A deep neural network for face alignment
PyTorch implementation of Soft-Argmax in 1D/2D/3D
CVPR 2022 论文和开源项目合集
hiddenJuliet / pythondocument
Forked from ictar/python-doctranslate python documents to Chinese for convenient reference 简而言之,这里用来存放那些Python文档君们,并且尽力将其翻译成中文~~
yeayee / LaTeX_OCR_PRO
Forked from LinXueyuanStdio/LaTeX_OCR_PRO数学公式识别,增强:中文公式、手写公式
ydwen / caffe-face
Forked from BVLC/caffeThis branch is developed for deep face recognition
freelandy / hands-detection
Forked from loicmarie/hands-detectionHands video tracker using the Tensorflow Object Detection API and Faster RCNN model. The data used is the Hand Dataset from University of Oxford. Core
freelandy / mtcnn-1
Forked from Cv9527/mtcnn-2基于caffe的mtcnn训练实现,可以训练一个自己的有效的目标检测算法,非常容易非常简单,并且有配套的纯c++版本的mtcnn-light
freelandy / face_align
Forked from apprisi/face_alignThis is the open source of Hangzhou QIantu Technology which implement a real-time face alignment
freelandy / LCNN_TRAIN
Forked from Tonyfy/LCNN_TRAINtrain model of "A Lightened CNN for Deep Face Representation" 人脸识别
freelandy / DlibFaceLandmarkDetectorWithLive2DSample
Forked from utibenkei/DlibFaceLandmarkDetectorWithLive2DSampleDlibFaceLandmarkDetector with Live2D Sample
freelandy / face-alignment
Forked from jwyang/face-alignmentFace alignment in 3000 FPS
freelandy / JDA
Forked from luoyetx/JDAC++ implementation of Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment.
freelandy / Joint-Cascade-Face-Detection-and-Alignment
Forked from kensun0/Joint-Cascade-Face-Detection-and-AlignmentECCV 2014 "Joint cascade face detection and alignment"
freelandy / SDM
Forked from Ning-Ding/SDMSupervised Descent Method for Face Alignment using Python
Code for ICCV 2015 paper "Context-aware CNNs for person head detection"
A curated list of deep learning resources for computer vision
freelandy / matconvnet-fcn
Forked from vlfeat/matconvnet-fcnA MatConvNet-based implementation of the Fully-Convolutional Networks for image segmentation
freelandy / Joint-Bayesian
Forked from cyh24/Joint-BayesianFace verify using Joint Bayesian, implemented by Python
Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment
freelandy / FaceAlignment
Forked from sai-bi/FaceAlignmentFace Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression
freelandy / GreenDroid
Forked from cyrilmottier/GreenDroidGreenDroid is a development library for the Android platform. It makes UI developments easier and consistent through your applications.
freelandy / GreenDroidLight
Forked from foxykeep/GreenDroidLightLight version of GreenDroid to make compatible with Honeycomb and higher
Implementation of CVPR:[Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local Binary Features]
freelandy / facenet_pytorch
Forked from liorshk/facenet_pytorchPyTorch implementation of the paper "FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering"
Fast and robust face detection and tracking