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File metadata and controls

134 lines (112 loc) · 6.23 KB

How to develop a logical plug-in

(1)Design a plug-in entry

First, you need to create a new plug-in entry code file, this file has several functions must be implemented, so that the framework to plug-in load.

#include "BaseCommand.h"    
#include "IObject.h"  
#include "ace/svc_export.h"
static const char* g_szDesc      = "Tcp desc";       //Module description text  
static const char* g_szName      = "TCP test";       //Name of the module  
static const char* g_szModuleKey = "BaseTCP";        //Module's key  

In the beginning, you must declare your plug-in g_szModuleKey,g_szName and g_szDesc。
g_szmodulekey is the key of the plug - in, which is used between plug-ins or for frame loading.
g_szName is the name information of the plug-in.
g_szDesc is the plug-in description information.

extern "C"
    DECLDIR int LoadModuleData(CServerObject* pServerObject);
    DECLDIR int UnLoadModuleData();
    DECLDIR const char* GetDesc();
    DECLDIR const char* GetName();
    DECLDIR const char* GetModuleKey();
    DECLDIR int DoModuleMessage(uint16 u2CommandID, IBuffPacket* pBuffPacket, IBuffPacket* pReturnBuffPacket);
    DECLDIR bool GetModuleState(uint32& u4ErrorID);

here is the need to add your own implementation of the code in a timely manner.
loadmoduledata() this method is called by the framework when the plug-in is first loaded or reloaded. The initialization of the plug-in is realized.
here, you need to register the plug-in signaling, registration instructions for
pmessagemanager->addclientcommand(command_base, g_basecommand, g_szname);
command_base is the signaling id you need to process.
g_basecommand is a class function that corresponds to command _ base processing.
here, note that if desired, a g_basecommand class is a process that enables multiple signaling.
when you receive data, you need to deal with it separately in domessage ( ).
unloadmoduledata() when the plug-in uninstall, will call this interface, realize the plug-in uninstall.
InitModule() This event is designed to connect to a third-party interface, initialization needs to do, here is the plug-in after the completion of the load, need to complete the third-party server connection and validation, add code here.
domodulemessage() this provides an interface for calls between plug - ins.
if your plug-in supports other plug-ins to access your portal, add your code here.
u2command id is the command id passed in by other plug - ins, and you can determine your plug-in behavior based on this id.
pbuffpacket is another plug-in call your parameter entry, you can according to your needs to parse the ibuffpacket object ( see example code ).
return buffer is the result of you need to return to other plug - ins, you can organize your ibuffpacket object data format.
getmodulestate() this function is the frame timing call interface, used to check the plug-in running status, you can return to your plug-in status here.
U4 error id is the state you want to return, if it is 0, the framework is considered normal, is other values, the framework will record the current plug - in.

(2)Design a command

You first need to design a command class that inherits the framework 's command class example:

class CBaseCommand : public CClientCommand

    int DoMessage(IMessage* pMessage, bool& bDeleteFlag);
    void SetServerObject(CServerObject* pServerObject);

    void ReadIniFile(const char* pIniFileName);

    int Do_Connect(IMessage* pMessage);
    int Do_DisConnect(IMessage* pMessage);
    int Do_ClientSendTimeout(IMessage* pMessage);
    int Do_Base(IMessage* pMessage);
    int Do_ClientSendOk(IMessage* pMessage);

    CServerObject* m_pServerObject;
    int            m_nCount;

Here, you need to implement the content of the Domessage(), when the framework receives the specified message, will call here to implement the processing of the message.

int CBaseCommand::DoMessage(IMessage* pMessage, bool& bDeleteFlag)

    DO_TRACE("./", pMessage->GetMessageBase()->m_szTraceID);

    if(m_pServerObject == NULL)
        OUR_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "[CBaseCommand::DoMessage] m_pServerObject is NULL(%d).\n", bDeleteFlag));
        return -1;

    if(pMessage == NULL)
        OUR_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "[CBaseCommand::DoMessage] pMessage is NULL.\n"));
        return -1;

    //dispose message
    MESSAGE_FUNCTION(COMMAND_BASE,            Do_Base,              pMessage);

    return 0;


here, message_function() implements a command mapping for registration.
you just implement the do_base() function.
here, m_pserverobject is a collection of pointers to frame objects. here you can use the framework of a series of instructions. they include:

    IMessageManager*       m_pIMessageManager;      //message registration deregistration
    ILogManager*           m_pLogManager;           //Log records
    IConnectManager*       m_pConnectManager;       //Client connection for data transmission 
    IPacketManager*        m_pPacketManager;        //IBuffPacket manager (object pool)  
    IClientManager*        m_pClientManager;        //Inter - server call
    IUDPConnectManager*    m_pUDPConnectManager;    //UDP manager,Can be used to send UDP data
    ActiveTimer*           m_pTimerManager;         //Timer
    IModuleMessageManager* m_pModuleMessageManager; //Provides an inter-module call method 
    IControlListen*        m_pContorlListen;        //Allows the framework to open and close the specified listening TCP port
    IModuleInfo*           m_pIModuleInfo;          //Gets the module information loaded by the current frame
    IServerManager*        m_pIServerManager;       //Control frame start and close
    IMessageBlockManager*  m_pMessageBlockManager;  //MessageBlock manager(object pool)
    IFrameCommand*         m_pFrameCommand;         //Support control framework commands, specific reference (here)[]

For specific usage, refer to the corresponding example instance.