A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.
Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
Roadmap to becoming an iOS developer in 2018.
Convenient & secure logging during development & release in Swift 4 & 5
📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift.
™️ A powerful paging view controller with interactive indicator bars
Examples of commonly used data structures and algorithms in Swift.
Sample Code of the App Architecture Book
💎 The Principles of OOD (SOLID) based on Uncle Bob articles.
Quickly try out any Swift pod or framework in a playground
Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
A list of Awesome Server Side Swift 3 projects
FileExplorer is a powerful iOS file browser that allows its users to choose and remove files and/or directories
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements VIPER architecture in iOS using libraries and frameworks like Alamofire, AlamofireImage, PKHUD, CoreData etc.
Swift Material Design UIButton
An extensible monitoring framework written in Swift
Swift 4.2 port of the sample code for Bob McCune's Learning AV Foundation book.