting point for other tests.
Copy this to a new test name and modify tests/src/CMakefiles.txt to add the test to the build environment.
Recent versions of the test infrastructure use a hierarchy of folders. Each folder contains src and CMakefiles.txt file. See the CMakefiles.txt files for description of the intended purpose for each sub-directory.
// Example:
# Build the test executable:
build_hip_executable (hipMemset hipMemset.cpp)
# This runs the tests with the specified command-line testing.
# Multiple make_test may be specified.
make_test(hipMemset " ")
It is recommended to place the build and run steps adjacent in the CMakefiles.txt.
# Run one test on the commandline (obtain commandline parms from CMakefiles.tst)
# Run all the memory tests:
ctest -R Memcpy
Extract the commandline from the testing log:
(From the test build directory, perhaps hip/tests/build) $ grep -A3 -m2 hipMemcpy-size Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log 36/47 Testing: hipMemcpy-size 36/47 Test: hipMemcpy-size Command: "/home/bensander/git/compute/external/hip/hip/tests/b6.hcc-LC.debug/runtimeApi/memory/hipMemcpy" "--tests" "0x6" Directory: /home/bensander/git/compute/external/hip/hip/tests/b6.hcc-LC.debug/runtimeApi/memory